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Monkey Business

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10:22 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
08:18 Wed 30/10/13
Won the 8 Ball Arcade Marathon Tournament

id like to dedicate my 400th tournament win to you all
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11:36 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Morning MM, hope everyone is ok

Thanks woodwizard for getting game played, 5 points against a very good player

Well done jesus in your 9us, and craig for your 400th win

Subs for the remaining games will be made tonight where needed
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11:41 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 2~ Deadline 3/11/13 @ Midnight

5 games of 8us/9us/8uk

Fighting Eagles 55 v 34 Mousey Misfits

triple_b 6 v 9 the_incal
silenthill 10 v 5 woodwizard
_huts24_ 9 v 6 _jesus_
breksis 11 v 4 northman
vegas v lizardman84
willz147 7 v 8 drewdt3
ronalddw v kingy
kingdadcool 12 v 3 anoneeemouse
Phoenix Storm 42 v 18 Mousey Misfits

friendyboy v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 14 v 1 _jesus_
_sachibub 11 v 4 the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won 10 v 5 gollom
krazyash_07 7 v 8 todd2000

Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap

website :

Good luck everyone
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11:43 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League
Deadline : Midnight (UK) Wednesday 13th November 2013

Mousey Misfits 5 v 7 The Professionals B

the_incal v onevisit
its_me v davey_1985
the__priest v horse10000
drewdt3 5 v 7 _redherring_
vespa_dave v techno

Killer TBA v TBA
Mousey Misfits v The Unbeatables A

kingy v serious_game
gollom v red4eva
its_me v mad_matt
the__priest v dbno
the_incal v jack_86

Killer TBA v TBA

4 x 8us/9us/8uk

Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap

website :

Good luck everyone
Posts: 7,974
13:05 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mousey Misfits v The Unbeatables A
the__priest 5 v 7 dbno

totally enjoyable games as ever
class player and a great attitude

gl m8

Edited at 13:43 Wed 30/10/13 (GMT)
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19:07 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Craig for getting it played , good 5 points

friendyboy v kingy
is now
friendyboy v woodwizard

8us serious_game v kingy
is now
serious_game v the__priest

Edited at 17:10 Wed 30/10/13 (GMT)
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19:09 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay thank you, please note unknownelite has been subbed with friendyboy.
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19:10 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 105
22:03 Wed 30 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_incal (6) v (9) breakdown

9US 0-5
8US 4-1
8UK 2-3
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13:18 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
gollom offline a week any chance of a sub
Posts: 7,940
15:14 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
gollom offline a week any chance of a sub

Deadline is the 13th Nov, I think gollom is on holiday so could be back soon, lets give him a few days and if hes not back I can sub in if needed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:25 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
samba2 vs drewdt3 - keep missing each other completely, do you have an alternate player and I'll see who I have available?
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15:26 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tratter offline for 14 days now, anybody got any new on him??
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Posts: 12,419
18:31 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
kingy offline 7 days and ronaldw back online after computer problems, can a sub be arranged?
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19:07 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
played raymond123
abbie 3-2 raymond123
abbie 0-5 raymond123
abbie 2-3 raymond123
very well played good luck for the rest of season
happy halloween every one time to go find me lil monster
Deleted User
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20:11 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
samba2 vs drewdt3 - keep missing each other completely, do you have an alternate player and I'll see who I have available?
drew has been online the majority of the fixture so i wont be subbing him out at the moment , if samba cant be on at times that drew maybe a swap with the other game ?

Tratter offline for 14 days now, anybody got any new on him??
wb trats should hopefully be on by the weekend, if not i will make a sub on Monday.
kingy offline 7 days and ronaldw back online after computer problems, can a sub be arranged?
I will sort in a mo
Deleted User
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20:13 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
played raymond123
abbie 3-2 raymond123
abbie 0-5 raymond123
abbie 2-3 raymond123
very well played good luck for the rest of season
happy halloween every one time to go find me lil monster
Thanks abbie for coming on to get it played , enjoy the rest of your hols

OOOOoooooOOOooooooo Posted Image

Edited at 18:24 Thu 31/10/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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20:15 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL sub

ronalddw v kingy
is now
ronalddw v the_viking
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:21 Thu 31 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 2~ Deadline 3/11/13 @ Midnight

5 games of 8us/9us/8uk

Fighting Eagles 55 v 34 Mousey Misfits

triple_b 6 v 9 the_incal
silenthill 10 v 5 woodwizard
_huts24_ 9 v 6 _jesus_
breksis 11 v 4 northman
vegas v lizardman84
willz147 7 v 8 drewdt3
ronalddw v the_viking
kingdadcool 12 v 3 anoneeemouse
Phoenix Storm 61 v 24 Mousey Misfits

friendyboy v woodwizard
ooo_u_tap_2 14 v 1 _jesus_
_sachibub 11 v 4 the_viking
raymond123 10 v 5 abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
breakdown 9 v 6 the_incal
0mg1won 10 v 5 gollom
krazyash_07 7 v 8 todd2000

Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap

website :

Good luck everyone
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Monkey Business

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