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Phoenix Storm - Ex cineribus resurgam

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00:09 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixtures Set 2
Deadline: 19th March 2014

Phoenix Inferno (23) vs (11) Wild Pack (inc TBC)

shadwell17 vs raptorman
bigcjl2 (8) vs (4) autopilot
chapster_7 (2) vs (2) run_outt TBC
davybaumers vs alex_lewis
patrick_nl (7) vs (5) bob22cat

(6) vs (0) 1st ash, 2nd shad, 3rd com, 4th bob
(0) vs (0)

Ragin' Phoenix (9) vs (3) Unbeatables

tombo1 (9) vs (3) mich
thanatos vs mrmagic
precision vs greyhound
_pro__frog_ vs turtle1560
king_joffery vs hippesville

(0) vs (0)
(0) vs (0)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:28 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL (Killer)

Ragin' Phoenix (6) vs (6) Unbeatables

Epic match: Order Finished

1st Killer

1st: precision (4 points)
2nd: greyhound (2 points)

3rd: turtle1560
4th: tombo1
5th: lmc_shark
6th: mich
7th: poolbiird
8th: davybaumers

2nd Killer in play now:


1st: poolbiird (4 points)
2nd: tombo1 (2 points)

3rd: precision
4th: greyhound
5th: lmc_shark
6th: turtle1560
7th: davybaumers
8th: mich

Two quality matches a fair result 6-6 some cracking shots and were great to see 2 4 vs 4 matches played in a TEAM event.

Cheers to turtle1560 for getting his players ready and to our team too, thank you all for logging and representing Phoenix Storm, great team work.

Edited at 23:29 Sun 09/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:19 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2
DEADLINE: 16 March 2014

Phoenix Storm (9) vs (1) Underdogs (15-4)

8us: thanatos (2) vs (0) sniper (4-2)
8us: shadwell17 vs aaron1973
9us: poolh8r (2) vs (0) tombstone_74 (5-1)
9us: precision vs wade_ (s)
8uk: (s) friendyboy (2) vs (0) left_touch (4-2)
8uk: bigcjl2 (2) vs (0) mrfent (5-1)
Straight: davybaumers vs sfk9
Straight: chapster_7 (1) vs (1) garethclin

Phoenix Storm (8) vs (4) Monkey Business (18-10)

8us: thanatos vs the__priest
8us: chapster_7 vs 2awesome2win
9us: tombo1 (2) vs (0) todd2000 (6-0)
9us: thegame26 (1) vs (1) kinglair1990 (3-3)
8uk: friendyboy (0) vs (2) free_one (2-4)
8uk: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) _armsrace_ (3 - 3)
Straight: precision (2) vs (0) the_incal (2-0)
Straight: skiller10 (2) vs (0) kue (2-0)

Format: 6 frames of 8us or 9us or 8uk & 2 frames Straight.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:24 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixtures Set 2
Deadline: 19th March 2014

Phoenix Inferno (23) vs (11) Wild Pack (inc TBC)

shadwell17 vs raptorman
bigcjl2 (8) vs (4) autopilot
chapster_7 (2) vs (2) run_outt TBC
davybaumers vs alex_lewis
patrick_nl (7) vs (5) bob22cat

(6) vs (0) 1st krazyash_07, 2nd shadwell17, 3rd com, 4th bob
(0) vs (0)

Ragin' Phoenix (15) vs (9) Unbeatables

tombo1 (9) vs (3) mich
thanatos vs mrmagic
precision vs greyhound
_pro__frog_ vs turtle1560
king_joffery vs hippesville

(4) vs (2) 1st: precision (4) 2nd: greyhound (2) (4vs4)
(2) vs (4) 1st: poolbiird (4) 2nd: tombo1 (2) (4vs4)

Edited at 00:34 Mon 10/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:46 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers to EVERYONE who participated in the 3 Killers we have completed in 1 evening, the 4 vs 4's were brilliant to watch and the killer vs Wild Pack were great to play alongside my best mate shadwell17, who arranged it, cheers mate...nice 6-0 win too

We could have played the 2 but both want to get others in the team to contribute and have a chance to bring some points in for the team. Good Luck.

Killer Record Tonight

Played 3/4,
Won = 12 points
Available: 18 points.

Been a great scoring day too, epic fight back vs TFS - 60-60 WOW. (thanatos you legend)
Deleted User
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04:04 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL & GSC Fixtures - will be out today i assume instead.
Deleted User
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11:28 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good morning all you happy clanners!

I see we have had some cracking results over the weekend :)

If anyone needs help arranging a game, or needs a sub, just ask me
Posts: 11,489
13:27 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
fbl sub

phoenix storm v the underdogs

Straight:davybaumers vs sfk9
Straight davybaumers vs ichigo

9us precision vs wade_
9us precision vs mardu0o
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:39 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Next set of fixtures have now been released and can be found on the appropriate website (FCL Fixture set 3 & Cup Fixture Group 2).

League Announcement
With chris & mattywellie no longer an active part of the runners team the three of us are under strain. At the end of the season some of us are looking to step down which will not leave a viable team behind to carry on running the league. This means that new people need to come in. If anyone is interested could you please get in touch with either myself, zantetsukenz or _pro__frog_ over the coming weeks with the hope that you could possibly come on board before the end of the season to alleviate some of the strain - With the ultimate goal of taking over fully at the end of the season.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:19 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL vs Pros
Deadline: 23/03/2014

tombo1 vs _redherring_
shadwell17 vs franer_
( swp) davybaumers vs liam_scfc
thanatos vs davey_1985
(swp) precision vs dvz
thegame26 vs onevisit
poolh8r vs _nerdzz_
upforit vs solitude (s)

GSC - Group B vs Fighting Eagles
Deadline: 23/03/2014

FCL - tombo1 vs its_me
FCL - shadwell17 vs chosen_one
SL - davybaumers vs breksis
SL - thanatos vs triple_b
8us (10) bigcjl2 vs kingdadcool
9us (12) thegame26 vs jame2010s
8uk (10) friendyboy vs _pro__frog_
Straight (2) precision vs flash_is_bac

Good Luck Team, 2 tricky fixtures but we can do well once again.

Edited at 16:22 Mon 10/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:22 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2
DEADLINE: 16 March 2014

Phoenix Storm (11) vs (1) Underdogs (15-4)

8us: thanatos (2) vs (0) sniper (4-2)
8us: shadwell17 (2) vs (0) aaron1973 (4-2)
9us: poolh8r (2) vs (0) tombstone_74 (5-1)
9us: precision vs mardu0o (s)
8uk: (s) friendyboy (2) vs (0) left_touch (4-2)
8uk: bigcjl2 (2) vs (0) mrfent (5-1)
Straight: davybaumers vs ichigo (s)
Straight: chapster_7 (1) vs (1) garethclin

Phoenix Storm (8) vs (4) Monkey Business (18-10)

8us: thanatos vs the__priest
8us: chapster_7 vs 2awesome2win
9us: tombo1 (2) vs (0) todd2000 (6-0)
9us: thegame26 (1) vs (1) kinglair1990 (3-3)
8uk: friendyboy (0) vs (2) free_one (2-4)
8uk: shadwell17 (1) vs (1) _armsrace_ (3 - 3)
Straight: precision (2) vs (0) the_incal (2-0)
Straight: skiller10 (2) vs (0) kue (2-0)

Format: 6 frames of 8us or 9us or 8uk & 2 frames Straight.

Edited at 14:05 Mon 10/03/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:23 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixtures Set 2
Deadline: 19th March 2014

Phoenix Inferno (23) vs (11) Wild Pack (inc TBC)

shadwell17 vs raptorman
bigcjl2 (8) vs (4) autopilot
chapster_7 (2) vs (2) run_outt TBC
davybaumers vs alex_lewis
patrick_nl (7) vs (5) bob22cat

(6) vs (0) 1st krazyash_07, 2nd shadwell17, 3rd com, 4th bob
(0) vs (0)

Ragin' Phoenix (15) vs (9) Unbeatables

tombo1 (9) vs (3) mich
thanatos vs mrmagic
precision vs greyhound
_pro__frog_ vs turtle1560
king_joffery vs hippesville

(4) vs (2) 1st: precision (4) 2nd: greyhound (2) (4vs4)
(2) vs (4) 1st: poolbiird (4) 2nd: tombo1 (2) (4vs4)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:41 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
* Team: The FCL fixtures vs Pros is subsequent to change...please do not message any opponents just yet. Ours may change too!
Posts: 7,297
15:42 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
* Team: The FCL fixtures vs Pros is subsequent to change...please do not message any opponents just yet. Ours may change too!

you missed the bit saying its cos they couldnt be botherd / or just forgot to send in there teamlist jokes
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:43 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
* Team: The FCL fixtures vs Pros is subsequent to change...please do not message any opponents just yet. Ours may change too!

you missed the bit saying its cos they couldnt be botherd to send in there teamlist jokes

I missed the bit which says 'coz it's the pros and everyone had the same amount of time to submit team lists, waiting for them to mix n match now.
Posts: 2,717
15:45 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Subs swaps and there is no issue.every faith in every player on our team.anyone will play anyone to get a game played
Deleted User
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15:47 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Subs swaps and there is no issue.every faith in every player on our team.anyone will play anyone to get a game played

Same here but another rule with seems to be bent for the pros, the killers the other one, any other team would have been requested to replay them just like any other match.

It's Obvious.
Posts: 2,717
15:52 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No team lists went in,if swaps need to be made they will be done by the captains or vices. U see rules bending,i certainly dont.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:55 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seeing as the fixtures have only just been released, why not get ALL teams to re-submit their lists, no harm done, no pointing the finger, fair for all?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:00 Mon 10 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL swap

sixty_plus vs upforit


solitude vs upforit
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Phoenix Storm - Ex cineribus resurgam

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