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Phoenix Storm : Poachers Seasons Greetings, 'you got to pick a pocket or 2 or 3 ...'

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Deleted User
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11 years ago  [Link]  
Thanatos vs Techno

us8 3-1
us9 3-1
uk8 3-1


ggs pal gl for rest of season

I obvz fluked loadz XD


Vey nice result, keeps us in that match lol, thank you for playing it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 4 -

Phoenix Storm (33) vs (42) Pocket Dynamos

chapster_7 (5) vs (10) fastboysam
(swp) ooo_u_tap_2 vs silenthill
snoball (10) vs (5) marksmith
winter64 (7) vs (8) jasonb
(swp) iam_me vs walktall
(s) davybaumers (7) vs (8) punkpoet
i_am_classic (4) vs (11) bigcjl2
(s) (swp) thanatos vs askingfan (s)

Phoenix Storm (25) vs (50) Professionals

darren9030 (4) vs (11) mattywellie
(swp) breakdown (7) vs (8) _redherring_
cue_ball vs _nerdzz_
(swp) (s) friendyboy (0) vs (15) tinie
ooo_u_tap_2 (4) vs (11) scott7a
davybaumers (10) vs (5) dvz
thanatos vs ritcho
_sachibub vs beenjammin (wk2)

FCL: 5 Frames 8us, 9us & 8uk

Deadline: 8th December 2013.

Edited at 21:14 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
SL Round 2 Preliminary Semi Final

Phoenix Ashes (22) vs (40) The Pros

ooo_u_tap_2 (3) vs (9) dvz
breakdown (2) vs (13) mattywellie
(s) friendyboy/cue_ball vs scott7a
thanatos (9) vs (3) techno
(s) _sachibub (5) vs (7) _redherring_

Killer ooo_u_tap_2/breakdown (3) vs (8) scott7a/dvz

* cue_ball has permission to sub in vs scott7a, sooner the better.

Deadline: 08/12/2013

Edited at 22:41 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
Posts: 9,926
11 years ago  [Link]  
_sachibub offline for 4 days and not showing up to arranged games, please can we get a sub or an active player as we have 2 games to play against him with deadline the end of the week.
Posts: 19,819
11 years ago  [Link]  
thanatos vs lfc12
is now
thanatos vs askingfan
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
_sachibub offline for 4 days and not showing up to arranged games, please can we get a sub or an active player as we have 2 games to play against him with deadline the end of the week.


SL vs Pros B
Was: _sachibub vs _redherring_
Is Now: poolh8r/_sachibub vs _redherring_

Poolh8r: 21:03pm - 03/12/13

POOLH8R: I will be back 11:30 pm ur time for sure tomorrow
ME:okay mate, can I sub you in 1 of _sachibubs 2 matches?
POOLH8R: Sure bub

ME: THANK YOU MATE. Will sort it out now.

Edited at 22:03 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
I will be on at 11.30pm, I will log off at midnight if he hasn't logged on by then.

Will msg poolh8r this too
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 4 vs Pros

poolh8r/_sachibub vs beenjammin

In Order to try and get this played, both players have permission to sub in. Poolh8r's due back on Wednesday 11:30pm UK time.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
So annoyed at myself, lost 2-1 in the semi finals of my singles tourney :(

Never played as well, and he flukes a pot from my snooker
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
SL Result: vs Pros B: _sachibub (5) vs (7) _redherring_

That's a fine performance, just the 8uk were a 1-3 loss, rest 2-2.

Thank you for playing it matey.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
_redherring_ 7 vs 5 _sachibub

us8 2-2 (he fouled a black early on)
us9 2-2 (I gifted him a frame, he dry broke and left an easy 1-9 combo)
uk8 3-1 (I played well)

about right result, it was even on us table, I just pipped him on uk.

Neither of us reached top gear but ggs
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
So annoyed at myself, lost 2-1 in the semi finals of my singles tourney :(

Never played as well, and he flukes a pot from my snooker

Very unlucky mate, you'll beat them next time, even more incentive.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
no pressure friendyboy/cue_ball

you need to win 12-0 with atleast 6/8 breaks being events
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
no pressure friendyboy/cue_ball

you need to win 12-0 with atleast 6/8 breaks being events

Lol, safe to say you have won now, I'm pleased with our teams efforts and to reach double double figures is a lot better than 8 we were sitting on.

Well Done.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
At least I did one thing right, I managed to get drunk and win £120 xD
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
At least I did one thing right, I managed to get drunk and win £120 xD

Not bad, all in a nights work lol :P
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 4 -

Phoenix Storm (33) vs (42) Pocket Dynamos

chapster_7 (5) vs (10) fastboysam
(swp) ooo_u_tap_2 vs silenthill
snoball (10) vs (5) marksmith
winter64 (7) vs (8) jasonb
(swp) iam_me vs walktall
(s) davybaumers (7) vs (8) punkpoet
i_am_classic (4) vs (11) bigcjl2
(s) (swp) thanatos vs askingfan (s)

Phoenix Storm (25) vs (50) Professionals

darren9030 (4) vs (11) mattywellie
(swp) breakdown (7) vs (8) _redherring_
cue_ball vs _nerdzz_
(swp) (s) friendyboy (0) vs (15) tinie
ooo_u_tap_2 (4) vs (11) scott7a
davybaumers (10) vs (5) dvz
thanatos vs ritcho
_sachibub/poolh8r vs beenjammin (wk2)

FCL: 5 Frames 8us, 9us & 8uk

Deadline: 8th December 2013.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
SL Round 2 Preliminary Semi Final

Phoenix Ashes (22) vs (40) The Pros

ooo_u_tap_2 (3) vs (9) dvz
breakdown (2) vs (13) mattywellie
(s) friendyboy/cue_ball vs scott7a
thanatos (9) vs (3) techno
(s) _sachibub (5) vs (7) _redherring_

Killer ooo_u_tap_2/breakdown (3) vs (8) scott7a/dvz

* cue_ball has permission to sub in vs scott7a, sooner the better.

** Lol, safe to say Pros have won now, I'm pleased with our teams efforts and to reach double double figures vs Pros is great. The best achievement being of course reaching the Preliminary Semi Final in Season 1.

Well Done.

Deadline: 08/12/2013
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
Just thought the team might like to see our progression for ONLY Season 1: Let's get some more Blue up on this chart.

The Green are latest scores, we can get at least another 3 Blues added to the FCL, starting with the PD's match.

ALSO the FBL hasn't been our strongest league but with the new additions I'm sure we can turn that around maybe too late this season but definitely next.

Posted Image
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11 years ago  [Link]  
wooo for bloo
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Phoenix Storm : Poachers Seasons Greetings, 'you got to pick a pocket or 2 or 3 ...'

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