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Underdogs getting back on track

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Posts: 11,489
16:58 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I messaged poolgod about our game last week and had no reply. They've since been offline 4 days. Any idea when they're likely to be on or can I have a sub?

i only sub after 5 days if there not online tomorrow i will give u a sub
Posts: 851
17:06 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice one, cheers.
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17:44 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Could you please send me through default information for the flapjack vs chosen_one fixture ASAP
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18:03 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Both opponents have been messaged.
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18:08 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl subs

tombstone vs pot_luck


tombstone vs james_h
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19:29 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl sub

left_touch (0) v (0) acepotter25


left_touch v powea012
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19:48 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see i have been subbed into the GSC but i'm on wolf packs team list for that, so i'm ineligible to play.
i thought that but sniper said u wernt
This is true, as i was told by a reliable source.
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19:50 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I messaged poolgod about our game last week and had no reply. They've since been offline 4 days. Any idea when they're likely to be on or can I have a sub?
will look into subs pal, right now i do NOT know where thepoolgod's whereabouts are..but will keep an eye open for sure (as u are doing im sure lol)

Posts: 3,250
23:13 Mon 24 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
CUP - 8us
serious_game v wade_
is now
turtle1560 v wade_
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02:12 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont play cup games sry.FCL and FBL only
Posts: 3,250
02:13 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont play cup games sry.FCL and FBL only

then why have you been in this fixture a week now?
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02:14 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't ask me smart azz.Ask are captain
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05:27 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture 1

Underdogs 3 v 5 Monkey Business

8 US sniper 0 v 2 the__priest

8 US wade_ 1 v 1 the_viking

(s)9 US mardu0o v _armsrace_

9 US tombstone_74 2 v 0 jack_86

8 UK left_touch v thegreatone7

(s)8 UK thepoolgod v estwing

STR junster333 v anoneeemouse

STR cke1982 0 v 2 the_incal
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05:27 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Clan Grand Slam Cup

The Unbeatables 4 v 0 Underdogs

FCL mrmagic v thepoolgod

FCL crazzymadman 9 v 6 sniper

SL horse10000 v hardy202

SL mich 11 v 2 left_touch

8 US turtle1560 v garethclin (s)

9 US (s)mad_matt v mrfent(s)

8 UK poolbiird v tombstone_74

STR greyhound v cke1982

------------------------2 x FCL format games - a maximum of 15 racks in total and 5 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball)

2 x Super League format games - a maximum of 12 racks in total and 4 racks of each game type (8 Ball, UK8 and 9 Ball) with 'Event Bonuses' available for any Golden Break or Run Out achieved.

1 x FBL format 8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total

1 x FBL format UK8 Ball game - a maximum of 10 racks in total

1 x FBL format 9 Ball game - a maximum of 12 racks in total

1 x FBL format Straight game - a maximum of 2 games in total

Deadline 3rd March

Edited at 03:53 Tue 25/02/14 (GMT)
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05:30 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super league - Group B

The Underdogs 18 v 31 The Unbeatables

aaron1973 10 v 3 _egotistical
garethclin 6 v 6 horse10000
sniper v greyhound
(s)left_touch 2 v 10 mrmagic
thepoolgod v crazzymadman

Monkey Business 10 v 2 Underdogsbite

the__priest v tombstone_74
triple_b 10 v 2 left_touch
the_incal v sniper (s)
destroyer_16 v _wade
drewdt3 v hardy202

Killer v Killer
Killer games can be any number against any number provided both clans agree.

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05:33 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^^Game length - Each game consists of exactly 4 racks of each game type:
4 racks of 8 Ball US
4 racks of 8 Ball UK
4 racks of 9 Ball US

Matches are to be played in that order unless mutually agreed by both players. No complaints/objections regarding the order of the games will be accepted or considered once a game has commenced. All players are expected to resolve differences amicably regarding the order of games wherever possible and where no agreement is reached revert to the original order as stated above. Once started, games should be completed in one continuous session unless both players agree to an interval.

Each rack won by a player scores a point. In addition one point is scored for each 'event' recorded. An 'event' is classed as a Golden Break or a Run Out.

If players are level at the end of the match then the winner shall be decided by a one rack sudden-death decider. The game type for the deciding rack is to be chosen by the player winning the 12th rack in normal play.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here so i can update scores and the sl league thread

Deadline 5/03/14
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05:35 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl fixture 3 and 4

Underdogs 0 v 0 Ballbreakers

leedslad83 v james_h

sniper v deluxe

aaron1973 v matthew95_8

run_outt v chezz

garethclin v broosky1986

left_touch v powea012

wade_ v funkyferret

tombstone_74 v pot_luck
Underdogs 0 v 0 The Unbeatables

mrfent v greyhound

sniper v _egotistical

leedslad83 v horse10000

aaron1973 v mich

run_outt v mrmagic

garethclin v crazzymadman

mardu0o v poolbiird

left_touch v mad_matt

Edited at 03:38 Tue 25/02/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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05:36 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
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05:42 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs current roster!

1.cke1982 (C)
2. hardy202 (vc)
3 staffie_girl offline 8 days
4. sniper (Recruiter) (vc)
5. junster333 offline 5 days
6. mardu0o
7. wade_
8 . leedslad93
9. left_touch
11. mrfent
12. thepoolgod offline 4 days
13. run_outt (FCL only)
14. garethclin
15. aaron1973
16. orb (eligible next set)]

what a stud of a team we have!

Edited at 03:47 Tue 25/02/14 (GMT)
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05:57 Tue 25 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
grand slam sub cant make sub, dont know where to post this lol

turtle1560 vs wade_ is now
turtle1560 vs garethclin
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Underdogs getting back on track

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