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Posts: 1,986
23:35 Mon 17 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ab_rfc;3 consecutive foul bonus ?, Ok it can take skill to snooker someone but they can also be fluked, why should someone get bonus points because their opponent can't get out of snookers or they pot the cue ball etc, surely bonus points should be earned by your own skill or luck and not what your opponent does.

7 balling bonus ?, the problem with this is 7 ballings can be given and not always earned.

Just my thoughts
I agree as well, becouse some 9 ball players do nothing but try and use the 3 foul rule.Couldn't win a match any other way.But there should be no bonas points in 9 ball anyway.
As a old saying goes (kiss) keep it simple stupid
Deleted User
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09:53 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
But on the flip side of that point made above, why shouldn't someone be given a bonus if they manage to do 3 perfect snookers, yet someone gets a bonus for a GB?

I think that if we are going to allow GB's in 9us, we should allow the 3 foul. At least a R/O usually involves an element of skill attached.
Deleted User
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12:43 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
In order to get a golden break you need to play a perfect shot. In order to achieve a run out you need to play the perfect frame. In order to get a seven balling you may only require your opponent be poor. To get three snookers you may only require the need to play one good shot as you opponent might have went in off twice.

To get a golden break or run out you require perfection and nothing else, for three snookers or 7 balling other factors can help.
Deleted User
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13:55 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've never got a golden break and played a perfect shot It's always pure luck whenever I get 1, and if and when I do get 1 I always apologise to my opponent as It's not a nice way to win a game imo.

Sometimes you need a bit of luck to get run outs so I disagree with they require perfection and nothing else, might be best to just scrap bonus points altogether...
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14:27 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
How in the hell do people justify a golden break requiring more skill than three fouling?

I'd challenge anybody to try and three foul anyone on the game and actually see how difficult it is to lay three good snookers, I think I have only done it once in my entire time on here.

What a bunch of flawed arguements too, you might be disgruntled if your opponent flukes three snookers? How about someone gb'ing or running out against you when there is nothing you can do about it....

The only downside is that a three fouling can not be achieved across all game types so it would only work if the format was one type only (which goes for seven ballings too)

In my opinion if the league's are merged then bonus points should be scrapped anyways as they just artificially change the score with no reflection on the better player. I think there has been a run out in every single one of my super league matches this season and I'm of the opinion that nearly every time they have swung the match to the weaker player.

I've lost track of the amount of games I've won from running out an easy rack because I have learnt decent breaks. If you want a level playing field abolish bonuses completely
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14:59 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whether luck comes into it or not for you to achieve a runout the right balls always have to be potted at the right time ie perfection. The others muted could have many misses and errors and you could achieve them. I personally don't like bonus points either much for the same reasons as pirate but I do see a stark difference in why one should be more valid than the other.
Posts: 2,463
15:16 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't like bonus points either, especially the GB's, they're 90% luck, and the one who achieved it has already been rewarded with winning the game.
At least with the runout, they had to show skill most shots (even if there was a lucky shot here or there).
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15:50 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow I agree along with win bonuses, not required. No need rub salt in a wound, the teams won others lost, leave it at that.

Same should apply with killer cup, why the need for extra 45 points, seems silly.
Posts: 7,940
16:41 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Having read the above, I agree 3 perfect snookers would deserve a bonus point but 3 consec fouls aint always achieved this way, I just disagree that someone gets a bonus point if one or more of the fouls is due to cue ball getting potted or poor play by the opponent.

Bin the bonus points
Deleted User
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16:42 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Having read the above, I agree 3 perfect snookers would deserve a bonus point but 3 consec fouls aint always achieved this way, I just disagree that someone gets a bonus point if one or more of the fouls is due to cue ball getting potted or poor play by the opponent.

Bin the bonus points

Or if someone flukes a ball on a run-out or get's a lucky split of the balls....

But yes bin them!
Posts: 10,109
16:51 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
If we was going to bin bonus points though - Super League would lose it's identity. It wouldn't be different enough from the FCL to justify being a competition in it's own right. As annoying as bonus points can be - it does make the Super League unique. If we was to scrap bonus points, the SL would have to look at maybe becoming 2 8us, 2 9us and 2 8uk as it used to be, or incorporating killer. Or anything to give it it's own identity.

Personally I would like 3 competitions to continue. It has many benefits, including giving more teams chances of winning something in the season, and helping captains give all of their players as many games as they'd like.
Posts: 19,967
16:57 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
You can't get a gb without having a good break, any break good enough to get a gb is good enough as a runout break. No matter how unintentional, you can't get around that, with a 3 foul win you don't even need to play a safety.

Gbs and runouts require zero shots missed, and so there is only one opportunity per rack. 3 fouls and 7 balling a can have many opportunities to happen per frame.

Gbs and runouts are classed as events by the site itself, 7 ballings and 3 fouls aren't.

Not saying that gbs involve less luck, but it's more worthy of a bonus point
Deleted User
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16:58 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Couldn't Team bonuses be introduced instead of individual ones? For example 3 runouts in a fixture set the team get extra points. Will make teams want to sign the better players even more BUT (which they do anyway) more and more players are recording events in every team.

Just think if more emphasis were placed on the TEAM it might make a little more interesting and maybe closer points wise. Unbeatables have recruited some fine players, we (XVth Man) wont be walkovers neither and Uprising and Pros will continue to have their same players. BB's have some very good players in kris, veyron, buzzboxxuk, sillybilly etc so would be good fun.

(Just for SL ONLY to maintain it's own identity)
Deleted User
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19:26 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think the difference with a 9 Ball GB is that fits within the intended aim of 9 Ball - ie to pot the 9 Ball having struck the lowest ball on.

Granted that is different in the 8 Ball games.

The aim of the event bonuses in SL was always two-fold. Yes to make it different in format to what already existed, but also to promote a different way of playing the games where all out attack potentially could be rewarded more than defensive play, which could lead in some cases to quicker matches overall. I know for a fact there is a higher percentage of RO's in SL games than FCL games.

As has been said above, if Event bonuses are not wanted then the SL format effectively mirrors the FCL format so it may as well be dropped and then we can have less overall fixtures and competitions. I dont mind either way.

The bonus points in the Killer Cup existed for a specific reason within the competition format. They could have been done away with and just left it as the last player/team standing wins the game. The end outcome would have been exactly the same.
Posts: 10,109
19:43 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
No-one seems to be commenting on the FBL, so this should probably be taken to SL discussion. Personally I'd be quite happy if all comps are the same next season - I'm just stating my preference for SL to be 5 v 5 and bonus points for 3 fouls!
Posts: 1,986
22:56 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
When you play pool in a pub there are no bonuses so why here.
As i said earlier (KISS) keep it simple stupid LOL.
Posts: 19,967
23:51 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The principle of Occam's razor only works for explanations and doesn't really apply here. Else it would be one league (FCL), the multiple leagues make things more complex.

That's because in pool in a pub you often just play one match (WSO), or in one league. Not a multi league system which is what the bonuses have developed from. Don't think you can take my from pub pool.

I'd like the SL to go back up to 5 vs 5, but personally I think 3 fouls goes against the spirit of the SL which is to be the most attacking and fast paced league.
Posts: 19,967
23:52 Tue 18 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
As for the other two leagues, I'm quite happy for them to remain as is or with minor tweaks.
Posts: 10,109
00:18 Wed 19 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The principle of Occam's razor only works for explanations and doesn't really apply here. Else it would be one league (FCL), the multiple leagues make things more complex.

That's because in pool in a pub you often just play one match (WSO), or in one league. Not a multi league system which is what the bonuses have developed from. Don't think you can take my from pub pool.

I'd like the SL to go back up to 5 vs 5, but personally I think 3 fouls goes against the spirit of the SL which is to be the most attacking and fast paced league.

There are 2 bonuses for attacking players though mate, it would be nice for defensive players to have something to aim for too!
Deleted User
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00:30 Wed 19 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Moved to SL discussion

Edited at 22:34 Tue 18/11/14 (GMT)
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