Top Guns (Taking Your Breath Away)
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20:53 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)
Not sure pal, maybe next day or so
whens next lot of fixtures out??
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20:55 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)
god help this clan haha . gl
Thanks for your kind words, you know what, 'Maybe you're not that much of the tosser I once thought you were', we all know who takes that spot now, mention no names, break no rules
Did the Beth game get played, I've been umm sort a gone for 72 hours, long story..
Never play with electric when outa bath !Yeah lol how have you been pal? Sorry been trying to fix mine and moms lappy, sort java issues...hope you went to doctor :P
Hope ur good now mate
I want as many clan games as possible as people keep telling me how crap I am and clearly need serious practice, so I can complete, with the so called big boys lol, so if I'm valid and needed please sub me in.. thanks x
god help this clan haha . gl
Thanks for your kind words, you know what, 'Maybe you're not that much of the tosser I once thought you were', we all know who takes that spot now, mention no names, break no rules
Did the Beth game get played, I've been umm sort a gone for 72 hours, long story..
Never play with electric when outa bath !
Hope ur good now mate
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20:56 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)
Top Guns (18) v (72) Snooker Squad
rocketweaz8 (2) v (13) r1p0m4n_v2
blueberry (7) v (8) mich
__sniper__ (3) v (12) lethal_lures
jack_86 (0) v (0) mooney
sam_gooner (2) v (13) hi_im_gary
chezz (2) v (13) i_am_cursed
run_outt (6) v (9) _rockstar_
jig_saw (3) v (12) whocares8x8
Top Guns (26) v (79) Uprising
staffie_man (2) v (13) erigert
chezz (4) v (11) shadwell17
rocketweaz8 (5) v (10) derik_dalton
blueberry (7) v (8) angry_bacon
jig_saw (2) v (13) cgibson92
run_outt (2) v (13) pirate_steve
thegreatone7 (0) v (0) slimeball
__sniper__ (4) v (11) w_hoolahan
Go Go Top Guns!
Edited at 21:59 Sun 08/12/13 (GMT)
Top Guns (18) v (72) Snooker Squad
rocketweaz8 (2) v (13) r1p0m4n_v2
blueberry (7) v (8) mich
__sniper__ (3) v (12) lethal_lures
jack_86 (0) v (0) mooney
sam_gooner (2) v (13) hi_im_gary
chezz (2) v (13) i_am_cursed
run_outt (6) v (9) _rockstar_
jig_saw (3) v (12) whocares8x8
Top Guns (26) v (79) Uprising
staffie_man (2) v (13) erigert
chezz (4) v (11) shadwell17
rocketweaz8 (5) v (10) derik_dalton
blueberry (7) v (8) angry_bacon
jig_saw (2) v (13) cgibson92
run_outt (2) v (13) pirate_steve
thegreatone7 (0) v (0) slimeball
__sniper__ (4) v (11) w_hoolahan
Go Go Top Guns!
Edited at 21:59 Sun 08/12/13 (GMT)
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23:05 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)
FCL - Fixture Set 5 (Final)
The games can now be found here...
Apologies for not having the fixtures formatted for simple cut and paste but there have been many last minute changes to the line-ups again.
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 22nd December 2013.
The games can now be found here...
Apologies for not having the fixtures formatted for simple cut and paste but there have been many last minute changes to the line-ups again.
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 22nd December 2013.
Deleted User
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23:13 Sun 8 Dec 13 (GMT)
FBL~ Fixture Set 4
Fixture set 4 has now been released, games can be copy/pasted from
the link below.!about1/c1da0
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
Good Luck all
Fixture set 4 has now been released, games can be copy/pasted from
the link below.!about1/c1da0
Deadline for the fixture is 22/12/13 @ Midnight GMT
Good Luck all
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00:03 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
You guys im retiring here...i shud have said dont put me into any more games..
I dont want to lose another frame for any done..
Wih you all the best in the end of season, we have a full team, so im leaving here.
Been too busy with tying to fix mine and mums laptop, and personal life, with christams getting closer..we wont b doing nuthin with no moeny...time are tough, and i dont have the WILL, or the want t oplay for a team anymore.
Deactivating here and snooker.
Next season i wont be on a least not for a goood while..if im even allowed
Like i said best of luck to all of you, thank you Johnny for giving me the chance to be here and help, honestly, thanks pal, nobody game a chance..i appreciate all you have done to help me personally with being able to enjoy being on a team.
Thanks, i did enjoy my time here, i just dont have what it takes to persist through things at the moment. I must hang up the cue
I dont want to lose another frame for any done..
Wih you all the best in the end of season, we have a full team, so im leaving here.
Been too busy with tying to fix mine and mums laptop, and personal life, with christams getting closer..we wont b doing nuthin with no moeny...time are tough, and i dont have the WILL, or the want t oplay for a team anymore.
Deactivating here and snooker.
Next season i wont be on a least not for a goood while..if im even allowed
Like i said best of luck to all of you, thank you Johnny for giving me the chance to be here and help, honestly, thanks pal, nobody game a chance..i appreciate all you have done to help me personally with being able to enjoy being on a team.
Thanks, i did enjoy my time here, i just dont have what it takes to persist through things at the moment. I must hang up the cue
Deleted User
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00:21 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Sorry all again lost 14-1 to mooney, prob deserved a couple more but played like a lemon.
Bit rusty atm so if ppl want games feel free to sub into any of mine
Bit rusty atm so if ppl want games feel free to sub into any of mine
Deleted User
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00:21 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Top Guns (19) v (86) Snooker Squad
rocketweaz8 (2) v (13) r1p0m4n_v2
blueberry (7) v (8) mich
__sniper__ (3) v (12) lethal_lures
jack_86 (1) v (14) mooney
sam_gooner (2) v (13) hi_im_gary
chezz (2) v (13) i_am_cursed
run_outt (6) v (9) _rockstar_
jig_saw (3) v (12) whocares8x8
Top Guns (26) v (79) Uprising
staffie_man (2) v (13) erigert
chezz (4) v (11) shadwell17
rocketweaz8 (5) v (10) derik_dalton
blueberry (7) v (8) angry_bacon
jig_saw (2) v (13) cgibson92
run_outt (2) v (13) pirate_steve
thegreatone7 (0) v (0) slimeball
__sniper__ (4) v (11) w_hoolahan
Go Go Top Guns!
Top Guns (19) v (86) Snooker Squad
rocketweaz8 (2) v (13) r1p0m4n_v2
blueberry (7) v (8) mich
__sniper__ (3) v (12) lethal_lures
jack_86 (1) v (14) mooney
sam_gooner (2) v (13) hi_im_gary
chezz (2) v (13) i_am_cursed
run_outt (6) v (9) _rockstar_
jig_saw (3) v (12) whocares8x8
Top Guns (26) v (79) Uprising
staffie_man (2) v (13) erigert
chezz (4) v (11) shadwell17
rocketweaz8 (5) v (10) derik_dalton
blueberry (7) v (8) angry_bacon
jig_saw (2) v (13) cgibson92
run_outt (2) v (13) pirate_steve
thegreatone7 (0) v (0) slimeball
__sniper__ (4) v (11) w_hoolahan
Go Go Top Guns!
04:43 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Snipers we are baba's 'indian', see it out till end of season at least, I've made promises to move clans as despite me requests for co-operation I've got very little help, but from a few..
Its not, never was and never will be my team and I think most of you've made that clear, bar a few that are good mates, after this season I will treasure and appreciate me time here with some nice top players
Guys lifes a game, different chapters, till then I'll give Top Guns 100 % !
You guys im retiring here...i shud have said dont put me into any more games..
Wih you all the best in the end of season, we have a full team, so im leaving here.
Been too busy with tying to fix mine and mums laptop, and personal life, with christams getting closer..we wont b doing nuthin with no moeny...time are tough, and i dont have the WILL, or the want t oplay for a team anymore.
Deactivating here and snooker. sort it
Next season i wont be on a least not for a goood while..if im even allowed
Like i said best of luck to all of you, thank you Johnny for giving me the chance to be here and help, honestly, thanks pal, nobody game a chance..i appreciate all you have done to help me personally with being able to enjoy being on a team.
Thanks, i did enjoy my time here, i just dont have what it takes to persist through things at the moment. I must hang up the cue
Wih you all the best in the end of season, we have a full team, so im leaving here.
Been too busy with tying to fix mine and mums laptop, and personal life, with christams getting closer..we wont b doing nuthin with no moeny...time are tough, and i dont have the WILL, or the want t oplay for a team anymore.
Deactivating here and snooker. sort it
Next season i wont be on a least not for a goood while..if im even allowed
Like i said best of luck to all of you, thank you Johnny for giving me the chance to be here and help, honestly, thanks pal, nobody game a chance..i appreciate all you have done to help me personally with being able to enjoy being on a team.
Thanks, i did enjoy my time here, i just dont have what it takes to persist through things at the moment. I must hang up the cue
Snipers we are baba's 'indian', see it out till end of season at least, I've made promises to move clans as despite me requests for co-operation I've got very little help, but from a few..
Its not, never was and never will be my team and I think most of you've made that clear, bar a few that are good mates, after this season I will treasure and appreciate me time here with some nice top players
Guys lifes a game, different chapters, till then I'll give Top Guns 100 % !
04:48 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
You guys im retiring here...i shud have said dont put me into any more games..
Why didn't ya man play Them ..........quote berrry
I dont want to lose another frame for any done..
Wih you all the best in the end of season, we have a full team, so im leaving here.
Been too busy with tying to fix mine and mums laptop, and personal life, with christams getting closer..we wont b doing nuthin with no moeny...time are tough, and i dont have the WILL, or the want t oplay for a team anymore.
Deactivating here and snooker.
Next season i wont be on a least not for a goood while..if im even allowed
Like i said best of luck to all of you, thank you Johnny for giving me the chance to be here and help, honestly, thanks pal, nobody game a chance..i appreciate all you have done to help me personally with being able to enjoy being on a team.
Thanks, i did enjoy my time here, i just dont have what it takes to persist through things at the moment. I must hang up the cue
Why didn't ya man play Them ..........quote berrry
I dont want to lose another frame for any done..
Wih you all the best in the end of season, we have a full team, so im leaving here.
Been too busy with tying to fix mine and mums laptop, and personal life, with christams getting closer..we wont b doing nuthin with no moeny...time are tough, and i dont have the WILL, or the want t oplay for a team anymore.
Deactivating here and snooker.
Next season i wont be on a least not for a goood while..if im even allowed
Like i said best of luck to all of you, thank you Johnny for giving me the chance to be here and help, honestly, thanks pal, nobody game a chance..i appreciate all you have done to help me personally with being able to enjoy being on a team.
Thanks, i did enjoy my time here, i just dont have what it takes to persist through things at the moment. I must hang up the cue
Deleted User
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04:52 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
I know blueberry and u and johnny are 2 i dont want to let down especially...just really wanted to quit halfway through with pete, that i was so demoralized after the way i played, and just after haveing this BBQ canceled..i was P'd off! I have decided to stick round til end of season, don't want to be a possible reason for future things to come b4 season ends.
Also, looks better if i dont leave, then i may b banned next season
Also, looks better if i dont leave, then i may b banned next season
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
04:53 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
I came here to help out the team, not just abandon them b4 season ends!! Please forgive me!!!!
Will play the best i can here on out
Will play the best i can here on out
Deleted User
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11:10 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Mousey Misfits v Top Guns
blueberry v vespa_dave
jack_86 v the__priest
pool_black v _armsrace_
gyro1780 v estwing
acepotter25 v kingy
chezz v drewdt3
jig_saw v the_incal
rocketweaz8 v todd2000
top guns vs the ballbreakers
__sniper__ v blackcabman7
staffie_man v kathleen_b
rocketweaz8 v moonbeam06
run_outt v raptorman
alex_lewis v jimmyd20
bazzacu v brooksy1986
emmajackson v snoox
thegreatone7 v dooverlad32
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
lets message our opponents and get these last games done
good luck guns
deadline is 22/12/2013
Edited at 09:24 Mon 09/12/13 (GMT)
Mousey Misfits v Top Guns
blueberry v vespa_dave
jack_86 v the__priest
pool_black v _armsrace_
gyro1780 v estwing
acepotter25 v kingy
chezz v drewdt3
jig_saw v the_incal
rocketweaz8 v todd2000
top guns vs the ballbreakers
__sniper__ v blackcabman7
staffie_man v kathleen_b
rocketweaz8 v moonbeam06
run_outt v raptorman
alex_lewis v jimmyd20
bazzacu v brooksy1986
emmajackson v snoox
thegreatone7 v dooverlad32
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
lets message our opponents and get these last games done
good luck guns
deadline is 22/12/2013
Edited at 09:24 Mon 09/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:22 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Snooker Squad 0 vs 0 Top Guns
_rockstar_ vs bazzacu
snowden vs blueberry
i_am_cursed vs staffie_man
mrmagic vs __sniper__
r1p0m4n_v2 vs rocketweaz8
dgeneratio vs jack_86
hi_im_gary vs emmajackson
Deadline 22/12/2013
_rockstar_ vs bazzacu
snowden vs blueberry
i_am_cursed vs staffie_man
mrmagic vs __sniper__
r1p0m4n_v2 vs rocketweaz8
dgeneratio vs jack_86
hi_im_gary vs emmajackson
Deadline 22/12/2013
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:26 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Hello Clan.
How is everybody doing?
And hello Jack. Good to see ya back
How is everybody doing?
And hello Jack. Good to see ya back
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:50 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
me vs r1p0m4n_v2 uk8
ggs mate last game he fouled the black , but in the earlier frame i missed a thin black so a draw fair result against a top player
ggs mate last game he fouled the black , but in the earlier frame i missed a thin black so a draw fair result against a top player
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:52 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Snooker Squad 4 vs 4 Top Guns
_rockstar_ vs bazzacu
snowden vs blueberry
i_am_cursed vs staffie_man
mrmagic vs __sniper__
r1p0m4n_v2(4) vs (4) rocketweaz8
dgeneratio vs jack_86
hi_im_gary vs emmajackson
Deadline 22/12/2013
_rockstar_ vs bazzacu
snowden vs blueberry
i_am_cursed vs staffie_man
mrmagic vs __sniper__
r1p0m4n_v2(4) vs (4) rocketweaz8
dgeneratio vs jack_86
hi_im_gary vs emmajackson
Deadline 22/12/2013
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:57 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
Mousey Misfits v Top Guns
blueberry v vespa_dave
jack_86 v the__priest
pool_black v _armsrace_
gyro1780 v estwing
acepotter25 v kingy
chezz v drewdt3
jig_saw v the_incal
rocketweaz8 v todd2000
top guns vs the ballbreakers
__sniper__ v blackcabman7
staffie_man v kathleen_b
rocketweaz8 v moonbeam06
run_outt v raptorman
alex_lewis v jimmyd20
bazzacu v brooksy1986
emmajackson v snoox
thegreatone7 v dooverlad32
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
lets message our opponents and get these last games done
good luck guns
deadline is 22/12/2013
Mousey Misfits v Top Guns
blueberry v vespa_dave
jack_86 v the__priest
pool_black v _armsrace_
gyro1780 v estwing
acepotter25 v kingy
chezz v drewdt3
jig_saw v the_incal
rocketweaz8 v todd2000
top guns vs the ballbreakers
__sniper__ v blackcabman7
staffie_man v kathleen_b
rocketweaz8 v moonbeam06
run_outt v raptorman
alex_lewis v jimmyd20
bazzacu v brooksy1986
emmajackson v snoox
thegreatone7 v dooverlad32
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
lets message our opponents and get these last games done
good luck guns
deadline is 22/12/2013
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:58 Mon 9 Dec 13 (GMT)
hi team sorry been on and off not been well i still here
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Top Guns (Taking Your Breath Away)
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