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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 4

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Posts: 19,819
01:31 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for playing CJ ang3l and Jason, great result CJ and unlucky ang3l and jason, he is very good Jason. Very annoying him being later causing you to rush. In similar situation I've refused to play for them being late. Though tbf I was getting ready for bed at the time.
Posts: 19,819
01:34 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 1

cuester v techno
jasonb v kinglair1990
ronalddw v cue_control_
fastboysam v _huts24_
askingfan v hi_im_gary
mrmagic v larson
ritcho v walktall
drewdt3 7 v 2 ang3l
lfc12 v erigert

If you aren't listed here then you received a bye to Round 2

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) 13/10/13.

Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not which to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested.

Game Format
Game length - Each game consists of exactly 3 racks of each game type:
3 racks of 8 Ball US
3 racks of 8 Ball UK
3 racks of 9 Ball US
Posts: 19,819
01:35 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1

Pocket Dynamos 15 v 30 Snooker Squad

askingfan v jose_enrique
ang3l v _rockstar_
lfc12 8 v 7 one_for_all
fastboysam v roxbury_100
jasonb 3 v 12 lethal_lures
marksmith 4 v 11 i_am_cursed
bigcjl2 v chosen_one
walktall v mrmagic

Pocket Dynamos 46 v 31 Mousey Misfits

walktallv the_incal
jasonb 8 v 7 drewdt3
marksmith 12 v 3 woodwizard
punkpoet 9 v 6 the_viking
bigcjl2 13 v 2 lizardman84
welshgizy19 4 v 11 todd2000
cuester v realphoenix
cue_control_ v gollom

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Please message your opponent(s) ASAP
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013

Edited at 23:12 Tue 08/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 485
02:06 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos v Mousey Misfits

marksmith (12) v (3) woodwizard

8us 4 1
9us 4 1
8uk 4 1
Posts: 19,819
02:11 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos v Mousey Misfits

marksmith (12) v (3) woodwizard

8us 4 1
9us 4 1
8uk 4 1

Nice result thanks for playing
Posts: 8,315
02:12 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well played cj ,,. Unlucky jason .. Well played mark ..

Thank you for getting games played all ...
Posts: 19,819
04:40 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
01:25 Wed 09/10/13
Won the Straight Pool Tournament, winning 154 TournaPoints!
number 48 for you lot. I beat sho_t our own marksmith and tinie, not bad for a terrible straight player
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:47 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Individuals Notice

Morning Guys and Gals!

There are several places left in the FBL individuals which need filling in order for the event to go ahead (killer will go ahead regardless)

There are 2 x 8US spaces, 5 x 9US spaces and several UK & Straight places left.

The FBL format is different to that of the FCL as everyone will play each other on a frame accumulation basis in case there is any confusion.

Posts: 8,315
14:16 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
01:25 Wed 09/10/13
Won the Straight Pool Tournament, winning 154 TournaPoints!
number 48 for you lot. I beat sho_t our own marksmith and tinie, not bad for a terrible straight player

Well done zac ...
Posts: 19,819
19:11 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks ang3l
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:27 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL swap

walktall v the_incal
cue_control_ v gollom
is now
cue_control_ v the_incal
walktall v gollom
Posts: 19,819
02:19 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1

Pocket Dynamos 15 v 30 Snooker Squad

askingfan v jose_enrique
ang3l v _rockstar_
lfc12 8 v 7 one_for_all
fastboysam v roxbury_100
jasonb 3 v 12 lethal_lures
marksmith 4 v 11 i_am_cursed
bigcjl2 v chosen_one
walktall v mrmagic

Pocket Dynamos 48 v 44 Mousey Misfits

cue_control_ 2 v 13 the_incal
jasonb 8 v 7 drewdt3
marksmith 12 v 3 woodwizard
punkpoet 9 v 6 the_viking
bigcjl2 13 v 2 lizardman84
welshgizy19 4 v 11 todd2000
cuester v realphoenix
walktall v gollom

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Please message your opponent(s) ASAP
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013
Posts: 8,315
03:46 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 1

cuester v techno
jasonb v kinglair1990
ronalddw v cue_control_
fastboysam v _huts24_
askingfan v hi_im_gary
mrmagic v larson
ritcho v walktall
drewdt3 7 v 2 ang3l
lfc12 4 v 5 erigert

If you aren't listed here then you received a bye to Round 2

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) 13/10/13.

Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not which to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested.

Game Format
Game length - Each game consists of exactly 3 racks of each game type:
3 racks of 8 Ball US
3 racks of 8 Ball UK
3 racks of 9 Ball US
Posts: 19,819
17:58 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ul cue and karl thanks for playing :)
Posts: 19,819
00:11 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Btw before anyone frowns at the scores like I just did its 48-42 to us not 48-44 unsure where i got the 2 extra points from lol. Will change when more results come in :)
So if someone posts, the scores arnt right, repost this
Posts: 11,062
01:21 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Swap:
_rockstar_ and jose_enrique get swapped, so now:

jose_enrique vs ang3l
_rockstar_ vs askingfan
Posts: 19,819
01:23 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Swap:
_rockstar_ and jose_enrique get swapped, so now:

jose_enrique vs ang3l
_rockstar_ vs askingfan

cheers will send messages to my players.
Posts: 19,819
01:30 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture set 1

Pocket Dynamos 15 v 30 Snooker Squad

askingfan v _rockstar_
ang3l v jose_enrique
lfc12 8 v 7 one_for_all
fastboysam v roxbury_100
jasonb 3 v 12 lethal_lures
marksmith 4 v 11 i_am_cursed
bigcjl2 v chosen_one
walktall v mrmagic

Pocket Dynamos 48 v 42 Mousey Misfits

cue_control_ 2 v 13 the_incal
jasonb 8 v 7 drewdt3
marksmith 12 v 3 woodwizard
punkpoet 9 v 6 the_viking
bigcjl2 13 v 2 lizardman84
welshgizy19 4 v 11 todd2000
cuester v realphoenix
walktall v gollom

5 racks of 8b 9b 8buk
Please message your opponent(s) ASAP
Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013
Posts: 127
02:30 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 1

askingfan 1 vs 8 hi_im_gary
Posts: 8,315
02:43 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 1

cuester v techno
jasonb v kinglair1990
ronalddw v cue_control_
fastboysam v _huts24_
askingfan 1 v 8 hi_im_gary
mrmagic v larson
ritcho v walktall
drewdt3 7 v 2 ang3l
lfc12 4 v 5 erigert

If you aren't listed here then you received a bye to Round 2

Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) 13/10/13.

Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not which to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested.

Game Format
Game length - Each game consists of exactly 3 racks of each game type:
3 racks of 8 Ball US
3 racks of 8 Ball UK
3 racks of 9 Ball US
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Pocket Dynamos Chapter 4

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