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Ranked Straight Leagues

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Deleted User
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20:29 Tue 4 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Skater_paul got banned, can i take his place?

He's 3rd division mate don't think that would work out so good lol
Posts: 3,250
20:32 Tue 4 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
turtle1560 3-1 diamond_v2

me: 32, 43, 40
sam: 37

he was unlucky first game double-potting twice so really 2-2 should've been fairer. ggs ul mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:38 Tue 4 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 2 Ranked Straight League
Deadline Sunday 16/2 @ midnight

Premier Division
mattywellie v tinie..................................................1)turtle1560 (43)
erigert v beenjammin............................................2)diamond_v2 (37)
turtle1560 ( 12 ) v ( 3 ) diamond_v2
dvz v scott7a
ritcho (bye)

1st Division
franer_ v cgibson92
slimeball v kingdadcool
the_only_ego v _pro__frog_
w_hoolahan v ooo_u_tap_2
punkpoet (bye)

2nd Division
sharky89 v marksmith
whiskyinjaro v crazzymadman
zantetsukenz v dvae
krazyash_07 v serious_game
mad_matt (bye)

3rd Division

chapster_7 v cke1982.......................................1)jasonb (31)
kue v lfc12...........................................................2)skater_paul (7)
skater_paul ( 0 ) v ( 12 ) jasonb
bigcj2 v red_ace27
chezz (bye)

OUTSTANDING from 1st set...........................2nd Division Set 1
crazzymadman ( 9 ) v ( 10 ) mad_matt.............1)marksmith (26)
serious_game v whiskyinjaro............................2)krazyash_07 (25)

4 frames of ranked straight
20 seconds shot clock
rooms private unless spectators are agreed upon by both parties
post results on this thread you have to include 30+ runs and both player's highest run of the match so keep track!

Have fun guys!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:57 Wed 5 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just played cke1982, he was very unfortunate in the first 2 frames but made up for it the last couple.

Very enjoyable games and a pleasure to play.

Not a great standard, but that is why we are in the 3rd division

38-11 me
35-17 me
44-18 me highest run 14
18-37 to cke

Great guy, should be ranked higher than he is!
Posts: 2,463
18:36 Wed 5 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin 3 - 1 erigert
a 34, and a 41 run for me, erigert's highest was 15
I think that's:
11 - 2 ?
good games
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:25 Wed 5 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 2 Ranked Straight League
Deadline Sunday 16/2 @ midnight

Premier Division
mattywellie v tinie..................................................1)turtle1560 (43)
erigert ( 2 ) v ( 11 ) beenjammin..........................2)beenjammin (41)
turtle1560 ( 12 ) v ( 3 ) diamond_v2
dvz v scott7a
ritcho (bye)

1st Division
franer_ v cgibson92
slimeball v kingdadcool
the_only_ego v _pro__frog_
w_hoolahan v ooo_u_tap_2
punkpoet (bye)

2nd Division
sharky89 v marksmith
whiskyinjaro v crazzymadman
zantetsukenz v dvae
krazyash_07 v serious_game
mad_matt (bye)

3rd Division

chapster_7 ( 9 ) v ( 2 ) cke1982.......................1)jasonb (31)
kue v lfc12...........................................................2)chapster_7 (14)
skater_paul ( 0 ) v ( 12 ) jasonb
bigcj2 v red_ace27
chezz (bye)

OUTSTANDING from 1st set...........................2nd Division Set 1
crazzymadman ( 9 ) v ( 10 ) mad_matt.............1)marksmith (26)
serious_game v whiskyinjaro............................2)krazyash_07 (25)

4 frames of ranked straight
20 seconds shot clock
rooms private unless spectators are agreed upon by both parties
post results on this thread you have to include 30+ runs and both player's highest run of the match so keep track!

Have fun guys!

Edited at 21:29 Wed 05/02/14 (GMT)
Posts: 6,417
22:55 Wed 5 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjamin should have the 2nd highest run atm as he got a 41
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:59 Wed 5 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
A massive thanks to the_viking for stepping in and taking over from skater_paul to allow played games to stand and the leagues to continue without a hitch.

I understand others want to be added but it has to be at a time when I can get everyone into the right leagues and be fair to those promoted and relegated too so realistically tyler it will be between seasons mate.

The website will be done over the weekend, to be honest I wanted to see it get off the ground before putting in the time.

Thanks for the efforts everyone and I hope all the games carry on being as enjoyable as they have been so far.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:30 Wed 5 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjamin should have the 2nd highest run atm as he got a 41

Thanks mate had just woken up lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:19 Fri 7 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys

take me out..been trying to play any game for 3 weeks and really cba to keep hanging around to play them.

good luck with it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:38 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
3rd div
lfc12 v kue
overall 3--1 to lfc12,,,,,runs,,,15 for me 13 for kue ,,,ggs dont think none of us were at our best gl in rest kue
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:42 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
kue v lfc12
frame 1 lfc12 36 kue 33
frame 2 lfc12 36 kue 29
frame 3 lfc12 46 kue8
frame 4 lfc12 34 kue 35

well played lfc12 m8, should of won the first 1 but hey ho thats how it goes, good player still ans deserved to win, final result
lfc12 3- kue 1
highest breaks lfc 15 kue 13
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:29 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 2 Ranked Straight League
Deadline Sunday 16/2 @ midnight

Premier Division
mattywellie v tinie..................................................1)turtle1560 (43)
erigert ( 2 ) v ( 11 ) beenjammin..........................2)beenjammin (41)
turtle1560 ( 12 ) v ( 3 ) diamond_v2
dvz v scott7a
ritcho (bye)

1st Division
franer_ v cgibson92
slimeball v kingdadcool
the_only_ego v _pro__frog_
w_hoolahan v ooo_u_tap_2
punkpoet (bye)

2nd Division
sharky89 v marksmith
whiskyinjaro v crazzymadman
zantetsukenz v dvae
krazyash_07 v serious_game
mad_matt (bye)

3rd Division

chapster_7 ( 9 ) v ( 2 ) cke1982.......................1)jasonb (31)
kue ( 2 ) v ( 9 ) lfc12............................................2)lfc12 (15)
skater_paul ( 0 ) v ( 12 ) jasonb
bigcj2 v red_ace27
chezz (bye)

OUTSTANDING from 1st set...........................2nd Division Set 1
crazzymadman ( 9 ) v ( 10 ) mad_matt.............1)marksmith (26)
serious_game v whiskyinjaro............................2)krazyash_07 (25)

4 frames of ranked straight
20 seconds shot clock
rooms private unless spectators are agreed upon by both parties
post results on this thread you have to include 30+ runs and both player's highest run of the match so keep track!

Have fun guys!
Posts: 123
19:36 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 2 Ranked Straight League
Deadline Sunday 16/2 @ midnight

Premier Division
mattywellie v tinie..................................................1)turtle1560 (43)
erigert v beenjammin............................................2)diamond_v2 (37)
turtle1560 ( 12 ) v ( 3 ) diamond_v2
dvz v scott7a
ritcho (bye)

1st Division
franer_ v cgibson92
slimeball v kingdadcool
the_only_ego v _pro__frog_
w_hoolahan v ooo_u_tap_2
punkpoet (bye)

2nd Division
sharky89 v marksmith
whiskyinjaro v crazzymadman
zantetsukenz v dvae
krazyash_07 v serious_game
mad_matt (bye)

3rd Division

chapster_7 v cke1982.......................................1)jasonb (31)
kue v lfc12...........................................................2)skater_paul (7)
skater_paul ( 0 ) v ( 12 ) jasonb
bigcj2 v red_ace27
35-6 (highest break 14)
chezz (bye)

OUTSTANDING from 1st set...........................2nd Division Set 1
crazzymadman ( 9 ) v ( 10 ) mad_matt.............1)marksmith (26)
serious_game v whiskyinjaro............................2)krazyash_07 (25)

4 frames of ranked straight
20 seconds shot clock
rooms private unless spectators are agreed upon by both parties
post results on this thread you have to include 30+ runs and both player's highest run of the match so keep track!

Have fun guys!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:42 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
3rd Division bigcjl2 v red_ace27

1st frame 41...21 to bigcjl2
2nd frame 35...6 to bigcjl2
3rd frame 39...31 to bigcjl2
4th frame 35...20 to bigcjl2

highset run bigcjl2 got 14 Red_ace27 got 9
total 8-5 to bigcjl2 well done mate ggs wp

Edited at 17:46 Sat 08/02/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:01 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 2 Ranked Straight League
Deadline Sunday 16/2 @ midnight

Premier Division
mattywellie v tinie..................................................1)turtle1560 (43)
erigert ( 2 ) v ( 11 ) beenjammin..........................2)beenjammin (41)
turtle1560 ( 12 ) v ( 3 ) diamond_v2
dvz v scott7a
ritcho (bye)

1st Division
franer_ v cgibson92
slimeball v kingdadcool
the_only_ego v _pro__frog_
w_hoolahan v ooo_u_tap_2
punkpoet (bye)

2nd Division
sharky89 v marksmith
whiskyinjaro v crazzymadman
zantetsukenz v dvae
krazyash_07 v serious_game
mad_matt (bye)

3rd Division

chapster_7 ( 9 ) v ( 2 ) cke1982.......................1)jasonb (31)
kue ( 2 ) v ( 9 ) lfc12............................................2)lfc12 (15)
skater_paul ( 0 ) v ( 12 ) jasonb
bigcj2 ( 11 ) v ( 0 ) red_ace27
chezz (bye)

OUTSTANDING from 1st set...........................2nd Division Set 1
crazzymadman ( 9 ) v ( 10 ) mad_matt.............1)marksmith (26)
serious_game v whiskyinjaro............................2)krazyash_07 (25)

4 frames of ranked straight
20 seconds shot clock
rooms private unless spectators are agreed upon by both parties
post results on this thread you have to include 30+ runs and both player's highest run of the match so keep track!

Have fun guys!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:02 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
3rd Division bigcjl2 v red_ace27

1st frame 41...21 to bigcjl2
2nd frame 35...6 to bigcjl2
3rd frame 39...31 to bigcjl2
4th frame 35...20 to bigcjl2

highset run bigcjl2 got 14 Red_ace27 got 9
total 8-5 to bigcjl2 well done mate ggs wp

Broken calculator mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:04 Sat 8 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
im only saying what bigcjl2 told me!!!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:44 Mon 10 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys just haven't got the time to be giving this the attention that it needs to be a success.
Had the idea and didn't stop to think I want to be on here less not more.
If someone wants to take it on then would still want to play in it but the flaw in the league format has shown itself already too with a banning, a non participator and another quitting.
Apologies again but at least with the games being ranked nothing is lost really.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:11 Mon 10 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
the only time I do well and this happens I would offer to take over but would not know how to make a website for leagues and stuff
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