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Deleted User
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20:23 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it's a bad move for your average person on funkypool, like me.

I logged in a few minutes ago and there are barely any games for me to play now. I am not in a clan so the only games available to me are tournaments twice an hour. I simply wont wait half an hour for a game because I don't have the time. Many other casual players will be in the same boat as me and will struggle to find a reason to stay here. That is a problem I think you'll all agree.

There should have been a compromise... get rid of tourny points and ranking for micro tournaments so the bigger tournaments have prestige. Keep the micro tournaments as friendly games but within a tournament so the games have a competitive edge. This gives your average pool player some games to play when they log in.

This leaves me in no mans land on pool as I am not in a clan. I'm not sure what else there is for me on this site if I can't get a game. I wish you would take into account the needs of your less serious players here.

I've noticed an increase in ranked games since they got rid o the micros!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:24 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well that's good news if true! I will keep my eyes open for them!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:25 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well that's good news if true! I will keep my eyes open for them!
Also if I'm not playing I'm usually browsing just send me a message and I'll play you :D
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:25 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one mate
Deleted User
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20:39 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just thought I would add this:

I just want to make sure you don't think I am blaming the community for the site's loss in players but it is a reason!

I don't know which order they came in but I'm sure ranked tournaments came before micros if I am correct it seems the micros were created as an attempt to bring back players that had left after tournaments becoming ranked. This all assuming I am correct in which came first.

I believe if the site were to go back to when tournaments were for bragging rights only and not for gaining rank quicker a lot more players would come back and more newcomers would stay longer!

You rework the ranking system, as I plan on regaining my virt 8UK at some point and at the moment it seems impossible for most players at this time!

The one thing so far that I've noticed that has changed and actually liked is premium now seems worth buying I LOVE the idea of the different type of cues you can get. The removed ads don't matter to me as I have a 25" monitor which i can zoom in with anyway.

Edited at 18:42 Tue 25/02/14 (GMT)
Posts: 1,038
23:29 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Love the idea of the micros being gone, the site was dying a slow and painful death with clans being the only real reason the site still runs.

I understand that Baff (and others too), have listened to the majority, the forum posters, who want revert the site to back how it was. In my opinion that is definitely what needs to happen if this site is to be what it was when I joined back in 2007, when it was a fun, friendly game where you had to beat the best to be the best. Not win lots of micro tournaments for quick points!

The one thing I worry now is that it may just be too late to do this. As I said the site was rotting slowly, losing players and even clans were beginning to lose organisation - which would certainly have meant the end - and I fear that because of this, there may just be too few people left on here to boost it back to how it used to be.

If this is to happen, then people who disagree with the decision such as priest and paddi should stick around and see how things work, see if they like how the site was before and if not that's okay - I respect that and it's your decision what you do from there. The rest of us need to really promote the site and get more of the old players such as ladysapphire, smithbit and the like back on and
get new players to join, to rebuild numbers again.

If we don't work together do this then I am sorry to say I think it could be the loss of even more players which really could hurt the site.

Deleted User
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01:29 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
emotional words mate but yeah i agree with steve and redherring all the way
Posts: 485
02:03 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a thought Baff, why don't you build a third site that caters for the children and vertically challenged? Call it FunkyMidgets and all will be happy, especially FP veterans.
Posts: 485
02:35 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]

Short Cues
Small Tables
Soft Drinks
Micros every 5 minutes
Camp site (Micro afficionados can stay all day and night now)

BTW, been reading this thread, and it just dawned on me; Surely it's up to the creators of FP & FS what happens here? Most patrons don't pay, and just enjoy the free ride. The premium members, (as shareholders?) might possibly have a vote, but the freeloaders certainly don't.

To all visitors, just say thank you to creators for providing the cheapest night of entertainment on the planet.
Posts: 2,717
06:24 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]

Short Cues
Small Tables
Soft Drinks
Micros every 5 minutes
Camp site (Micro afficionados can stay all day and night now)

BTW, been reading this thread, and it just dawned on me; Surely it's up to the creators of FP & FS what happens here? Most patrons don't pay, and just enjoy the free ride. The premium members, (as shareholders?) might possibly have a vote, but the freeloaders certainly don't.

To all visitors, just say thank you to creators for providing the cheapest night of entertainment on the planet.

That's a good it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:51 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link] sounds like one of those messed up adult sites you're into, mark
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:06 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think that tournaments should happen every hour on the hour with a speed tournament thrown in on a 25 hour rolling basis. Maybe for the mornings (say 6am-10am or so) you could introduce a random micro once or twice an hour but strip the tournapoints from it, effectively making them competitive ranked matches. Been on for about an hour now, played 4 games and haven't seen a tournament entry announcement yet. Looking at the 'upcoming tournaments' page, the next one isn't until 10am. So for 2 hours worth of playing, the likelihood is, I won't have been able to play a tourny and will only have been able to play a handful of games.....that's hardly going to get new members to stay.

I'm all for micros being gone, or stripped of tournapoints and thinned to only a handful a day, but not being able to get a game of pool on a pool site is a bit.....silly.
Posts: 7,974
11:13 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
day 2 of change

please check participation entry in tournament levels
they appear to have decreased not increased

so called winning of major (non-worthless) tournaments
average player participation 10 players
just above micro level (well worth winning)

why is it ?
you play full tournaments up to 8am with 3 and 4 entries
and yet between 8 and 10 am there is a 2 hours gap

lets kill off the morning players to start with ????
Posts: 337
11:18 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
micros weren't the problem, ranked tournaments are!!! Im all up for a full site reset including records etc, and mine says I've been 930 in 9ball and killer. Im also sure that dvz onua dame etc wouldn't mind, and instead, we'd see all the top players back as they'd have a new goal. I think site traffic would go back near what it was 4-5 years ago, and non clan players would once again have the choice of game room, and we'd go back to having game room names such as 850 plus only ha, those were the days

I'd be in favour of a full site reset, and I'm in same position as you of losing my 931 rank in UK. Reset the site and go back in time to the set up of the site, schedule of tournaments, game types, the lot to how it was in the mid-2000s would be fantastic.
Posts: 1,714
14:22 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha now people who waste their life to get tournapoints are gonna struggle.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:26 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not everyone wants their stats to be reset, not been on here as long as others who think they own it.
You want reset, reset your own stats, that's what the options for.

All these super high ranks players crow about, who cares. They don't mean nothing, virtually impossible to get that rank again with this ranking system. The old one were flawed hence the change.
Posts: 7,974
14:34 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
totally agree on thiis ash
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:53 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
long as others who think they own it.

One, us long term players do not think we own this site, most of us want the site back to how it was because of how little people play now after the changes. A lot of people announced they were leaving from these changes. So it only makes sense to go back to how it was. Funkypool updated itself it didn't go as planned so now it can go back to where it was at it's best re-plan and think of something else. That's how progress works it's trial and error.

All these super high ranks players crow about, who cares.

Second, what is the point of the virtuoso rank if it's no longer attainable. With the current rank system it is a lot harder to tell who is what skill level than it was before. I've played a lot of 750s and the skill gap between each one is immense. Playing someone of that rank should be somewhat of a challenge each game yet at this point it's not always the case.

The old one were flawed hence the change

Third, if I'm correct this was only introduced because of ranked tournaments, meaning that the old one wasn't flawed but didn't fit with the new ranked tournaments.
Posts: 19,967
15:00 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the first line of your second paragraph completely contradicts the first paragraph. It's kind of the point those super high ranks are making. They are happy for the stats to be reset and the point they make is they aren't bothered by losing these stats. It's all well and good a serial resetted or low rank saying to reset because they have nothing to lose. Wen people who do have good stats to lose it shows something more.

The old ones were definitely not flawed, they were a much more accurate representation of ability as higher ranks took more time. Pro today gets you into the top 50 whereas in the older days you'd need around 830 just to get to 50th. The only way it could be flawed is if a ceiling or floor effect was reached and edge modification deals with that.

The main difference between old and new is that with the old system you could gauge the ability and form of an opponent. This system I just completely ignore the rank of opponents because it's useless. Surely a ranking system which gives no meaning to rank is flawed?

Virtually impossible to reach those ranks again? On the whole it's harder, but that's because of a lack of games available and choice about matches. If it was so impossible, then why are some of the tops ranks in the various games ranks that have been attained on the current sflaws
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:01 Wed 26 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
notice people who always win day events are moaning lol.

this is the best thing possible that micro's have been removed
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