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Monkey Business

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14:10 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
V well played Jon and woody
Class results guys

Kue we all have to play top players mate, we've
All had tough games against the top teams

All you can do is hang on in and learn from mistakes

I no only to we'll mate I've been on the wrong end were I no I should've
Done better

Look at woody he has been killed in games, then draws with greyhound and just loses out to Clifton both great results against top class players

Dont mind playing the top ones bud, if i get drawn against them, subs however seem to be top players where as my last two games i could possiblley beat who knows now, my grief will carry on to nothing i know, ready to leave clan for this reason and to be honest just for this reason, got to say you guys are great but think im done

The sub was only made because slimeball (your opponent) has been offline for a week, and it's unfair for a clan to leave an inactive player in a fixture. You got unlucky because the only guy I had online at the time was a beast! It would be a real shame if you quit clans over it, and the last time I played lethal I lost 12 - 3, and I fluked one of those frames!
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14:57 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry about my rant last night guys, Dummy was well spat out of my pram, What a good player lethal lures is, i deserved to lose 15-0 i would of done if he didnt rattle the 9 ball, will put it down to an experiance and move swiftly on, And once again im sorry for my rant, Thanx All
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17:36 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Glad all sorted kue

Everyone, superleague deadline is tomorrow night .will players please try and get their games played

Super League ~ Deadline 5/03/14

Monkey Business 15 v 9 Underdogsbite

the__priest 5 v 7 tombstone_74 tbc
triple_b 10 v 2 left_touch
the_incal v mardu0o
destroyer_16 v thepoolgod
estwing v hardy202
Killer v Killer
Monkey Life 3 v 21 Pack Attack

jack_86 1 v 11 rocketweaz8
anoneeemouse 0 v 3 x_connor
thegreatone7 v dixie_dee
kue 2 v 10 _dntbmad__
kinglair1990 v winter64
Killer v Killer

4 each of US8, US9 and UK8 & 2 killer

Killer Games

Each Killer game may be played with any mutually agreed number of players on each side. Where clans do not mutually agree then either clan may field no more than three players. The commencement of any Killer game will be taken as an implied joint agreement to the number of players from either side and the result will stand. The scoring of each Killer game is as follows:-

1st 4 points
2nd 2 points

Any player may play both an Individual game and the Killer games in any one fixture against an opposing clan. Players can play in both Killer games.
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17:49 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Games played 8 U.S.
turtle1560 v Viking
Results are turtle 5
Viking 1
I really thought I had the first game. 9 was sitting in front of pot and missed it I think even he would say I should of had that game. He is a very good player, one of the best. GL with the rest mate.
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18:50 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done chaz , getting 1 point off turtle is good going , thanks for getting it played

mouse 4 v x 9 connor
8us 1 v 3
9us 2 v 3 (r/o mouse)
8uk 1 v 3

ggs connor v wp
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19:27 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry i forgot to post, i lost 10-0 to franer_, didnt see the need to play last 5 as id lost anyway and both agreed to not bother

so 2-0 to Fran

Sorry all he's a class act
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19:57 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Monkey Life v Pack Attack
thegreatone7 v dixie_dee

Can I get a sub for thegreatone7 as she messaged me and said she would be online this weekend.
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20:00 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Would also like to set up a killer game for SL. Let me know when a good time is to play.

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20:36 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just received a message from thegreatone7. She said she would be online around 10-11 pm tonight. So hopefully will not need sub.

Posts: 105
20:50 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
re: Superleague match against Underdogsbite...

mardu0o has been offline for 5 days. I've messaged him, just letting you know his status incase a sub is needed.
Posts: 105
21:06 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just a quick update, I've sent messages to all of my opponents. Waiting for replies now.
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21:10 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
re: Superleague match against Underdogsbite...

mardu0o has been offline for 5 days. I've messaged him, just letting you know his status incase a sub is needed.
i have posted on ud thread , the other subs are leedslad or wade_. ive just messaged hardy202 to see if he is able to play now and i'll make a swap.
Posts: 105
21:13 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
re: Superleague match against Underdogsbite...

mardu0o has been offline for 5 days. I've messaged him, just letting you know his status incase a sub is needed.
i have posted on ud thread , the other subs are leedslad or wade_. ive just messaged hardy202 to see if he is able to play now and i'll make a swap.

Cheers ol' girl. =)
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21:59 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
re: Superleague match against Underdogsbite...

mardu0o has been offline for 5 days. I've messaged him, just letting you know his status incase a sub is needed.
i have posted on ud thread , the other subs are leedslad or wade_. ive just messaged hardy202 to see if he is able to play now and i'll make a swap.

Cheers ol' girl. =)

oi lessof the ol' lol
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22:02 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
kue 0 skiller 2

sorry guys my run continues
wp skiller m8 ggs
Posts: 105
22:22 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL set 2

Monkey Business v Phoenix Storm

the_incal (0) v (2) precision

He played well. Shame about his attitude.
Please don't put me in any matches against this player again. I said I was available after 7pm, he specified 7pm as a time he wanted to play, then didn't turn up until 8pm, offering no apologies and a pish-poor childish attitude. I've got better things to do with my time right now that wait for morons like this to turn up to their matches, and then have them spout shyte at me when they do finally turn up.

Good luck to the rest of phoenix for the season, shame you've been embarrassed by this player.
Posts: 105
23:14 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles v Monkey Business

the_incal (7) vs (8) king_joffrey

8US 3 - 2
9US 1 - 4
8UK 2 - 3
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23:21 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

Monkey Business (20) v (55) Uprising

_ice_ v pirate_steve

8ball billiards
_ice_(0) v(5) pirate_steve
9 ball billiards
_ice_(1) v(4) pirate_steve
_ice_(2) v(3) pirate_steve
Deleted User
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23:23 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Set 2

Monkey Business (17) v (43) Uprising

the__priest 4 v 11 erigert
the_incal v 2andygorams
kue v slimeball
thegreatone7 6 v 9 fuunky
the_viking 5 v 10 zantetsukenz
woodwizard v clifton188
_ice_ v pirate_steve
kinglair1990 (2) v (13) sharky89
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23:24 Tue 4 Mar 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl sub:

2andygorams v the_incal
is now
cgibson92 v the_incal
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