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Snooker Squad XI - Seb smells.

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14:54 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
snowden vs gb_stu

gbstu has contacted me he hasnt got a keyboard unfortunately

Play with the mouse?

Lol - and let me guess maybe if he speaks to his monitor it might automatically log him in.
Deleted User
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15:47 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not on all weekend so gonna need a sub for Lemmy this week. Don't sub me out on deadline day, Jimmy won't be happy lol.

Its not like lemmy hasn't been active pal.

But he has arranged times and not shown up.
Deleted User
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16:02 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
snowden vs gb_stu

gbstu has contacted me he hasnt got a keyboard unfortunately

Play with the mouse?

Lol - and let me guess maybe if he speaks to his monitor it might automatically log him in.

You realise there is an on screen keyboard that can be opened from the start menu.. its only a mouse click away!!
Deleted User
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16:06 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
snowden vs gb_stu

gbstu has contacted me he hasnt got a keyboard unfortunately

Play with the mouse?

Lol - and let me guess maybe if he speaks to his monitor it might automatically log him in.

You realise there is an on screen keyboard that can be opened from the start menu.. its only a mouse click away!!

Yes I do,
Posts: 19,819
16:17 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not on all weekend so gonna need a sub for Lemmy this week. Don't sub me out on deadline day, Jimmy won't be happy lol.

Its not like lemmy hasn't been active pal.

But he has arranged times and not shown up.

Tbh I am unaware of that but in another game matty arranged and didnt turn up and we have been forced to sub out our guy. Unfortunatly it happens.
As i say though lemmy is offline 2 days hes been online every day i think of this fixture.
Jose on the otherhand has said that he cant get on computer and was offline 4 days before that and yet we havent got a sub....
We will see what happens. I dont intend to sub lemmy out atm though if he is still offline friday night and jimmys about will see if I got anyone on. Possibly me though I hate 8buk.
Posts: 11,062
16:35 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jose on the otherhand has said that he cant get on computer and was offline 4 days before that and yet we havent got a sub....
all right, calm down. jose posted LAST NIGHT saying that he doesn't have access to a comp right now. I then said I would make the subs today, which I will do. Didn't see you asking for a sub before that either.

Anyway, we're not saying lemmy is inactive- we're saying he won't give any specific times when he can play. And when he does, he doesn't show up for them!
Posts: 11,062
16:40 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
jose_enrique vs cue_control_
is now
mrmagic vs cue_control

jose_enrique vs _golden_cue_
is now
thegame26 vs _golden_cue_

jose_enrique vs intermediate
is now
mich vs intermediate

__sniper__ vs jose_enrique
is now
__sniper__ vs mooney
Posts: 11,062
16:45 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Play 5 frames of each game type

Top Guns 13 vs 47 Snooker Squad

rocketweaz8 2 vs 13 r1p0m4n_v2
pool_black vs mich
emmajackson vs lethal_lures
__sniper__ vs mooney
sam_gooner 2 vs 13 hi_im_gary
chezz vs chosen_one
run_outt 6 vs 9 _rockstar_
jig_saw 3 vs 12 whocares8x8

Snooker Squad 20 vs 10 Ballbreakers

i_am_cursed 9 vs 6 raymond123
mich vs intermediate
lethal_lures vs tipster
mrmagic vs doverlad32
hi_im_gary 11 vs 4 raptorman
r1p0m4n_v2 vs powea012
snowden vs dvae
thegame26 vs gaitor

Deadline: Dec. 8th
Posts: 11,062
16:45 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Play 8 frames of your game type; 4 of straight

Snooker Squad 10 vs 6 Underdogs

chosen_one vs hardy202
thegame26 vs _golden_cue_
mrmagic vs cke1982
hi_im_gary 5 vs 3 rossunited
r1p0m4n_v2 vs thewanderer
mich 5 vs 3 funky_king
snowden vs gb_stu

Snooker Squad 24 vs 8 Pocket Dynamos

mrmagic vs cue_control_
chosen_one 3 vs 5 jasonb
lethal_lures vs bigcjl2
i_am_cursed 8 vs 0 welshgizy19
mich 5 vs 3 askingfan
_rockstar_ vs lemmy
whocares8x8 4 vs 0 fastboysam

Deadline 1st Dec
Posts: 11,062
17:07 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll be subbing out chosen_one if he's not back tonight.
Deleted User
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17:20 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tried to pm intermediate when he came on but he doesn't accept pm's.

So I then went on to offline message him. No reply as yet.

Tried speaking to him in chat room and got ignored, his captain also tried.

Went to his game room and tried to speak to him there, got ignored again.

I know I only been subbed in a matter of minutes but I sense this one will take a while to sort lol.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:40 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lemmy is inactive. We messaged at start of fixture to arrange a time, he said he was available one day last week which I purposely came on for and he never showed up. Then he was off another 2 days, messaged me again saying sorry he'll be on at some point next week then has been off for 2 more days. I need a time and day he can play because I set my comp up everytime to play. He didn't show up last time and it ticked me off. I won't play anyone who can't keep to a time THEY arrange. Sub him or the fixture won't get played. Sub me and ill leave, its not worth my effort for no reason.
Posts: 11,062
18:33 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol easy now jimmy. You don't have to try to hold me hostage here- it won't work
I'm sure they'll sub or swap soon if they see this. punkpoet
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:10 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
__sniper__ vs jose_enrique
is now
__sniper__ vs mooney

Message sent.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:01 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol easy now jimmy. You don't have to try to hold me hostage here- it won't work
I'm sure they'll sub or swap soon if they see this. punkpoet

Sorry man, on my man period today. Work haven't paid me my expenses that I was planning on using for this weekend so I've got to go to Everton and an Avenged Sevenfold gig with 40 quid. Bad times.
Posts: 19,819
00:06 Thu 28 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Jose on the otherhand has said that he cant get on computer and was offline 4 days before that and yet we havent got a sub....
all right, calm down. jose posted LAST NIGHT saying that he doesn't have access to a comp right now. I then said I would make the subs today, which I will do. Didn't see you asking for a sub before that either.

Anyway, we're not saying lemmy is inactive- we're saying he won't give any specific times when he can play. And when he does, he doesn't show up for them!

As I said pal apart from jimmy saying about lemmy not giving a specific time I haven't heard any of this before.
Don't we should make a sub atm, maybe if he isnt on by friday still, only 2 days offline. Anyways i think it will get played.
Ta for the sub, only reason i mentioned it was as i was replying and though might as well add it.
Posts: 11,062
00:42 Thu 28 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
As I said pal apart from jimmy saying about lemmy not giving a specific time I haven't heard any of this before.
Don't we should make a sub atm, maybe if he isnt on by friday still, only 2 days offline. Anyways i think it will get played.
Ta for the sub, only reason i mentioned it was as i was replying and though might as well add it.
I disagree with you- can you at least do a swap then? jimmy has stated that he wont be on this weekend and Im not gonna sub him out after he's made all the effort and the other guy didnt show up...
Posts: 8,315
01:05 Thu 28 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi is jimmy available to play now?
Posts: 8,315
01:13 Thu 28 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad v Pocket Dynamos
8uk _rockstar_ v lemmy


ang3l v _rockstar_
Deleted User
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01:15 Thu 28 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mich vs _redherring_ players champ

2-1 us8
1-2 us9
2-1 uk8 (runout to me in the last)

These games were riddled with underhits, random shots, flukes, the lot, you want it the games had it. We both had a laugh during the games which is what they are there for, just a shame I won it on a fluke, so sorry mate. Good games.
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Snooker Squad XI - Seb smells.

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