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11 years ago
The Players Championship
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 27th October 2013
northman v hippesville
kingy v faust
the_viking -bye-
the_incal v ritcho
realphoenix v beenjammin
ghoulish v destroyer_16
cannibals v lizardman84
abbiew v cphaynes
anoneeemouse v serious_game
drewdt3 v jasonb
todd2000 -bye-
3 x 8us/9us/8uk
Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not which to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested.
Good luck everyone
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 27th October 2013
northman v hippesville
kingy v faust
the_viking -bye-
the_incal v ritcho
realphoenix v beenjammin
ghoulish v destroyer_16
cannibals v lizardman84
abbiew v cphaynes
anoneeemouse v serious_game
drewdt3 v jasonb
todd2000 -bye-
3 x 8us/9us/8uk
Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not which to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested.
Good luck everyone
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11 years ago
Sorry mice just finished my game against red4eva and lost
6-2.Good games well played and best of luck red4eva in rest of your games
6-2.Good games well played and best of luck red4eva in rest of your games
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11 years ago
ul abbie, well done for managing to complete it
Sorry mice just finished my game against red4eva and lost
6-2.Good games well played and best of luck red4eva in rest of your games
6-2.Good games well played and best of luck red4eva in rest of your games
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11 years ago
FCL - Fixture Set 2~ Deadline 3/11/13 @ Midnight
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
Fighting Eagles 18 v 11 Mousey Misfits
triple_b v the_incal
silenthill v kingy
_huts24_ v _jesus_
breksis 11 v 4 northman
vegas v lizardman84
willz147 7 v 8 drewdt3
ronalddw v woodwizard
kingdadcool v anoneeemouse
Phoenix Storm 24 v 6 Mousey Misfits
unknownelite v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 14 v 1 _jesus_
_sachibub v the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won 10 v 5 gollom
krazyash_07 v todd2000
Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap
website :
Good luck everyone
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
Fighting Eagles 18 v 11 Mousey Misfits
triple_b v the_incal
silenthill v kingy
_huts24_ v _jesus_
breksis 11 v 4 northman
vegas v lizardman84
willz147 7 v 8 drewdt3
ronalddw v woodwizard
kingdadcool v anoneeemouse
Phoenix Storm 24 v 6 Mousey Misfits
unknownelite v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 14 v 1 _jesus_
_sachibub v the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won 10 v 5 gollom
krazyash_07 v todd2000
Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap
website :
Good luck everyone
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
FBL ~ Deadline : 12/11/13 @ midnight
8 x either 8us/9us/8uk or 4 x straight
Unbeatables 25 vs 7 The Mousey Misfits
cannibals v the_viking
serious_game v kingy
weirdo_1 3 v 5 todd2000
dbno v lizardman84
red4eva 6 v 2 abbiew
poolbiird 8 v 0 woodwizard
turtle1560 8 v 0 drewdt3
The Mousey Misfits 30 vs 18 Ball Breakers
the_incal 7 v 1 jimmyd20
the_viking 1 v 7 tiandrew
gollum v moonbeam06
_jesus_ 4 v 4 brooksy1986
the__priest 8 v 0 powea012
drewdt3 8 v 0 blackcabman7
kingy 2 v 6 intermediate
Edited at 13:54 Thu 24/10/13 (BST)
8 x either 8us/9us/8uk or 4 x straight
Unbeatables 25 vs 7 The Mousey Misfits
cannibals v the_viking
serious_game v kingy
weirdo_1 3 v 5 todd2000
dbno v lizardman84
red4eva 6 v 2 abbiew
poolbiird 8 v 0 woodwizard
turtle1560 8 v 0 drewdt3
The Mousey Misfits 30 vs 18 Ball Breakers
the_incal 7 v 1 jimmyd20
the_viking 1 v 7 tiandrew
gollum v moonbeam06
_jesus_ 4 v 4 brooksy1986
the__priest 8 v 0 powea012
drewdt3 8 v 0 blackcabman7
kingy 2 v 6 intermediate
Edited at 13:54 Thu 24/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
Underdogs 23 v 12 The Mousey Misfits
hardy202 v gollum
virtuoso14 5 v 3 the_incal
_golden_cue_ v todd2000
kronos 6 v 2 _jesus_
rossunited 4 v 4 the__priest
chezz0021 6 v 2 woodwizard
funky_king 2 v 1 anoneeemouse TBC
Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap
website :
Good luck everyone
Underdogs 23 v 12 The Mousey Misfits
hardy202 v gollum
virtuoso14 5 v 3 the_incal
_golden_cue_ v todd2000
kronos 6 v 2 _jesus_
rossunited 4 v 4 the__priest
chezz0021 6 v 2 woodwizard
funky_king 2 v 1 anoneeemouse TBC
Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap
website :
Good luck everyone
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
Super League Killer
Ballbreakers 4 v 7 Mousey Misfits
1st ab_rfc
2nd doverlad32
3rd anoneeemouse
4th dvae
Well played ab another win ul ballbreakers , a great game , thanks everyone for getting it played .
Very well done MM another fixture win
Ballbreakers 4 v 7 Mousey Misfits
1st ab_rfc
2nd doverlad32
3rd anoneeemouse
4th dvae
Well played ab another win ul ballbreakers , a great game , thanks everyone for getting it played .
Very well done MM another fixture win
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
Super League ~ Fixture Set 2
Deadline : Midnight Sunday 27th October
Mousey Misfits 41 v 31 Top Guns ~ Complete
Mousey Misfits 40 v 33 Ballbreakers A ~ Complete
website :
Deadline : Midnight Sunday 27th October
Mousey Misfits 41 v 31 Top Guns ~ Complete
vespa_dave 8 v 4 staffie_man
kingy 5 v 7 _maverick_
the_viking 4 v 9 rocketweaz8
the__priest 8 v 4 chapster7
the_incal 8 v 4 snoball
ab_rfc/anoneeemouse 8 v 3 staffie_man/blueberry
kingy 5 v 7 _maverick_
the_viking 4 v 9 rocketweaz8
the__priest 8 v 4 chapster7
the_incal 8 v 4 snoball
ab_rfc/anoneeemouse 8 v 3 staffie_man/blueberry
Mousey Misfits 40 v 33 Ballbreakers A ~ Complete
the_incal 7 v 5 doverlad32
the_viking 5 v 8 snoox
the__priest 6 v 7 intermediate
_jesus_ 4 v 8 dvae
ab_rfc 11 v 1 kathleen_b
ab_rfc/anoneeemouse v doverlad32/dvae
the_viking 5 v 8 snoox
the__priest 6 v 7 intermediate
_jesus_ 4 v 8 dvae
ab_rfc 11 v 1 kathleen_b
ab_rfc/anoneeemouse v doverlad32/dvae
website :
Deleted User
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11 years ago
kingdadcool 12 v 3 anoneeemouse
I started off ok , then it went rapidly downhill very well done paul, as well played as always
kingdadcool 12 v 3 anoneeemouse
I started off ok , then it went rapidly downhill very well done paul, as well played as always
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
FCL - Fixture Set 2~ Deadline 3/11/13 @ Midnight
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
Fighting Eagles 30 v 14 Mousey Misfits
triple_b v the_incal
silenthill v kingy
_huts24_ v _jesus_
breksis 11 v 4 northman
vegas v lizardman84
willz147 7 v 8 drewdt3
ronalddw v woodwizard
kingdadcool 12 v 3 anoneeemouse
Phoenix Storm 24 v 6 Mousey Misfits
unknownelite v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 14 v 1 _jesus_
_sachibub v the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won 10 v 5 gollom
krazyash_07 v todd2000
Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap
website :
Good luck everyone
5 games of 8us/9us/8uk
Fighting Eagles 30 v 14 Mousey Misfits
triple_b v the_incal
silenthill v kingy
_huts24_ v _jesus_
breksis 11 v 4 northman
vegas v lizardman84
willz147 7 v 8 drewdt3
ronalddw v woodwizard
kingdadcool 12 v 3 anoneeemouse
Phoenix Storm 24 v 6 Mousey Misfits
unknownelite v kingy
ooo_u_tap_2 14 v 1 _jesus_
_sachibub v the_viking
raymond123 v abbiew
samba2 v drewdt3
breakdown v the_incal
0mg1won 10 v 5 gollom
krazyash_07 v todd2000
Please message your opponents to arrange game, add them to your friends list, and keep all messages until game has been played .
Any problems please let us know asap
website :
Good luck everyone
Deleted User
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11 years ago
dbno 7 v 1 lizardman84
ul lizardman , thanks for getting it played
Those who havent done already can you please update me on whether you have managed to arrange your game yet
dbno 7 v 1 lizardman84
ul lizardman , thanks for getting it played
Those who havent done already can you please update me on whether you have managed to arrange your game yet
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11 years ago
Time is getting short if you want to stay in this. You either need to play by Midnight (UK) Sunday or else request the default decision.
For anyone that already has posted information or messaged me it has been noted.
The Players Championship
Round 2
The Round 2 draw has been made and can be found here...
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 27th October 2013.
Round 2
The Round 2 draw has been made and can be found here...
Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 27th October 2013.
Time is getting short if you want to stay in this. You either need to play by Midnight (UK) Sunday or else request the default decision.
For anyone that already has posted information or messaged me it has been noted.
Deleted User
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11 years ago
_jesus_ (6) v (9) _huts24_
sorry again guys yet another loss for me i don't know what to do anymore can't get a win to save my life been doing enuff losing myself for the whole team should of prolly won that missed 2 easy shots on 8ball in 8 us and missed an easy one on 9ball but i guess it is what is sorry that i keep letting the team down. (bench warmer) would be understood
Edited at 22:28 Fri 25/10/13 (BST)
_jesus_ (6) v (9) _huts24_
sorry again guys yet another loss for me i don't know what to do anymore can't get a win to save my life been doing enuff losing myself for the whole team should of prolly won that missed 2 easy shots on 8ball in 8 us and missed an easy one on 9ball but i guess it is what is sorry that i keep letting the team down. (bench warmer) would be understood
Edited at 22:28 Fri 25/10/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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11 years ago
Morning MM
ul jesus , still 6 points off huts , a pretty good result, dw if anyone will be bench warmer it will be me lol
Can we get these FCL games played please , anyone who hasnt heard from their opponent yet can they please let me know
Arghhhhhh half term holidays , children everywhere .....
ul jesus , still 6 points off huts , a pretty good result, dw if anyone will be bench warmer it will be me lol
Can we get these FCL games played please , anyone who hasnt heard from their opponent yet can they please let me know
Arghhhhhh half term holidays , children everywhere .....
11 years ago
gollum this players profile showing hes been off line for 7 months lol
Deleted User
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Deleted User
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11 years ago
FCL games against sach results are
8 U.S. Him 3 Me 2
8 U.K Him 4 Me 1
9 U.S. Him 4 Me 1
Very good player good luck in the rest Bud.
8 U.S. Him 3 Me 2
8 U.K Him 4 Me 1
9 U.S. Him 4 Me 1
Very good player good luck in the rest Bud.
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