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Top Guns (Taking Your Breath Away)

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:54 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Aww dont you just love adults acting like children another day on funkypool loool hows the team??? Xx

noooo its all made up and just a dream lol x

LOL i wish
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:56 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jema causing trouble again

Hey all good to see ure doing well

Jack i never cause it but ill happily finish it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:58 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I find it quite funny to be honest Jem....just don't think about anyone other themselves...particularly with the hours gone into arranging it all

All good, just flamin' tired! How's you? x

Exactly - its fine, i love having my precious spare time wasted -_-
Got work later on the late shift, im tired too trying to enjoy a we lie in but Riley has other plans lol You doing much today?

Yeah I bet! It's all very immature...but then it's hard for people to realise what having a full time job, a family and goodness knows what else going on is like when they just sit on a pool site all day...I think you do a grand job considering it's all done for free too

oh bless him....make the most of these times though because you'll be wishing he is how he is now when he's a teen-anger lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:00 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I find it quite funny to be honest Jem....just don't think about anyone other themselves...particularly with the hours gone into arranging it all

All good, just flamin' tired! How's you? x

Exactly - its fine, i love having my precious spare time wasted -_-
Got work later on the late shift, im tired too trying to enjoy a we lie in but Riley has other plans lol You doing much today?

Yeah I bet! It's all very immature...but then it's hard for people to realise what having a full time job, a family and goodness knows what else going on is like when they just sit on a pool site all day...I think you do a grand job considering it's all done for free too

oh bless him....make the most of these times though because you'll be wishing he is how he is now when he's a teen-anger lol
Yeah just be like having another Jay
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:01 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jema causing trouble again

Hey all good to see ure doing well

Jack please refrain from posting comments on our thread unless they're directly clan related. Thank you.

Only joking you turn-coat.

Only joking mate....hope you're well

Nothing important in this one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:08 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont work full time but can be 3-5 days a week, plus taking overtime for xmas, house to organise, a chid to look after, court case to sort agh the stress lol how i find time to come on is beyond me lol

Riley is jumping all over me though so im having a wee giggle with him, dont want to think about teenage years lol jay is bad enough hehe
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:12 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Violins please...

Mav don't question my lifestyle u know nothing about me and what i do, told you i respect you and opinions but there's crossing the line into 'getting personal', would appreciate if you didn't. Thanx.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:14 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Violins please...

Mav don't question my lifestyle u know nothing about me and what i do, told you i respect you and opinions but there's crossing the line into 'getting personal', would appreciate if you didn't. Thanx.

you start your post with something like this ure bound to get a reaction...........Go make some subs/team changes or somet ure good at that
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:16 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jema causing trouble again

Hey all good to see ure doing well

Jack please refrain from posting comments on our thread unless they're directly clan related. Thank you.

Only joking you turn-coat.

Only joking mate....hope you're well

i feel at home here tho mav with all u tools

Nothing to see here
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:17 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Violins please...

Mav don't question my lifestyle u know nothing about me and what i do, told you i respect you and opinions but there's crossing the line into 'getting personal', would appreciate if you didn't. Thanx.

you start your post with something like this ure bound to get a reaction...........Go make some subs/team changes or somet ure good at that

Oh yeah thanx Jack, just reminded me need a sub for match vs thanatos.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:19 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jema causing trouble again

Hey all good to see ure doing well

Jack please refrain from posting comments on our thread unless they're directly clan related. Thank you.

Only joking you turn-coat.

Only joking mate....hope you're well

i feel at home here tho mav with all u tools

Nothing to see here

You love us thats why Jack!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:20 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Violins please...

Mav don't question my lifestyle u know nothing about me and what i do, told you i respect you and opinions but there's crossing the line into 'getting personal', would appreciate if you didn't. Thanx.

you start your post with something like this ure bound to get a reaction...........Go make some subs/team changes or somet ure good at that

To be honest it is him that needs the violins, sad and lonely, I kind of feel bad for the guy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:30 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  


Top Guns (43) v (62) The Unbeatables

_maverick_ (8) v (7) red4eva
winter64 (6) v (9) poolbiird
__sniper__ (6) v (9) mooksterman
jig_saw (5) v (10) no1hustl3r
snoball (8) v (7) serious_game

pool_black (4) v (11) mad_matt
bradonforest (0) v (0) weirdo_1
chisisidovev (6) v (9) turtle1560

Top Guns (20) v (52) The Professionals

staffie_man (4) v (11) _redherring_
rocketweaz8 (2) v (13) dvz
hotdave (5) v (10) sixty_plus
blueberry (0) v (0) _nerdzz_
chisisidovev (0) v (0) beenjammin
chapster7 (4) v (8) tinie TBC
emmajackson (0) v (0) cphaynes
pixie_dust (5) v (10) davey_1985

gl team lets gets some points.


come on team lets get games done.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:30 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

The Professionals (13) vs (3) Top Guns

ritcho v __sniper__
horse10000 v blueberry
onevisit(7) v (1)winter64
techno v chisisidovev
davey_1985 (6) v (2) rocketweaz8
liam_scfc v _maverick_
_nerdzz_ v emmajackson
player a / player b v player a / player b
player a / player b v player a / player b

Top Guns (0) vs (0) Unbeatables

pool_black v bluenose1872
chapster7 v mooksterman
staffie_man v mad_matt
hotdave v hippesville
bradonforest v im_crap_adam
snoball v jack_86
chisisidovev v greyhound
player a / player b v player a / player b
player a / player b v player a / player b

Format: 8 of your selected game type, 4 of straight


Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:31 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Pocket Dynamos (7) vs (17) Top Guns

punkpoet v __sniper__
welshgizy19 v pool_black
fastboysam v hotdave
askingfan v winter64
bigcjl2 (4) v (4) snoball
ang3l (0) v (8) rocketweaz8
walktall v chisisidovev
punkpoet / jasonb (3) v (5) __sniper__ / staffie_man
player a / player b v player a / player b

Top Guns (16) vs (8) Phoenix Storm

chapster7 v ooo_u_tap_2
blueberry v friendyboy
staffie_man v poolh8r
jig_saw (4) v (4) krazyash_07
_maverick_ (5) v (3) raymond123
bradonforest v _psmon_
emmajackson v 0mg1won
sniper / rocket (7) v (1) krazyash_07/ unknownelite
player a / player b v player a / player b

Format: 8 of your selected game type, 4 of straight

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:31 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
super league set 2

Mousey Misfits (25) v (24) Top Guns

vespa_dave (0) v (0) staffie_man
kingy (5) v (7) _maverick_
the_viking (4) v (9) rocketweaz8
the__priest (8) v (4) chapster7
the_incal (8) v (4) snoball

Killer TBA v TBA

The Professionals B (17) v (9) Top Guns

dvz (0) v (0) chisisidovev
scott7a (0) v (0) blueberry
tinie (2) v (2) winter64 TBC
_redherring_ (6) v (6) __sniper__
techno (9) v (1) jig_saw TBC

Killer TBA v TBA

Individual games are 12 racks (4 each of US8, UK8 and 9 Ball). One point for each rack won plus a further one point for every 'Event' achieved. An 'Event' is a Run Out or a Golden Break.

Killer games are 2 vs 2. Scoring breakdown is
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2 pts
4th 1pt

Players can play in both an individual and a Killer game in the same match.


The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 27th October 2013.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:51 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Violins please...

Mav don't question my lifestyle u know nothing about me and what i do, told you i respect you and opinions but there's crossing the line into 'getting personal', would appreciate if you didn't. Thanx.

you start your post with something like this ure bound to get a reaction...........Go make some subs/team changes or somet ure good at that

Oh yeah thanx Jack, just reminded me need a sub for match vs thanatos.

wrong thread
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:56 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
moving on people...... fcl deadline is this sunday

can i have some updates please? do we need to sub in/out

have we sorted times to play ??

feed back please
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:20 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer vs Professionals.

Order was....Johnny, Davey, Matty and then me. I was never going to survive that (particularly with a phonecall)



Was good fun (short lived though) against some top quality players. Johnny did well hanging on with one life to kill Dave. Well played lads.

No idea what the scores are...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:26 Thu 17 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
was unlucky mate it handy we can shout to each other about shots but not when one is on the phone arghhhhhhhhhh

ggs though
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Top Guns (Taking Your Breath Away)

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