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The Professionals (FCL & FBL Champions)

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06:31 Thu 30 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
mattywellie said:

In fairness lee im still waiting for an apology off ash about his outrageous comments where it was a personal attack on me so it might be old news but still fresh in the minds.

He had a rant cos he lost a player he didn't expect to, big deal there is nothing personal in there and you have all been around long enough to understand a bit of heat of the moment frustration.
You have been on him like a rash lately anyway, your rants at him have been just as bad and undeserved.
Deleted User
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13:18 Thu 30 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
mattywellie said:

In fairness lee im still waiting for an apology off ash about his outrageous comments where it was a personal attack on me so it might be old news but still fresh in the minds.

He had a rant cos he lost a player he didn't expect to, big deal there is nothing personal in there and you have all been around long enough to understand a bit of heat of the moment frustration.
You have been on him like a rash lately anyway, your rants at him have been just as bad and undeserved.

read his post it was a personal attack hence the ONE WORD FOR YA : PATHETIC. that's named aimed at a team that's aimed at a person.
Deleted User
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14:03 Thu 30 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to clarify: I have made an apology to matty, so hopefully we can all move on. Also I will try to refrain from making any 'silly' posts in the future, sorry to all in PROS.
Deleted User
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15:28 Thu 30 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Season 22

Please see the posts here...

and confirm intention to enter.

Deleted User
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01:19 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ever lightly you keep winning, you cripple and stifle any other teams in the league, bask in your victories, if that's the only way you can win then I pity you.

It's forbidden any other team to create and build up their's coz poor pros will feel threatened and have to pinch the other teams best players.

1 word for ya: Pathetic

The best players, want to play for the best teams..... Pity yours isn't one of them.

Now now chris play nice, remember last time you got all cocky about our team thanatos beat you twice in a row, you cried a lot then went quiet?...surely you must remember? It wasn't that long ago and it was really funny

Maybe just don't bring up old news just to restart arguments and antagonise eh

I'm glad it's a TEAM league then..... Where did you guys finish again?
Posts: 2,717
01:38 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Friendly FCL



any takers and clan players anywhere is the jusistiction of funkyworld
Deleted User
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01:40 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i get a picture mattywellie mate?

Ooooohhhhh went to the dark side have we Francis
Posts: 2,717
01:41 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i get a picture mattywellie mate?

Ooooohhhhh went to the dark side have we Francis

Lmao mate nice to see you around!

And it's a 1 season contract!
Deleted User
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01:44 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can i get a picture mattywellie mate?

Ooooohhhhh went to the dark side have we Francis

Lmao mate nice to see you around!

And it's a 1 season contract!

Haha you can only stay in one place for so long anyway. Thanks man, just a flying visit! :)
Posts: 2,717
02:14 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry matty

league rules suck at the minute
Posts: 2,463
18:47 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah I'm very angry (it won't let me type a better word to describe it), I'd quit leagues alltogether if I hadn't already told matty I'd be here this season.
Considering I blame chris for the lack of change in the FCL, I refuse to play in his Super League of luck.
His players championship will have to do without a returning champ too, maybe it'll make him realize the value of trying to please everyone, instead of himself and the slight majority that shares his opinion.
I dont have any interest in the new fbl either, too high of a luck factor, like SL of luck. I'll play if need tho.

Edited at 16:55 Fri 31/01/14 (GMT)

Edited at 17:10 Fri 31/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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19:07 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's an incredibly self-assured and immature thing to say, especially considering it's coming from a "respected member of the community"!

Maybe instead of constantly reiterating your personal (minority) views on the league, you could constructively contribute to the league discussion?
Posts: 2,463
19:10 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's been tried and ignored. For season after season.
What respect?, I haven't received any at all from the league runners. Disrespect, sure, save my own captain.

Edited at 17:14 Fri 31/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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19:18 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It hasn't been ignored, it's been discussed, at length. As you even said yourself there was a vote a season or so back too.

I don't know where you've got the opinion that we haven't given you respect - Stop taking the format personally and victimising yourself!
Posts: 2,463
19:34 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I believe it was personal, at least from one of you. He couldn't change the FCL completely to his way, had to make it more accurate by extending the season ( we know how he hates an accurate league, he seems to want them unpredictable, where any team can win). Even though he already has one league running just how he wants it, he feels the need to force his ideas on the other 2, and if he can't change them, he tries to stop them from moving in any other direction. I'm betting it was him who was the strongest advocate for keeping the silly bonus points at 20, not even dropping back to 10! (majority opinion there I believe). I think he wanted to make sure it wouldn't go my way either.
If you all truly wanted contrasting, very different leagues, team fixture wins wouldn't have a voice in all 3 of them, you'd drop the bonus points from the FCL.

Edited at 18:32 Fri 31/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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21:29 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
That's an incredibly self-assured and immature thing to say, especially considering it's coming from a "respected member of the community"!

Maybe instead of constantly reiterating your personal (minority) views on the league, you could constructively contribute to the league discussion?

Load of rubbish that beens views are a minority, everytime horse brought up the football scoring system it had no support! Season after season only 2 or 3 people argued for it and nobody else saw a problem with the scoring! Guarantee new players don't want to be only playing 4 frames or winning frames and getting no points for them.
There hasn't been 5 people hit the discussion threads to say anything about the scoring in all the seasons fcl has run and it hasn't been something complained about on the forum either yet you force this crap change on people.
10 points bonus was also majority and never complained about by anyone other than horse and alan btw.
Posts: 2,463
21:38 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks, but I think he was referring to my view that the league is most accurate without any bonus points. It did lose(barely) a vote a couple seasons ago.
And they didn't change FCL, other than making it longer. It was the lack of change, especially considering the massive change to FBL (stopped counting frames), that has me so upset.
Deleted User
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Posts: 2,717
03:00 Mon 3 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The professionals will be having a friendly this week

But just friendly banter
Posts: 2,717
03:01 Mon 3 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The professionals will be having a friendly this week

But just friendly banter
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The Professionals (FCL & FBL Champions)

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