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Uprising VIII - Some Averagers

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Posts: 4,971
10:45 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
stating a fact not causing a stir.

now hoopahoop is u forgive me now eri ?

omg everyones getting this wrong, I aint leaving for confirmation or no more, its all different to what people are assuming, its all changed too, no one seems to have seen the EF update? lol.
Posts: 2,094
12:54 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
What is there for eri to forgive you for fran, you were the first and still maybe the only 1 to leave after you're hypocritical post about people not sticking to there word...

If you are staying Harry then good stuff, you're post on elite force thread sounds like you're still leaving!!
Posts: 4,971
14:46 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
It doesnt, as there isn't a post there except for take me off the list? sounds more like im staying with it..its all making people go a different route to the real thing..

So just to confirm, I am staying people!

Edited at 12:52 Fri 03/01/14 (GMT)
Posts: 2,717
15:08 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
What is there for eri to forgive you for fran, you were the first and still maybe the only 1 to leave after you're hypocritical post about people not sticking to there word...

If you are staying Harry then good stuff, you're post on elite force thread sounds like you're still leaving!!

Nothing hypocritical about me leaving fuunky. Yes maybe rumours sparked my interest to leave but i'm not tied down to any team and shall play for who i like as you can too. This team has got nothing but a good season from me and if you feel i'v done wrong here then please accept my apology for it.

70.48% 6th Fcl GC
85% 1ST Fbl GC-- and rising..

mate u know whats its like to leave clans..don't give me jip over it man.Good lad have a happy new year.

Edited at 13:14 Fri 03/01/14 (GMT)
Posts: 2,094
15:27 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah as you say you're free to join another clan anytime you want nothing at all wrong with that. I just found it a bit hypocritical how you post about people not sticking to there word with an angry face then you be the first one leave lol. I agree with what you've said, you're a top player that's why Matty asked you join pro's!!
Posts: 6,417
20:11 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uprising Team

1. faust (Captain FCL)
2. erigert ( Captain FBL)
3. cgibson92 (VC)
4. zantetsukenz (VC)
5. 2andygorams
6. angry_bacon
7. derik_dalton
8. fuunky
9. irish_ninja
10. pirate_steve
11. psychosis
12. r1p0m4n_v2
13. shadwell17
14. sharky89
15. slimeball
16. w_hoolahan

Please welcome Imran (r1p0m4n_v2) in the team for the next season. Great player and person hope u enjoy your time here
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20:18 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers eri!! Hope to do well for you guys!! thanks for having me..
Posts: 3,846
20:26 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
welcome pal, top signing eri
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21:07 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
welcome mate!
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22:02 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey lads!! Looking forward to a new challenge with an in-form uprising team!! Muchos gracias por la bienvenida..
Deleted User
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22:02 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Eurgh, who signed that liability!
Deleted User
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22:08 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Eurgh, who signed that liability!

pot ... kettle .. black ?
Deleted User
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22:24 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha, welcome
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22:28 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 2,094
23:07 Fri 3 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Class replacement, welcome m8!!
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02:21 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL - I got soooo much crap for being 'a poacher', talk about hypocritical, you go and do the same lol. However not only is yours better but class, weaken your direct opposition,

*** applause***

All my signings were from teams lower down the leagues....bravo.

Sorry, threads are quiet and I cant stand hypocrites.
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03:01 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
We didn't poach him.

He was so desperate to get away from Seb's tyrannical clutches that we took pity and granted him asylum.
Deleted User
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03:03 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
We didn't poach him.

He was so desperate to get away from Seb's tyrannical clutches that we took pity and granted him asylum.

LOL - fair enough then.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:05 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
We didn't poach him.

He was so desperate to get away from Seb's tyrannical clutches that we took pity and granted him asylum.

Uprising did what top teams are supposed to do .. lose a big name player so get another big name player ... real Madrid lose ozil but gain bale ... a few seasons back now Chelsea directly made arsenal weaker by signing cashley cole ..... its the way it works.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:12 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
We didn't poach him.

He was so desperate to get away from Seb's tyrannical clutches that we took pity and granted him asylum.

Oi!! That's your life story from what I heard
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