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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:08 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I sent you a message delaying our match by 1 hour from 8pm to 9pm, you mentioned you had another match at 9pm. Whilst you were playing friendly 9us vs upforit, I came to the same room and told you I were going out at 7:30pm. I also asked if were okay to play our match AFTER your clan match, your instantaneous reply were NO I DONT WANT TOO.

I then started getting weird messages from yourself whilst in the room with the last being 'I DONT CARE when I said I would be back earliest 9pm.

So please don't try making me the person in the wrong, I have been nothing but transparent with you all day, so we will sort it but don't be making up fallacies.

Also with all due respect fattmikee, why change the conversation to about 'thanatos'? Their fixture is a separate entity and we are both monitoring this so pointless bringing that into the conversation.

As it stands we have a few fixtures still outstanding, friendyboy has messaged froggy, so I'm sure that will be played very shortly.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:44 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see my post got ignored on eagles thread, would expect an apology and the promise of a sub today if james isn't on seeing as though he was offline for the first week, messaged me once to play the game but couldn't wait the 15 minutes for me to finish the game I was in and then arranged for last night I waited for 2 hours and he didn't show...hasn't been on since.
A decent captain would apologise and say that knowing I am not at home this weekend they would sub someone in during the times I will be available today.
Knowing mikee he will avoid the issue and try to get a sub off us on deadline day knowing that with davy away for this set with no disrespect to anyone we wouldnt have straight players available.
Hopefully froggy or kingdadcool will deal with this instead
Posts: 1,617
10:02 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
first of all you told me in a offline message you were going out to dinner at 7 30pm . i didn say NO I DONT WANT TO , i said NO THANKS ,

i got a lil weird because you must been online for about half a hour before you went . least 15 mins in my room too.

i always been nice to you , last week you asked if it would be alright to play our clan game in week 2 , i agreed , tuesday i asked you what day and time suits you , you said thursday 8pm , i agreed , thursday comes , you cant may it and you say 9pm , but i say i have a clan game over on snooker that time .

on snooker we had arranged our times before you couldnt make 8pm thursday

i never said i was going play you at 9pm

the I DONT CARE comment i said was to you saying your in no rush to be home at 9pm

im not making you out to be the 1 in the wrong . im just saying what has happened , i had no problem you not making 8pm , we could arranged for another night , but i did say i had a snooker clan game at 9pm
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:08 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sub for jame2010s please, ooo_u_tap_2 is not available after this afternoon, see 2 posts above.

Thank you - Plus he has been online every day from the fixture release.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:43 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will be browsing whilst I am in today looking out for james or a sub but won't log in every time to get messages so if anyone comes available to play post on our thread please 6.00 is absolute latest I can start the match
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:17 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles (14) v (10) Phoenix Storm

8US kingdadcool (8) v (0) breakdown
8US ronalddw v thanatos

9US eaglestrike (4) v (4) tombo1
9US triple_b v krazyash_07

8UK its_me (2) v (6) lmc_shark
8UK _pro__frog_ v friendyboy

STR jame2010s v ooo_u_tap_2

Deadline: 26th January

Edited at 16:37 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:18 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team

fattmikee (vice Captain)
_pro__frog_Vice Captain)
vegas (Dave)
king_joffery (Olle)
lfc12 (Karl)
flash_is_bac (Dillion)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:19 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will be browsing whilst I am in today looking out for james or a sub but won't log in every time to get messages so if anyone comes available to play post on our thread please 6.00 is absolute latest I can start the match

why cant fattmikee sub in?
obviously online.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:28 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
BTW - This is not a pointless post either, it's clan related and aim is to get all matches played.

Why cant you sub yourself in, every other Captain does even if they dislike the game type?
Instead you make us hang around for someone who fails to show up when scheduled, logs on when they feel like it.

My player has made every attempt to get this played, why can't you meet us in the middle. Send me another threatening offline message, saying post on your thread again you'll make us wait till Sunday, deadline day is that day. We won't make any more attempts, we have done all we can if you fail to make a compromise.

I'd rather concentrate on other fixtures than keep going round in circles with 1.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:30 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Need a sub for thantos plz LOL.
I told thantos flash had messaged him.his reply was flash's tiime didnt match up with his so he wants a sub.maybe flash needs a sub for him.

Edited at 16:34 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:32 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Need a sub for thantos plz LOL.

Find me a player who can actually play an ill be around
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:36 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Need a sub for thantos plz LOL.
I told thantos flash had messaged him.his reply was flash's tiime didnt match up with his so he wants a sub.maybe flash needs a sub for him.

Edited at 16:34 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)

Sub yourself in or are you exempt from subs?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:41 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL Now there we go with Mr league runner wanna be,U dont make rules ash as bad as you would like to.
Theres your sub Idiot.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:47 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL Now there we go with Mr league runner wanna be,U dont make rules ash as bad as you would like to.
Theres your sub Idiot.

Where's the sub, can you post it on our thread please, thanks.

Problem: this sub still does not eradicate the match vs ooo_u_tap_2 who has mentioned a numerous occasions will not be available from tonight. I will not be subbing him out when he is online now and you are too who is eligible.

Also he has been active every day from fixture release.

Edited at 16:53 Fri 24/01/14 (GMT)
Posts: 12,419
18:47 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Replied to friendyboy, hopefully he can play when I'm around. If worst comes to worst I'll sit on FP all day Sunday right up until deadline if I have to.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:48 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Replied to friendyboy, hopefully he can play when I'm around. If worst comes to worst I'll sit on FP all day Sunday right up until deadline if I have to.

He's very reliable mate so i'm sure this will be played before Sunday,
Posts: 12,419
18:52 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Replied to friendyboy, hopefully he can play when I'm around. If worst comes to worst I'll sit on FP all day Sunday right up until deadline if I have to.

He's very reliable mate so i'm sure this will be played before Sunday,

Shame we've only made contact in the last couple of days. I've been quiet on here since moving back to Uni, just need some time to settle back in again
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:06 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Can we have some assistance from yourself please mate, with regards to being sensible and trying to get some outstanding fixtures played. Tappy cannot play from after today, latest being 6pm. Could you either sort us a suitable eligible sub or make some fixtures swaps etc.

Thanks mate.
Posts: 12,419
19:16 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Can we have some assistance from yourself please mate, with regards to being sensible and trying to get some outstanding fixtures played. Tappy cannot play from after today, latest being 6pm. Could you either sort us a suitable eligible sub or make some fixtures swaps etc.

Thanks mate.

I believe I am the only one online at the moment but I wouldn't be able to commit 100% to finishing the frames today. Not sure if anyone is going to turn up in the next hour. Don't think there's a lot I can do mate in such a short space of time. If the fixture doesn't get played tonight, 'the ball is in your court' as to speak. I know how long tappy has been on in the last few weeks, but if he cannot play after today, maximum effort needs to be maintained to get the game played. Leaving a player that has stated they can't play in a fixture is at your own risk.
Posts: 3,610
19:37 Fri 24 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ill sub in lol
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