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Phoenix Storm - Ex cineribus resurgam

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16:06 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Toys back in pram now ladies

He's posted crap on this thread all morning, if he kept it to simply asking for a subs or some assistance than speculating crap, then there wouldn't be any issue. Also 'remember can always train a monkey to do your job', shame you cant train idiots.

Their player made some negative comments about one of our players, I will defend EVERYONE on this team. I were invited to reply.
Posts: 7,974
16:06 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
richie its way to serious
but he cracks me up

Posted Image

sorry ash
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Deleted User
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16:08 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 3 & 4
Deadline: 09/03/2014

Phoenix Storm (33) vs (42) T.F.S.

(swp) davybaumers vs diamond_v2
tombo1 (5) vs (10) _armsrace_
precision (13) vs (2) _huts24_
ooo_u_tap_2 (2) vs (13) tinie
(s) bigcjl2 (6) vs (9) scooby
poolh8r vs ritcho
shadwell17 (7) vs (8) i_am_cursed
thanatos vs joe_calzaghe (s)

Phoenix Storm (56) vs (34) Pocket Dynamos

bigcjl2 (10) vs (5) fastboysam
friendyboy (11) vs (4) punkpoet
shadwell17 (5) vs (10) silenthill
chapster_7 (10) vs (5) walktall (swp)
(s) tombo1 (9) vs (6) jasonb (swp)
(s) precision vs askingfan
(s) davybaumers vs cue_control_
(s) skiller10 (11) vs (4) marksmith

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

Superb 11-4 win there skiller10, very well done, 18 points ahead with 2 games to play. Let's get as many points as possible.

Updates on games please, otherwise we have have no option to make subs, deadline's this Sunday.
Posts: 7,974
16:09 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ash calm down


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Deleted User
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16:10 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2
DEADLINE: 16 March 2014

Phoenix Storm (3) vs (1) Underdogs (6-1)

8us: thanatos vs sniper
8us: shadwell17 vs aaron1973
9us: poolh8r vs tombstone_74
9us: precision vs wade_ (s)
8uk: (s) friendyboy vs left_touch
8uk: bigcjl2 (2) vs (0) mrfent (5-1)
Straight: davybaumers vs sfk9
Straight: chapster_7 (1) vs (1) garethclin

Phoenix Storm (7) vs (1) Monkey Business (13-3)

8us: thanatos vs the__priest
8us: patrick_nl vs 2awesome2win
9us: tombo1 (2) vs (0) todd2000 (6-0)
9us: thegame26 vs kinglair1990
8uk: friendyboy vs free_one
8uk: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) _armsrace_ (3 - 3)
Straight: precision (2) vs (0) the_incal (2-0)
Straight: skiller10 (2) vs (0) kue (2-0)

Format: 6 frames of 8us or 9us or 8uk & 2 frames Straight.
Posts: 3,359
16:13 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was only trying to lighten the mood
Deleted User
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16:16 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was only trying to lighten the mood

I know, all good mate.

Not replying to anymore, waste of space and time tbh.
Deleted User
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16:19 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right Craig, you've had your fun now, thank you and Ash is sorting it out now.

Thanks for your concern, as soon as they are next online, you will get a message.
Posts: 7,974
16:23 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks chappy
its all i wanted to hear
cheers for your cooperation
im sure its the way it should've been handled in the beginning
i will await the message

again thanks
Deleted User
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18:59 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
7.5 Substitutions in partially played games

Once a game is started between two players, either side may make a substitution in order to complete a game. Any player substituted in is unable to score any further points for the team from rack wins in that part-played game but does have the ability to stop their opponents from scoring.

Any 'Event' Bonus points achieved by any player substituted into a partially played game will be included in the overall team score for the fixture.

SL Ruling ^^^

What a stupid rule...this will only encourage players who cannot hack the way their opponent plays to just up and leave the match knowing they can only score minimum a draw or the new player can stop the opposition from scoring.

Absolutely Ridiculous

IF you can't hack the way your opponent plays then don't bother starting a match with them...simples
Posts: 10,109
19:14 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
7.5 Substitutions in partially played games

Once a game is started between two players, either side may make a substitution in order to complete a game. Any player substituted in is unable to score any further points for the team from rack wins in that part-played game but does have the ability to stop their opponents from scoring.

Any 'Event' Bonus points achieved by any player substituted into a partially played game will be included in the overall team score for the fixture.

SL Ruling ^^^

What a stupid rule...this will only encourage players who cannot hack the way their opponent plays to just up and leave the match knowing they can only score minimum a draw or the new player can stop the opposition from scoring.

Absolutely Ridiculous

IF you can't hack the way your opponent plays then don't bother starting a match with them...simples

I'm shocked the amount of Captains this season that don't seem to know the rules! It's a better rule than the unworkable FCL rule, that gets people booted from clans over incomplete games. At least captains have an option of avoiding defaults now!
Deleted User
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19:22 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
faust: I don't agree with the rule where removing a player from the team, maybe have a 2 strike's you're out rule. Removing for 1 incomplete match is wrong, if happened again then maybe the Team would benefit more from their absence.

I did know this rule sort of but not 100%, we don't do defaults and I hate partial matches. Well the partial matches which have so follow up time I despise. Before I get called a hypocrite, I left my match and said I'd return the following day, which I did for health reasons.

Avoiding defaults is good news but the default is there as an option to assist a team who has tried their utmost to play throughout the entire fixture.
Posts: 10,109
19:24 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
faust: I don't agree with the rule where removing a player from the team, maybe have a 2 strike's you're out rule. Removing for 1 incomplete match is wrong, if happened again then maybe the Team would benefit more from their absence.

I did know this rule sort of but not 100%, we don't do defaults and I hate partial matches. Well the partial matches which have so follow up time I despise. Before I get called a hypocrite, I left my match and said I'd return the following day, which I did for health reasons.

Avoiding defaults is good news but the default is there as an option to assist a team who has tried their utmost to play throughout the entire fixture.

but there IS sufficient punishment here. If Pro's sub someone in - they can't win any points, only stop their opponent gaining anymore. It seems a really fair system to me!
Posts: 19,967
19:25 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's not exactly a new rule Ash, and it's not had any situation of the sort you suggest could happen. It stops defaults occurring where a player abandons his clan and leaves a match impossible to complete. A captain whose player leaves with the intention of not returning probably isn't going to be picked much after they did that.

Would you rather a default occurred and distorted the scoreline? If a team tried their utmost to complete a game then surely they would want a sub for a player who isn't intending to play regardless of whether the game has started and it in no way punishes them
Deleted User
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19:32 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would prefer if a team fails to complete their match then they be deducted points, the opposition remain on their score and that be their forfeit for 'incomplete fixtures'

Instead of being given the right to jeopardize the match even further by probably subbing in their best player to deny the opposition clan from bettering their score.
Deleted User
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22:56 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Myself and Joe current thinking is Sat or Sunday 7 pm waiting for reply too 100%
Deleted User
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22:56 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Myself and Joe current thinking is Sat or Sunday 7 pm waiting for reply too 100%
Deleted User
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23:02 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Myself and Joe current thinking is Sat or Sunday 7 pm waiting for reply too 100%

Okay I had to think who joe was then lol
Deleted User
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23:50 Wed 5 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League fixtures have now been released and can be found on the appropriate section of the website;

The next round of the Players championship has also been released.

The deadline for both fixtures is a fortnight, the 19th March.
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00:21 Thu 6 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
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Phoenix Storm - Ex cineribus resurgam

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