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Phoenix Storm - 'We WILL Rise & You WILL Fall!'

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:55 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
can i ask who is phoenix lightning an who's phoenix storm lol im confused
and phoenix ashes??? lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:04 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
can i ask who is phoenix lightning an who's phoenix storm lol im confused
and phoenix ashes??? lol

Sure mate: The Team as a Collective is Phoenix Storm,

We have entered/submitted 2 sides in to the Super League mate, 1. Phoenix Ashes and 2. Phoenix Lightning. PA's in Group 1 and PL's in group 2.

I've split the whole side up into 2 and tried to balance them, so WE are representing Phoenix Storm as best we can.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:08 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ok thats what i thought mate, which am i in
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:09 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ok thats what i thought mate, which am i in

Phoenix Lightning mate:
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:21 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Team Phoenix Storm: PA Phoenix Ashes, PL Phoenix Lightning

Team Allocated: Super League

PA krazyash_07
PL cue_ball
PL ooo_u_tap_2
PA poolh8r
PA _sachibub
PA thanatos

PL samba2
PL ub3rnator
PA unknownelite
PL friendyboy
PA raymond123
PA linc717
PA darren9030 (sub)

PL 0mg1won
PL _psmon_
PA breakdown (sub)
PL ghoulish

Edited at 14:36 Wed 23/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:34 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 2 -
Group 1: Phoenix Ashes

Phoenix Ashes (36) v (24) Ballbreakers A

thanatos (12) v (0) jimmyd20 (s)
linc717 (6) v (6) doverlad32
poolh8r (7) v (5) intermediate
_sachibub (8) v (5) dvae
_psmon_ v tiandrew
Killer: krazyash_07/_sachibub (3) v (8) snoox/jimmyd20

Phoenix Ashes (27) v (36) Uprising Ultras

thanatos (7) v (6) shadwell17
(s) krazyash_07 (5) v (8) erigert
poolh8r (1) v (12) w_hoolahan (s)
_sachibub (8) v (5) fuunky (s)
unknownelite v zantetsukenz (5-3 partial)
Killer krazyash_07/_sachibub (6) v (5) franer_/w_hoolahan

Group 2: Phoenix Lightning

The Unbeatables B (23) v (38) Phoenix Lightning

mad_matt (7) v (5) ooo_u_tap_2
poolbiird (5) v (7) cue_ball
jack_86 (2) v (10) friendyboy (s)
cannibals (3) v (10) ghoulish
no1hustl3r (6) v (6) ub3rnator
Killer TBA v TBA

Snooker Squad (46) v (25) Phoenix Lightning - Done

4 Frames 8us 9us & 8uk plus B/Points for Events

Deadline: 27/10/13
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:36 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix 1

Phoenix Storm (8) vs (16) Snooker Squad

8us: (s) darren9030 v thegame26
8us:(swp) thanatos v lethal_lures
9us: poolh8r v roxbury_100
9us: _sachibub (3) v (5) i_am_cursed
8uk: ub3rnator (5) v (3) mrmagic
8uk: samba2 v one_for_all
Straight: ooo_u_tap_2 (0) v (8) hi_im_gary

Top Guns (19) vs (29) Phoenix Storm

8us: chapster_7 (1) v (7) ooo_u_tap_2
8us: blueberry (2) v (6) friendyboy
9us: staffie_man (3) v (5) poolh8r
9us: jig_saw (4) v (4) krazyash_07
8uk: _maverick_ (5) v (3) raymond123
8uk: bradonforest v _psmon_
Straight: emmajackson (4) v (4) 0mg1won

8 Frames of 8us/9us/8uk and 4 Straight

Good Luck
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:38 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs Uprising

Phoenix Storm (7) vs (9) Uprising

8us: darren9030 v angry_bacon
8us: ooo_u_tap_2 (3) v (5) cgibson92
9us: thanatos v derik_dalton
9us: (s) krazyash_07 (3) v (5) 2andygorams
8uk: samba2 v w_hoolahan
8uk: linc717 (4) v (4) zantetsukenz
Straight: cue_ball v pirate_steve

Pocket Dynamos (27) vs (21) Phoenix Storm

8us: punkpoet (5) v (3) _sachibub
8us: jasonb (5) v (3) v samba2
9us: walktall (3) v (5) cue_ball
9us: lfc12 (6) v (2) ub3rnator
8uk: bigcjl2 (6) v (2) raymond123
8uk: cue_control_ v friendyboy
Straight: marksmith (2) v (6) ooo_u_tap_2

Format: 8 Frames 8us or 9us or 8uk, 4 frames Straight
Deadline: 10th Nov (BUT trying to clear 1 a week if poss)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:41 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

FCL - Fixture Set 2
(Deadline: 03.11.2013)

Phoenix Storm (11) v (19) Snooker Squad

ooo_u_tap_2 (6) v (9) snowden
cue_ball v roxbury_100
poolh8r v one_for_all
_sachibub v mich
friendyboy (5) v (10) jose_enrique
thanatos v i_am_cursed
linc717 v whocares8x8
ub3rnator v chosen_one

Phoenix Storm (14) v (1) Mousey Misfits

unknownelite v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 (14) v (1) _jesus_
_sachibub v the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
(s) breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won v gollom
krazyash_07 v todd2000

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

*Please message your opponents straight away, have fun, enjoy and the best of luck.

Can we try and get some of the New FCL matches played, thanks. I've noticed 3 or 4 of the oppositions players are inactive, this issue has been addressed.

Edited at 16:22 Wed 23/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:41 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Player Championship Round 2 - Matches

fastboysam vs raymond123
angry_bacon vs _sachibub
thanatos vs kronos
fry06 vs unknownelite
darren9030 vs woodwizard

Format 3 of 8us, 9us and 8uk (Bonus Points for Events)

*** Deadline: Sunday 27th October ***

Optional whether you play or not, be courteous and post on the Players Championship thread if you do not want to participate.

Thank you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:30 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Great scores everyone unlucky h8r and aled with the losses, proves you guys are human after all...not sure that gary is, think he's poolatron lord of the decepticons lol
Better off letting someone else play clan killer vs ubs ash mate, I'm not planning on being on regular till more games come out
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:34 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Great scores everyone unlucky h8r and aled with the losses, proves you guys are human after all...not sure that gary is, think he's poolatron lord of the decepticons lol
Better off letting someone else play clan killer vs ubs ash mate, I'm not planning on being on regular till more games come out

No worries mate, you've played all yours and I thank you for it. I can't sub you in lol as I've played you in ALL fixtures barrring 1 which is currently at a 'partial stage'.

Have a nice rest mate, cheers once again.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:46 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sound mate, told you I was going on a game blitz
Good luck in all games everyone, have fun
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:52 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i too will be off from tomorrow until sunday mate,,

party time
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:23 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i too will be off from tomorrow until sunday mate,,

party time

Okay can we try get the last killer match played this evening then plz.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:08 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 2 -
Group 1: Phoenix Ashes

Phoenix Ashes (36) v (24) Ballbreakers A

thanatos (12) v (0) jimmyd20 (s)
linc717 (6) v (6) doverlad32
poolh8r (7) v (5) intermediate
_sachibub (8) v (5) dvae
_psmon_ v tiandrew
Killer: krazyash_07/_sachibub (3) v (8) snoox/jimmyd20

Phoenix Ashes (32) v (39) Uprising Ultras

thanatos (7) v (6) shadwell17
(s) krazyash_07 (5) v (8) erigert
poolh8r (1) v (12) w_hoolahan (s)
_sachibub (8) v (5) fuunky (s)
unknownelite v zantetsukenz (5-3 partial)
Killer krazyash_07/_sachibub (6) v (5) franer_/w_hoolahan

Group 2: Phoenix Lightning

The Unbeatables B (23) v (38) Phoenix Lightning

mad_matt (7) v (5) ooo_u_tap_2
poolbiird (5) v (7) cue_ball
jack_86 (2) v (10) friendyboy (s)
cannibals (3) v (10) ghoulish
no1hustl3r (6) v (6) ub3rnator
Killer TBA v TBA

Snooker Squad (46) v (25) Phoenix Lightning - Done

4 Frames 8us 9us & 8uk plus B/Points for Events

Deadline: 27/10/13

Edited at 20:16 Wed 23/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:09 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix 1

Phoenix Storm (8) vs (16) Snooker Squad

8us: (s) darren9030 v thegame26
8us:(swp) thanatos v lethal_lures
9us: poolh8r v roxbury_100
9us: _sachibub (3) v (5) i_am_cursed
8uk: ub3rnator (5) v (3) mrmagic
8uk: samba2 v one_for_all
Straight: ooo_u_tap_2 (0) v (8) hi_im_gary

Top Guns (19) vs (29) Phoenix Storm

8us: chapster_7 (1) v (7) ooo_u_tap_2
8us: blueberry (2) v (6) friendyboy
9us: staffie_man (3) v (5) poolh8r
9us: jig_saw (4) v (4) krazyash_07
8uk: _maverick_ (5) v (3) raymond123
8uk: bradonforest v _psmon_
Straight: emmajackson (4) v (4) 0mg1won

8 Frames of 8us/9us/8uk and 4 Straight

Good Luck
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:11 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL vs Uprising

Phoenix Storm (7) vs (9) Uprising

8us: darren9030 v angry_bacon
8us: ooo_u_tap_2 (3) v (5) cgibson92
9us: thanatos v derik_dalton
9us: (s) krazyash_07 (3) v (5) 2andygorams
8uk: samba2 v w_hoolahan
8uk: linc717 (4) v (4) zantetsukenz
Straight: cue_ball v pirate_steve

Pocket Dynamos (27) vs (21) Phoenix Storm

8us: punkpoet (5) v (3) _sachibub
8us: jasonb (5) v (3) v samba2
9us: walktall (3) v (5) cue_ball
9us: lfc12 (6) v (2) ub3rnator
8uk: bigcjl2 (6) v (2) raymond123
8uk: cue_control_ v friendyboy
Straight: marksmith (2) v (6) ooo_u_tap_2

Format: 8 Frames 8us or 9us or 8uk, 4 frames Straight
Deadline: 10th Nov (BUT trying to clear 1 a week if poss)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:14 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

FCL - Fixture Set 2
(Deadline: 03.11.2013)

Phoenix Storm (11) v (19) Snooker Squad

ooo_u_tap_2 (6) v (9) snowden
cue_ball v roxbury_100
poolh8r v one_for_all
_sachibub v mich
friendyboy (5) v (10) jose_enrique
thanatos v i_am_cursed
linc717 v whocares8x8
ub3rnator v chosen_one

Phoenix Storm (24) v (6) Mousey Misfits

unknownelite v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 (14) v (1) _jesus_
_sachibub v the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
(s) breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won (10) v (5) gollom
krazyash_07 v todd2000

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

*Please message your opponents straight away, have fun, enjoy and the best of luck.

Can we try and get some of the New FCL matches played, thanks. I've noticed 3 or 4 of the oppositions players are inactive, this issue has been addressed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:19 Wed 23 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Result FCL vs Mousey Misfits

0mg1won (10) vs (5) gollom

8us: 2-3
9us: 5-0
8uk: 3-2

Very Nice result mate, 1st match for us in the FCL, well done and hopefully many more to follow.
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Phoenix Storm - 'We WILL Rise & You WILL Fall!'

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