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Ballbreakers - 'COOL as ICE'

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:35 Fri 27 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League IV

Please see this post for details of how to find the game details for Fixture Set 1...

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:16 Fri 27 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League IV fixture 1
Ballbreakers A v The Professionals

doverlad32 v beenjammin
moonbean06 v dvz
fire_queen v scott7a
dvae v sixty_plus
kathleen_b v _nerdzz_

killer (0) v (0)

Ballbreakers A v The Unbeatables A

doverlad32 v greyhound
moonbean06 v msl
fire_queen v mooksterman
dvae v hippesville
kathleen_b v bluenose1872

killer (0) v (0)

Ballbreakers B v Uprising

brooksy1986 v irish_ninja
tiandrew v 2andygorams
pmix v faust
kurt_corris v cgibson92
jimmyd20 v sharky89

killer (0) v (0)

The Unbeatables B v Ballbreakers B

weirdo_1 v brooksy1986
dntbmad__ v tiandrew
poolbiird v pmix
mad_matt v kurt_corris
cannibals v jimmyd20

killer (0) v (0)

Format is 4 frames of 8us 8uk 9us.
1pt per frame and a bonus for a runout or gb.

killer is 2v2.
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2pts
4th 1pts

Deadline 13th midnight uk.

gl team
Posts: 5,821
18:39 Fri 27 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
super league started message u opponents to arrange games asp boys and girls good luck to all that's playing mind post results on here please thaxs
Posts: 72
19:04 Fri 27 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged my opponents, just waiting for replies.
Posts: 72
00:21 Sat 28 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry guys, played greyhound.

lost 3-1 in 9ballus, 8 ballus and 8ball uk, I did 7 ball him in 8ball uk but apparently that doesnt count as a bonus point.
Posts: 5,821
05:46 Sat 28 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League IV fixture 1
Ballbreakers A v The Professionals

doverlad32 v beenjammin
moonbean06 v dvz
fire_queen v scott7a
dvae v sixty_plus
kathleen_b v _nerdzz_

killer (0) v (0)

Ballbreakers A(3) v(9) The Unbeatables A

doverlad32(3) v(9) greyhound
moonbean06 v msl
fire_queen v mooksterman
dvae v hippesville
kathleen_b v bluenose1872

killer (0) v (0)
Posts: 5,821
05:49 Sat 28 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ballbreakers B v Uprising

brooksy1986 v irish_ninja
tiandrew v 2andygorams
pmix v faust
kurt_corris v cgibson92
jimmyd20 v sharky89

killer (0) v (0)

The Unbeatables B v Ballbreakers B

weirdo_1 v brooksy1986
dntbmad__ v tiandrew
poolbiird v pmix
mad_matt v kurt_corris
cannibals v jimmyd20

killer (0) v (0)

Format is 4 frames of 8us 8uk 9us.
1pt per frame and a bonus for a runout or gb.

killer is 2v2.
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2pts
4th 1pts

Deadline 13th midnight uk.

gl team
Posts: 5,821
17:18 Sat 28 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I still want u to play the inter clan matches more practice the better
Posts: 5,821
17:19 Sat 28 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

kathleen_b (5).v.(10) moonbeam06
tiandrew .v. pmix changed
doverlad32 (11)v(4).jimmyd20 changed
blackcabman7.v. brooksy1986 changed
snoox .v. _vip_ changed
fire_queen(12) .v.(3) powea012
unknowelite(9) .v(6). dvae

We switched games around a bit to accomadate players

This is an inner clan match and should not be hard to get games played. Please . . when you are contacted by fellow team mate respond and at least give them a heads up as to when the match can be played. One of the reasons we did this was to develope some comrodary between all the team players. So PLEASE . . . lets all work as a UNIT and lets be AWESOME for the up coming season.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:23 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

For those of you who have not already done so can you please send me your full clan roster + your team lists for the Pre Season Games. I shall match up opponents and release the games as soon as I have all 11 clans sheets and lists.

Please note there is only 1 game to complete in Pre Seasons rather than the usual 2 in the league.

I do apologise for not requesting these sooner, I picked up an extra shift at work today.

If you could all get your team lists to me preferably by 8PM (UK Time) Sunday 29th September then I shall post the Pre Season Games.

Thanks guys
Posts: 5,821
06:26 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
anybody had
any replys form there opponents yet
if not bombard them with messages they need to reply to u
Posts: 5,821
06:27 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
pre season will start shortley

f b l
Posts: 10,109
12:31 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League
Uprising v Ballbreakers B

faust 9 v 3 pmix

8us 4 - 0
9ball 3 - 1
8uk 2 - 2

Really top bloke and probably deserved a couple more frames. After potting everything I went for in the billiards, I tried to play an attacking game beyond my ability is 8uk! lol
Posts: 470
14:00 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
anybody had
any replys form there opponents yet
if not bombard them with messages they need to reply to u

ive had replys. I have replyed back now just waiting on there 2nd reply
Posts: 5,821
18:48 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League IV fixture 1
Ballbreakers A v The Professionals

doverlad32 v beenjammin
moonbean06 v dvz
fire_queen v scott7a
dvae v sixty_plus
kathleen_b v _nerdzz_

killer (0) v (0)

Ballbreakers A(3) v(9) The Unbeatables A

doverlad32(3) v(9) greyhound
moonbean06 v msl
fire_queen v mooksterman
dvae v hippesville
kathleen_b v bluenose1872

killer (0) v (0)
Posts: 5,821
18:51 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Unbeatables B v Ballbreakers B

weirdo_1 v brooksy1986
dntbmad__ v tiandrew
poolbiird v pmix
mad_matt v kurt_corris
cannibals v jimmyd20

killer (0) v (0)

Ballbreakers(3) B v(9) Uprising

brooksy1986 v irish_ninja
tiandrew v 2andygorams
pmix(3) v(9) faust
kurt_corris v cgibson92
jimmyd20 v sharky89

killer (0) v (0)

Format is 4 frames of 8us 8uk 9us.
1pt per frame and a bonus for a runout or gb.

killer is 2v2.
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2pts
4th 1pts

Deadline 13th midnight uk.

gl team

Edited at 15:55 Sun 29/09/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:12 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
1st superleague A result for me
DVZ 9 - me 3 :(

I should have done better but attempted 1 set at work - and know better. It cost me. Constant distractions
And as usual I fell on my face in 8UK. I simply can't play that game - the whole behavior & strategy escapes me lol

Good job to DVZ
Posts: 72
20:22 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Playing beenjammin on Monday.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:52 Sun 29 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Unbeatables B v Ballbreakers B

cannibals vs jimmyd20 - 4 frames off each.

8 billiards jimmyd 1 cannibals 3
9 billiards jimmyd 1 cannibals 3
8 uk jimmyd 1 cannibals 3

total jimmyd 3
cannibals 9

sorry guys cannibals is a very good play i was just ul as usual lol
Posts: 4,775
00:01 Mon 30 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello you lot, we have a few online tonight..... are you's up for Killer?
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Ballbreakers - 'COOL as ICE'

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