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Phoenix Storm : Poachers Seasons Greetings, 'you got to pick a pocket or 2 or 3 ...'

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03:48 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 4 -

Phoenix Storm (33) vs (42) Pocket Dynamos

chapster_7 (5) vs (10) fastboysam
thanatos vs silenthill
snoball (10) vs (5) marksmith
winter64 (7) vs (8) jasonb
iam_me vs walktall
(s) davybaumers (7) vs (8) punkpoet
i_am_classic (4) vs (11) bigcjl2
friendyboy vs lfc12 (wk 2)

Phoenix Storm (7) vs (8) Professionals

darren9030 vs mattywellie
(swp) breakdown (7) vs (8) _redherring_
cue_ball vs _nerdzz_
(swp) poolh8r vs tinie
ooo_u_tap_2 vs scott7a
davybaumers vs dvz
thanatos vs ritcho
_sachibub vs beenjammin (wk2)

FCL: 5 Frames 8us, 9us & 8uk

Deadline: 8th December 2013.

Good Luck to ALL.
Deleted User
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03:49 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ash posts on threads

no offence, I aint demanding subs and naming who I want to play
am I

ash seems to post on all threads, so I thought id post here

just doing an ash thing, shouldn't be a problem is it

Its not a problem but the constant going on about it , saying he is a cheat is just immature don't you think?

Fair enough Craig I have known you for a long time but please just let Ash do the captain role
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:50 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Round 2 Preliminary Semi Final

Phoenix Ashes vs The Pros

ooo_u_tap_2 vs dvz
breakdown vs mattywellie
poolh8r vs scott7a
thanatos vs techno (sub req 29/11)
(s) _sachibub vs _redherring_

Killer 2 vs 2

Deadline: 08/12/2013

Come on Phoenix we can win this!!!

ALL opponents will remain member-tagged until their match has been played.
Posts: 7,974
03:50 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
a cheat ????????????

where did I say that ??????????
tut tut
Deleted User
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03:53 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
a cheat ????????????

where did I say that ??????????
tut tut

not a cheat I'm suggesting the idea , so you haven't saying but your determining it , if you know what I am saying?
Posts: 7,974
03:56 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
no not really

ash suggested to sarah lol
that she should sub in jesus

wow that's not good is it

its a fact its on the thread,,, by ash
Deleted User
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03:58 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
all I can say is we all make errors
Posts: 7,974
03:58 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
enough from me now

but ash is only new,,,,, maybe bulldog you need to help him

have a great night
Deleted User
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03:59 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'm not really bothered what anyone external to this team has to say, we have had criticism, ridicule, malicious comments made to us from day 1 so I don't expect it to be any different nearing the end. Some people are just too fickle minded they get a buzz from trying to put others down.

Well I got news for you, keep doing what you're doing, you only make myself and this team even more determined so it's a'win/win situation'. Anyone would think by the behaviour of some that they feel a little 'intimidated or threatened' that a newly set up team can compete with you ALL.

We entered this league to do just that, IF people don't like it then tough that's their problem. I'm happy with each and every one of the team here, give us a break and let us continue what we are.

Yes recently the teams been a little depleted with active players and numbers, cut us some slack we all have the same 'end goal' which is to fulfil EVERY fixture assigned to us. As up to yet we have had 1 killer default score, we are trying as am I.

Nothing furthermore to say.

Edited at 02:21 Sat 30/11/13 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
04:06 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ash READING the above comments
again is a mega wet attack

calm yourself down, its not against your team

ITS YOUR comments and YOURS alone
Posts: 7,974
04:14 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any news on gollom (smeagol)? Offline 4 days and kingy has played cue_ball (4-4).

Can you not sub in _jesus_?


(smeagol) and how rude ash, when the players name is gollom, also this player may have personal issues, for being offline a couple of days in a 2 week fixture

but for you to suggest who sarah subs is farcical , lets guess how you would react when or if a fellow captain tells you who to play
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:15 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Round 2 Preliminary Semi Final

Phoenix Ashes vs The Pros

ooo_u_tap_2 vs dvz
breakdown vs mattywellie
poolh8r vs scott7a
thanatos vs techno (sub req 29/11)
(s) _sachibub vs _redherring_

Killer 2 vs 2

Deadline: 08/12/2013

Come on Phoenix we can win this!!!

ALL opponents will remain member-tagged until their match has been played.

You can take out sub req, as you know im an active player...
Deleted User
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04:27 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^ 2:15am does not make you active, you stated on your thread you are busy hence I asked for a sub.
Deleted User
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04:31 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Busy throughout the week, I'm free on weekends. So get ur player thatanos to send me a message of what times he can get on tommorow and sunday. As i won't be browsing all day waiting.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:33 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Busy throughout the week, I'm free on weekends. So get ur player thatanos to send me a message of what times he can get on tommorow and sunday. As i won't be browsing all day waiting.

They will be online quite a lot tomorrow, but yeah i'll ask them to message you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:08 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
no not really

ash suggested to sarah lol
that she should sub in jesus

wow that's not good is it

its a fact its on the thread,,, by ash

It was a suggestion.
I assume the captain has their own mind...
why so het up?
why all the drama over something so small?
Posts: 7,974
11:27 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
no not really

ash suggested to sarah lol
that she should sub in jesus

wow that's not good is it

its a fact its on the thread,,, by ash

It was a suggestion.
I assume the captain has their own mind...
why so het up?
why all the drama over something so small?

so why post
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:37 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Techno is off for 4 days and protests hes an active player, I'm off for 4 days and branded unactive.

Double standards much!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:29 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just another day in Paradise. Song Track Post

Right hello team, let's try get some more matches played, hopefully will be a nice quiet day but with many numpties about 'we should be so lucky'.

Id like to 'apologize' for all the trash written on this thread recently especially last night. Hopefully we wont have 'one more night' like that again for a while. I shall try and 'think twice' next time before replying to any one and in most cases if not clan related then they can eventually go 'bye bye bye'.

'Sometimes' it's too easy to retaliate so in future i will listen more to 'the voice within' and then we will see peoples 'true colours'.

'Let's get this party started' and play some more matches, win or lose at least all we can do is 'try'.

Edited at 13:44 Sat 30/11/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:19 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixtures 3: Deadline: 01/12/2013

** Please message your opponents straight away, thanks **

Phoenix Storm (33) v (23) Mousey Misfits - Complete

Phoenix Storm (11) v (29) Professionals

8us: thanatos v cphaynes
8us: breakdown (2) v (6) ritcho

9us: _sachibub (2) v (6) mattywellie
9us: (s) krazyash_07 (4) v (4) _nerdzz_

8uk: ooo_u_tap_2 (3) v (5) _redherring_
8uk: (s) supernova/raymond123 (1) v (5) scott7a TBC

str: cue_ball (0) v (8) dvz

8 Frames of designated game type, 4 of Straight.

Deadline 2 days away, let's get them finished please.
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Phoenix Storm : Poachers Seasons Greetings, 'you got to pick a pocket or 2 or 3 ...'

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