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Phoenix Storm - PS Phwoooooar

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16:34 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just finished my game with brooksy1986, firstly the scoreline does not reflect the games in the slightest.

In the 8us, we both missed easy balls, but i potted a few difficult down the length of the table to leave better position rather than pot to middle for crap position. He missed a black near the pocket, but I feel we both had lag issues, so I will put that down to that. Overall, I felt I just edged this, but the score was 5-0 to me.

Going into the 9us, I knew that this would be my weakest, dunno why, but it just is. I kept going for combos to see the game off, but just fluked snookers if i missed. In 1 frame, he missed a tricky 9 to win, but i potted a few good balls in this. I was very glad to win this 4-1.

Got to the 8uk, and some unfortunate positional play by him, and me potting some good balls around the angles gave me a good start, if he had of snookered a bit more, he would have got a few points from this, but i think he just wanted it to end by this point. I cleared up when he missed or covered pockets. Winning 5-0.

Overall 14-1 to me.

As I said, this does not reflect his ability, I potted well, and got a very good run of the balls.

A very nice player, and a pleasure to play against. Gl next season buddy
Deleted User
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16:37 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
chapster_7, quality result, yeah the score doesn't reflect the games mate but we have to grab every opportunity we are given. Well done, ul brooksy1986.

After that performance mate have a superb time away on holiday and thank you for playing it.

Awesome result, regardless.
Deleted User
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16:41 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st Friendly vs Wolfpack:

Friendly FCL: 10 vs 10

Phoenix Storm (81) vs (69) Wolfpack - COMPLETED

Format: 5 frames of 8us, 9us, 8uk ONLY

Deadline: 25th January 2014 - Earlier if possible


2nd Friendly vs Ballbreakers - ACTIVE

Phoenix Storm (77) vs (28) Ballbreakers

(swp) thanatos (14) vs (1) blackcabman7 (s)
(s) friendyboy (7) vs (8) deluxe
bigcjl2 (0) vs (0) jimmyd20 (s)
chapster_7 (14) vs (1) brooksy1986 (s)
darren9030/lmc_shark (0) vs (0) dvae
scooby (14) vs (1) pool_black (11-1 but they conceded)
tombo1 (9) vs (6) chezz
winter64 (9) vs (6) jig_saw (s)
upforit (10) vs (5) funky_ferret (s)
(s) pix_up_trix/vegeta (0) vs (0) powea012(s)

Still 45 points available lets try reach 100.

Edited at 15:43 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:41 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks buddy, I was very lucky to win that, especially in that manner. Another day it could have easily have been a loss.

But as the great John Virgo says, when you are playing well, the balls know, you get all the little flicks and rub of the baize.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:46 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

FBL Fixture Set 6 -
Deadline: 26th January 2014.

Phoenix Storm (37) vs (17) Ballbreakers

8us: (s) ooo_u_tap_2 (8) vs (0) blackcabman7
8us: (s) (swp) chapster_7 (4) vs (4) moonbeam06
9us: upforit (4) vs (4) _ice_
9us: winter64 (5) vs (3) jimmyd20
8uk: snoball (5) vs (3) x_connor
8uk: tombo1 (7) vs (1) brooksy1986 (s)
Straight: (swp) thanatos (4) vs (2) snoox - TBC

Phoenix Storm (10) vs (14) Fighting Eagles

8us: breakdown (0) vs (8) kingdadcool
8us: thanatos vs ronalddw (s)
9us: krazyash_07 vs triple_b (swp)
9us: (s) tombo1 (4) vs (4) eaglestrike (swp)
8uk: lmc_shark (6) vs (2) its_me
8uk: friendyboy vs _pro__frog_
Straight: ooo_u_tap_2 vs jame2010s

Format - 8 Frames of Game Type OR 4 Frames of Straight ONLY

Good Luck ALL - Only a few more fixtures to go, great scores to get us back in the match vs Eagles, let's not stop there, march on and win this.

Edited at 18:22 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:19 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
As far as I am aware the new Season is scheduled to commence 1st February (Saturday), also the friendlies have been set up as there will NOT be any pre-season for the FCL. (see FCL Discussion Thread)

After these 2 friendlies, one's complete I'm thinking more along the lines of having a week off from any matches, ready to kick in the following week all re-invigorated. Will probably have some killer matches set up to pass the time.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:26 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SUB Phoenix vs Ballbreakers friendly
bigcjl2 vs acepotter25
is now
bigcjl2 vs jimmyd20
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:43 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
SUB Phoenix vs Ballbreakers friendly
bigcjl2 vs acepotter25
is now
bigcjl2 vs jimmyd20

Cheers for sub mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:16 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
All the posting in the world will do you no good ash,not my fault Tappy cant be on over week end and where is thantos.Possible we both will be making subs.the more you post and waste space on are thread,the slower i become for some unkinown reason.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:31 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
All the posting in the world will do you no good ash,not my fault Tappy cant be on over week end and where is thantos.Possible we both will be making subs.the more you post and waste space on are thread,the slower i become for some unkinown reason.

Here is thanatos
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:15 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

FBL Fixture Set 6 -
Deadline: 26th January 2014.

Phoenix Storm (37) vs (17) Ballbreakers

8us: (s) ooo_u_tap_2 (8) vs (0) blackcabman7
8us: (s) (swp) chapster_7 (4) vs (4) moonbeam06
9us: upforit (4) vs (4) _ice_
9us: winter64 (5) vs (3) jimmyd20
8uk: snoball (5) vs (3) x_connor
8uk: tombo1 (7) vs (1) brooksy1986 (s)
Straight: (swp) thanatos (4) vs (2) snoox - TBC

Phoenix Storm (18) vs (14) Fighting Eagles

8us: breakdown (0) vs (8) kingdadcool
8us: thanatos vs ronalddw (s)
9us: krazyash_07 vs triple_b (swp)
9us: (s) tombo1 (4) vs (4) eaglestrike (swp)
8uk: lmc_shark (6) vs (2) its_me
8uk: friendyboy vs _pro__frog_
Straight: ooo_u_tap_2 (8) vs (0) jame2010s

Format - 8 Frames of Game Type OR 4 Frames of Straight ONLY

Good Luck ALL - Only a few more fixtures to go, great scores to get us back in the match vs Eagles, let's not stop there, march on and win this.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:19 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
All the posting in the world will do you no good ash,not my fault Tappy cant be on over week end and where is thantos.Possible we both will be making subs.the more you post and waste space on are thread,the slower i become for some unkinown reason.

Games been played mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:23 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tappy 8-0 jame2010s

He was rusty as expected after a long absence and I wasn't brilliant but the better player on the day.
He still gave me a very close match, after all the hassle arranging was an enjoyable battle and he showed the old skills are still there, was unlucky a few times too.
Good games unlucky mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:26 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tappy 8-0 jame2010s

He was rusty as expected after a long absence and I wasn't brilliant but the better player on the day.
He still gave me a very close match, after all the hassle arranging was an enjoyable battle and he showed the old skills are still there, was unlucky a few times too.
Good games unlucky mate

Superb result mate, just what the team needed and to reverse the other 8-0 in this match alone is great. Thank you for playing it even with the turmoil leading up to it, main thing is we got there in the end. Thanks for your patience mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:28 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers mate was definitely last minute dot com turning up at 6 on the dot! Gotta fly and get ready to go out now.
Have a good weekend guys and good luck in the rest of the games!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:46 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
TEAM - Phoenix Storm

1. krazyash_07 (c)
2. chapster_7 (vc)
3. thanatos (vc)

4. ooo_u_tap_2
5. davybaumers (AWAY)
6. lmc_shark
7. friendyboy
8. poolh8r
9. winter64
10. snoball ?
11. bigcjl2
12. darren9030 (sub)
13. upforit
14. tombo1
15. vegeta
16. _sachibub (AWAY)
17. TBA

breakdown (sub) (deactivated for now)
pix_up_trix (Reserve)
Posts: 123
23:49 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st Friendly vs Wolfpack:

Friendly FCL: 10 vs 10

Phoenix Storm (81) vs (69) Wolfpack - COMPLETED

Format: 5 frames of 8us, 9us, 8uk ONLY

Deadline: 25th January 2014 - Earlier if possible


2nd Friendly vs Ballbreakers - ACTIVE

Phoenix Storm (77) vs (28) Ballbreakers

(swp) thanatos (14) vs (1) blackcabman7 (s)
(s) friendyboy (7) vs (8) deluxe
bigcjl2 (0) vs (0) jimmyd20 (s)
BIGCJL2 12 v 3 Jimmyd20.
chapster_7 (14) vs (1) brooksy1986 (s)
darren9030/lmc_shark (0) vs (0) dvae
scooby (14) vs (1) pool_black (11-1 but they conceded)
tombo1 (9) vs (6) chezz
winter64 (9) vs (6) jig_saw (s)
upforit (10) vs (5) funky_ferret (s)
(s) pix_up_trix/vegeta (0) vs (0) powea012(s)

Still 45 points available lets try reach 100.

Edited at 15:43 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:50 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

12-3 - well done matey, brilliant result vs jimmyd20 mate. Keep it going and thank you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:54 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
well bad time for me i was hungry and dog moaning at me wanted to go out but its raining here so its long ! coming for u for revenge don't u worry = P
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:54 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
1st Friendly vs Wolfpack:

Friendly FCL: 10 vs 10

Phoenix Storm (81) vs (69) Wolfpack - COMPLETED

Format: 5 frames of 8us, 9us, 8uk ONLY

Deadline: 25th January 2014 - Earlier if possible


2nd Friendly vs Ballbreakers - ACTIVE

Phoenix Storm (89) vs (31) Ballbreakers

(swp) thanatos (14) vs (1) blackcabman7 (s)
(s) friendyboy (7) vs (8) deluxe
bigcjl2 (12) vs (3) jimmyd20 (s)
chapster_7 (14) vs (1) brooksy1986 (s)
darren9030/lmc_shark (0) vs (0) dvae
scooby (14) vs (1) pool_black (11-1 but they conceded)
tombo1 (9) vs (6) chezz
winter64 (9) vs (6) jig_saw (s)
upforit (10) vs (5) funky_ferret (s)
(s) pix_up_trix/vegeta (0) vs (0) powea012(s)

Still 30 points available lets try reach 100.
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Phoenix Storm - PS Phwoooooar

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