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Deleted User
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16:02 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Their decision will be based solely on who the 2 players are, do they stand a cat in hell's chance and anyone put up vs Pros, Uprising even UB's wont be give any hope.

It's Wrong.

Personally, I will be checking how that player has played recently, as form is a good guide. I am not as naive as you think with regards to this.

Yes, every player is capable of a shock, like yourself against pete, but 9/10 times, you would most likely lose that game.

I think basing a default purely on effort involved really kills the default to begin with and skews the scoring more if my system were implemented.

I do not see the harm in trying something different, I am trying to make the scoreline as close to the real thing as possible. Which surely is a good thing??

That's not correct, it should never be about abilities when it comes to.defaults it's about the amount of effort.put into a game. If Pete has only.tried for one day get dvz has tried.for 14 days do. You give it a draw as they are pretty equal?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:03 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't understand why predicting the outcome of game is taboo to some people, if that game was played then that is the most likely outcome. Neither team can really complain, because that is the result that would have likely happened.

As I have said previous, any player can have a great day and his opponent, but most likely, form and ability take over.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:04 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you refuse to see that both are the same?,ruffly 1/8th of the points the team could've gained from that indiv match?

They are the same if you give a large default, but what about if you don't? Then they are not the same. Lets get back to basics. If you fail to fulfil a fixture then generally the expectation is that you lose that fixture. That cannot be argued about. However in a points per frame scoring system you have to go beyond that which is quite frankly ludicrous but has to be done as there is no other way.

Look I fully expect the majority to plump for the points per frame scoring because that is how it has always been. So be it, that's fine.

However I still maintain that the FBL next season will produce the most accurate outcome of them all. Every rack played in it will have a competitive element for both players. At the point that ceases, then the game ceases. That is exactly how competitive sport and games should be.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:06 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't understand why predicting the outcome of game is taboo to some people, if that game was played then that is the most likely outcome. Neither team can really complain, because that is the result that would have likely happened.

As I have said previous, any player can have a great day and his opponent, but most likely, form and ability take over.

I'm sorry buddy I think your wrong, most people would have Pete to beat me 7/10 yet both times I have played him it was 12-3 then 11-4 or 10-5 can't remember to me.both times but in the way your saying it I wouldn't win had it gone to default.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:07 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Their decision will be based solely on who the 2 players are, do they stand a cat in hell's chance and anyone put up vs Pros, Uprising even UB's wont be give any hope.

It's Wrong.

Personally, I will be checking how that player has played recently, as form is a good guide. I am not as naive as you think with regards to this.

Yes, every player is capable of a shock, like yourself against pete, but 9/10 times, you would most likely lose that game.

I think basing a default purely on effort involved really kills the default to begin with and skews the scoring more if my system were implemented.

I do not see the harm in trying something different, I am trying to make the scoreline as close to the real thing as possible. Which surely is a good thing??

That's not correct, it should never be about abilities when it comes to.defaults it's about the amount of effort.put into a game. If Pete has only.tried for one day get dvz has tried.for 14 days do. You give it a draw as they are pretty equal?

People are failing to see that my panel is the start point for the rest of the default, so a predicted outcome is decided, then effort made is applied.
dvz played pete, i would give dvz an 9-6 loss(sorry he has been drinking lots recently lol)if pete had only tried for 1 day, he would losemost of his points, but dvz keeps his points, as he tried. final score 1-6 dvz
Posts: 3,846
16:08 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Heres one for you all thats debating fair defaults-

Fuunky vs thanatos in a q/f

thanatos can only play weekends, so available for just over a quater of the fixture

fuunky- unavailable for weekends, so can play over 3 quarts of the fixture

Bear in mind in gsc so players have been allocated a spot that suits strategically.

easiest way to sort is to comprimise, what if one isnt offered

Default , whats score?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:09 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Default to me there is a draw for the reason they have both stated times they are available. Neither persons fault really.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:09 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
People are failing to see that my panel is the start point for the rest of the default, so a predicted outcome is decided, then effort made is applied.
dvz played pete, i would give dvz an 9-6 loss(sorry he has been drinking lots recently lol)if pete had only tried for 1 day, he would losemost of his points, but dvz keeps his points, as he tried. final score 1-6 dvz

I fully get what you're saying but have you thought that through to my scenario of two clans (lets say Uprising and Pros using your players) and Pros needing more than 6 points from that final match to win the League? They would not be able to as long as the game remained unplayed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:10 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Heres one for you all thats debating fair defaults-

Fuunky vs thanatos in a q/f

thanatos can only play weekends, so available for just over a quater of the fixture

fuunky- unavailable for weekends, so can play over 3 quarts of the fixture

Bear in mind in gsc so players have been allocated a spot that suits strategically.

easiest way to sort is to comprimise, what if one isnt offered

Default , whats score?

Based on absolutely nothing else, which would be unlikely of course, then 2-0 to Uprising. The only thing to go on would be availability throughout the two weeks.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:13 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
People are failing to see that my panel is the start point for the rest of the default, so a predicted outcome is decided, then effort made is applied.
dvz played pete, i would give dvz an 9-6 loss(sorry he has been drinking lots recently lol)if pete had only tried for 1 day, he would losemost of his points, but dvz keeps his points, as he tried. final score 1-6 dvz

I fully get what you're saying but have you thought that through to my scenario of two clans (lets say Uprising and Pros using your players) and Pros needing more than 6 points from that final match to win the League? They would not be able to as long as the game remained unplayed.

That would be a draw back, I get that. But unless we eradicate defaults, no system will ever be perfect.

And to everyone who doesn't like the idea, please think of another system to perfectly eradicate the effect of a default, I have thought of a system, which i think is fair to both sides.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:14 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

As long as they both made effort then they shouldn't be punished for it however, the Captains or vices failing to act and get this match completed should be scrutinised and penalized.

The whole point of a match is to work together as a team and generate the highest outcome, that is with regards to scoring and effort in ALL fixtures IMO.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:15 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest there is nothing wrong with that current default system. Me,Chris,pirate last season's although I wasn't about much worked fine. No complaints as nobody was biased and still to this day would never ever be biased.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:16 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

That would be a draw back, I get that. But unless we eradicate defaults, no system will ever be perfect.

And to everyone who doesn't like the idea, please think of another system to perfectly eradicate the effect of a default, I have thought of a system, which i think is fair to both sides.

No all you need to have is a general starting point, which can be whatever is agreed on, but every situation will always have to be treated in isolation considering everything that surrounds it. If it means a default decision has to be given that does not follow the prescribed formula but is ultimately fair given the situation then it gets given.
Posts: 3,846
16:16 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

As long as they both made effort then they shouldn't be punished for it however, the Captains or vices failing to act and get this match completed should be scrutinised and penalized.

The whole point of a match is to work together as a team and generate the highest outcome, that is with regards to scoring and effort in ALL fixtures IMO.

i was stating it hypothetacally just using that as an example as its live, well as it current default addudicator has stated it, then obviously you need to act lol
Posts: 2,463
16:19 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
There is a lot of talk about accurate outcomes. I have to say that if the FBL changes to a scoring system of 2 points per individual win and 1 point per individual draw and these points carry through to the League table, the FBL next season will be the most accurately scored League of them all. The team that wins and draws the most individual games across the whole season will win the League.

Only for the people who consider indiv matches to be "games". I see inaccuracy, uncounted frames.
The most accurate option would mirror perfectly what happened on the table, it wouldn't award 100% of the available points to someone who won 67% of the frames that were played.

Edited at 13:26 Fri 02/05/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:19 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL - I knew that were coming
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:23 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
There is a lot of talk about accurate outcomes. I have to say that if the FBL changes to a scoring system of 2 points per individual win and 1 point per individual draw and these points carry through to the League table, the FBL next season will be the most accurately scored League of them all. The team that wins and draws the most individual games across the whole season will win the League.

Only for the people who consider indiv matches to be "games". I see inaccuracy, uncounted frames.

Whereas there is more inaccuracy in counting meaningless, uncompetitive frames. If you honestly believe that the majority of players will try just as hard at 13-1 down as they would at 7-1 down then I won't believe you!!!
Posts: 3,846
16:27 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL - I knew that were coming

it is a situation that require comprimise though, i dont think the old ' its deadline day and our players on and has been on all day waiting ' will wash on this occasion
Posts: 2,463
16:28 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
If they're a team player, knowing that every frame will be counted, yes , I would.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:34 Fri 2 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
So what is the general consensus towards to my idea, can we trial it at least?

I don't see what harm it will do try it out, see how it works.
I am not a fan at all of awarding solely on effort, hence why I am trying to find an ideal compromise.
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