Thread discussing possibilities of cheating
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16:24 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
I have no idea why my previous thread has apparently dissapeared, hopefully an explaination will follow very soon as it reeks of a cover-up if not.
In the meantime, since there was a good discussion going among those who could see past the petty personal issues, what do people think of the ethics of cheating?
I have discussed it with admin before and been assured that due to the way the game works it is impossible to use aimers etc like on yahoo, and I kinda understand that, but isnt it just bad to be allowing people to play when you know they are trying to find ways of cheating?
If they did, it think, it would ruin the site forever, and I dont want that to happen.
Or does nobody else care?
In the meantime, since there was a good discussion going among those who could see past the petty personal issues, what do people think of the ethics of cheating?
I have discussed it with admin before and been assured that due to the way the game works it is impossible to use aimers etc like on yahoo, and I kinda understand that, but isnt it just bad to be allowing people to play when you know they are trying to find ways of cheating?
If they did, it think, it would ruin the site forever, and I dont want that to happen.
Or does nobody else care?
Deleted User
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16:26 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
It wasn't a cover up, it was deleted due to the fact that you can't use cheats on this website, and you clearly want to get someone banned.
The best thing to do, is not post about it again, otherwise you will probably get banned yourself
I have no idea why my previous thread has apparently dissapeared, hopefully an explaination will follow very soon as it reeks of a cover-up if not.
In the meantime, since there was a good discussion going among those who could see past the petty personal issues, what do people think of the ethics of cheating?
I have discussed it with admin before and been assured that due to the way the game works it is impossible to use aimers etc like on yahoo, and I kinda understand that, but isnt it just bad to be allowing people to play when you know they are trying to find ways of cheating?
If they did, it think, it would ruin the site forever, and I dont want that to happen.
Or does nobody else care?
In the meantime, since there was a good discussion going among those who could see past the petty personal issues, what do people think of the ethics of cheating?
I have discussed it with admin before and been assured that due to the way the game works it is impossible to use aimers etc like on yahoo, and I kinda understand that, but isnt it just bad to be allowing people to play when you know they are trying to find ways of cheating?
If they did, it think, it would ruin the site forever, and I dont want that to happen.
Or does nobody else care?
It wasn't a cover up, it was deleted due to the fact that you can't use cheats on this website, and you clearly want to get someone banned.
The best thing to do, is not post about it again, otherwise you will probably get banned yourself
Deleted User
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16:30 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
I'd learn from the first mistake, a clear name and shame, but ah well, some people don't learn from mistakes i suppose
He will get his posting rights revoked
I'd learn from the first mistake, a clear name and shame, but ah well, some people don't learn from mistakes i suppose
Deleted User
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16:32 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Where have I named anyone here?
As I have tried to say it makes no difference who it is, the main thing is we get it out in the open so it doesnt ruin the site for everyone.
I KNOW we cant use cheats.
I DONT WANT anyone to use cheats.
Yet obviously some are trying to find or make cheats and does it matter who they are? Surely the site is more important isnt it?
Or are you actually saying, as you appear to be, that people who cheat should be allowed to carry on, without any recourse, but people like me who try to keep it fair and fun for everyone should be banned?
As I have tried to say it makes no difference who it is, the main thing is we get it out in the open so it doesnt ruin the site for everyone.
I KNOW we cant use cheats.
I DONT WANT anyone to use cheats.
Yet obviously some are trying to find or make cheats and does it matter who they are? Surely the site is more important isnt it?
Or are you actually saying, as you appear to be, that people who cheat should be allowed to carry on, without any recourse, but people like me who try to keep it fair and fun for everyone should be banned?
Deleted User
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16:35 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Everyone realises how important the site is, hence why you can't find or make a cheat for it.
When the day arises that someone has somehow hacked the site and can cheat, then it will be updated to stop it from it happening. What does it matter if someone was looking for a cheat, it's like trying to find the Holy Grail, it's not gonna happen!
Where have I named anyone here?
As I have tried to say it makes no difference who it is, the main thing is we get it out in the open so it doesnt ruin the site for everyone.
I KNOW we cant use cheats.
I DONT WANT anyone to use cheats.
Yet obviously some are trying to find or make cheats and does it matter who they are? Surely the site is more important isnt it?
Or are you actually saying, as you appear to be, that people who cheat should be allowed to carry one, without any recourse, but people like me who try to keep it fair and fun for everyone should be banned?
As I have tried to say it makes no difference who it is, the main thing is we get it out in the open so it doesnt ruin the site for everyone.
I KNOW we cant use cheats.
I DONT WANT anyone to use cheats.
Yet obviously some are trying to find or make cheats and does it matter who they are? Surely the site is more important isnt it?
Or are you actually saying, as you appear to be, that people who cheat should be allowed to carry one, without any recourse, but people like me who try to keep it fair and fun for everyone should be banned?
Everyone realises how important the site is, hence why you can't find or make a cheat for it.
When the day arises that someone has somehow hacked the site and can cheat, then it will be updated to stop it from it happening. What does it matter if someone was looking for a cheat, it's like trying to find the Holy Grail, it's not gonna happen!
Deleted User
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16:35 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
I agree with chapster_7 here, the whole thread and the previous one were to either give you a reason to post (non-plausible) and to name and shame someone, which is in breach of the rules regardless of the criteria.
Also asking a rhetorical question is not a wise move, NO ONE on this site condones nor appreciates cheating in the slightest. It has been stated many time it's 'impossible' to do on this site which should be applauded not used for one's-upmanship.
I suggest unless you have anything else to discuss, of actual relevance to this site than to try and 'drag someone down', then I would refrain from doing so, you will only alienate yourself further which is not what these forum threads are meant for.
Also asking a rhetorical question is not a wise move, NO ONE on this site condones nor appreciates cheating in the slightest. It has been stated many time it's 'impossible' to do on this site which should be applauded not used for one's-upmanship.
I suggest unless you have anything else to discuss, of actual relevance to this site than to try and 'drag someone down', then I would refrain from doing so, you will only alienate yourself further which is not what these forum threads are meant for.
Deleted User
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16:41 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Now that, is very obviously, not true. What I dont understand, and I dont want to name any particular user, is why anyone trying to find a way to cheat has to be protected.
Its strange how different people have reacted here compared to in-game where it was universally condemned.
I have lurked in the forums for years, and yes, this was the first thing I felt strongly enough about to apply for posting rights. How is that so bad?
Also asking a rhetorical question is not a wise move, NO ONE on this site condones nor appreciates cheating in the slightest. .
Now that, is very obviously, not true. What I dont understand, and I dont want to name any particular user, is why anyone trying to find a way to cheat has to be protected.
Its strange how different people have reacted here compared to in-game where it was universally condemned.
I have lurked in the forums for years, and yes, this was the first thing I felt strongly enough about to apply for posting rights. How is that so bad?
16:43 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
9ball_king, it was was removed by one of the administrators for a reason.
Like I mentioned on the last thread, no one has officially broken any rules and you can't accuse another member of funkypool without any conclusive evidence.
I agree, we don't want any cheaters, but I would advise that you don't keep making threads because your posting rights will be revoked. People that cheat are delt with on a daily basis, I for one have seen it happen many times before.
Like I mentioned on the last thread, no one has officially broken any rules and you can't accuse another member of funkypool without any conclusive evidence.
I agree, we don't want any cheaters, but I would advise that you don't keep making threads because your posting rights will be revoked. People that cheat are delt with on a daily basis, I for one have seen it happen many times before.
16:43 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Got removed for good reason, naming and shaming and enjoy this thread going bye bye to and more than likely your posting rights.
<removed> does not cheat, many others see that
Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 13:50 Fri 13/09/13 (BST)
<removed> does not cheat, many others see that
please do not name and shame on the forums
Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 13:50 Fri 13/09/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:45 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Well said *like
Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 13:50 Fri 13/09/13 (BST)
Got removed for good reason, naming and shaming and enjoy this thread going bye bye to and more than likely your posting rights.
<removed> does not cheat, many others see that
<removed> does not cheat, many others see that
Well said *like
please do not name and shame on the forums
Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 13:50 Fri 13/09/13 (BST)
16:56 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Firstly, 9ball_king , your first thread was removed because many posts broke forum rules, not just yours, so it is not a conspiracy or cover up or whatever, it was just too much work to salvage as a discussion.
Secondly, yes, you are right nobody wants the site ruined by cheats, but rest assured that aimers etc are not possible for funkpool/snooker due to the way they work.
Just think about it - its not like many other games where you pre-set shot strength and direction, there is no "cheat" that can predict how you are going to move the mouse!
Yes, in the past there have been hacks, but again, this is almost impossible to do without being noticed. Everyones history is there for all to see, so if you magically gain 100 rank points or 50000 tournapoints, its easy spotted and dealt with.
So, hope you are re-assured, but you were right to raise the points, but in the wrong way.
Also, if anyone has any other ideas/concerns about cheating, fire away!
Just remember to respect the forum rules and others privacy.
Firstly, 9ball_king , your first thread was removed because many posts broke forum rules, not just yours, so it is not a conspiracy or cover up or whatever, it was just too much work to salvage as a discussion.
Secondly, yes, you are right nobody wants the site ruined by cheats, but rest assured that aimers etc are not possible for funkpool/snooker due to the way they work.
Just think about it - its not like many other games where you pre-set shot strength and direction, there is no "cheat" that can predict how you are going to move the mouse!
Yes, in the past there have been hacks, but again, this is almost impossible to do without being noticed. Everyones history is there for all to see, so if you magically gain 100 rank points or 50000 tournapoints, its easy spotted and dealt with.
So, hope you are re-assured, but you were right to raise the points, but in the wrong way.
Also, if anyone has any other ideas/concerns about cheating, fire away!
Just remember to respect the forum rules and others privacy.
17:00 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Really? I was not naming and shaming. 9ball_king was the one doing that, i was stating a fact mate that he does not cheat and i get in trouble for it...
17:10 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
You are not in trouble. So far no-one had been named in this thread, so lets keep it that way.
Deleted User
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20:44 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Only nick could make a cheat for this
but then's his would it be concluded as cheating?
He has the specs, graphics and knowledge to make such a tool. He doesn't cause it isn't needed!!
but then's his would it be concluded as cheating?
He has the specs, graphics and knowledge to make such a tool. He doesn't cause it isn't needed!!
Deleted User
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20:44 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
What difference does it make if there cheating anyway? (which i know they cant).
If they want/wanted to cheat let them get on with it........Only person then getting cheated is them by wasting there time of day playing games they didnt deserve
If they want/wanted to cheat let them get on with it........Only person then getting cheated is them by wasting there time of day playing games they didnt deserve
Deleted User
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20:49 Fri 13 Sep 13 (BST)
Well said Jack! Rare i agree with you i would say, you may agree also
What difference does it make if there cheating anyway? (which i know they cant).
If they want/wanted to cheat let them get on with it........Only person then getting cheated is them by wasting there time of day playing games they didnt deserve
If they want/wanted to cheat let them get on with it........Only person then getting cheated is them by wasting there time of day playing games they didnt deserve
02:40 Sat 14 Sep 13 (BST)
i dont agree jack there are cheats on here,
i sent a list of sites to admin, not only cheat sites but the bigger ip cheats, it only takes a little knowledge.
but where i totally agree, is whats the point in using them apart from massive egos,
how many times do u watch a cue going all over the place before shooting the cue ball ??? ever wonder why ?
but hey you never see these people playing 5 second games or 10 second games i wonder why ?
but let them get on with it, hence i snooker more and more its the only way to beat these people adapt your game to combat them
Edited at 23:44 Fri 13/09/13 (BST)
i sent a list of sites to admin, not only cheat sites but the bigger ip cheats, it only takes a little knowledge.
but where i totally agree, is whats the point in using them apart from massive egos,
how many times do u watch a cue going all over the place before shooting the cue ball ??? ever wonder why ?
but hey you never see these people playing 5 second games or 10 second games i wonder why ?
but let them get on with it, hence i snooker more and more its the only way to beat these people adapt your game to combat them
Edited at 23:44 Fri 13/09/13 (BST)
02:41 Sat 14 Sep 13 (BST)
Only cheat is to play yourself or have a friend set you up but they usually get found out
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Thread discussing possibilities of cheating
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