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Posts: 785
01:05 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay mate, okay! I'm being completely reasonable, i think your the one bringing something back up that is months buried into the ground. Mature hey?
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01:08 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Top Guns Team List

1) rocketweaz8 (Captain)
2) chapster_7 (Vice Captain)
3) winter64 (Vice Captain)
4) _maverick_
5) jack_86 ??
6) emmajackson
7) jig_saw
8) wosari_king
9) ballbuster offline 14 days
10) the__priest
11) blueberry
12) staffie_man
13) yarmolenko
14) free_one
15) silenthill
17) goose79 cheer leader

please welcome to the team the silenthill
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01:08 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ok boys lets leave it yeah
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01:14 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lets boogie woogie through the nite lol
Posts: 785
01:16 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you kenny.
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01:21 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

never understand the 8 ball lol
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01:39 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you all for letting me play on your team! Ill do me best lol!
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01:55 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I think silenthill should be given a second chance if he feels he's learnt his lesson. I also believe there is a new league runner being appointed so wouldn't silenthills ban be at their discretion?
Deleted User
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02:37 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
talking on new league runner i for 1 in this clan would prefer if we went with chris as runner.
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10:10 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome free_one and silenthill! I'm hoping with the new league runners, we'll be able to appeal/persuade them to give silent another chance. He seems pretty sincere about it all now.

Jack, can't you forget your differences and move on from them mate? Be good to still have you in the clan.

Agreed Kenny about Chris. I think the league would benefit from having non clan members running it, but I also think maybe we should give Matty and Steve a chance, see what they can do. If things don't work out and Chris and co are still willing, then they can come in. But give them a chance.

How are we all anyway?!

Edited at 07:41 Thu 26/09/13 (BST)

Edited at 07:42 Thu 26/09/13 (BST)
Posts: 7,974
10:23 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome free_one and silenthill! I'm hoping with the new league runners, we'll be able to appeal/persuade them to give silent another chance. He seems pretty sincere about it all now.

Jack, can't you forget your differences and move on from them mate? Be good to still have you in the clan.

Agreed Kenny, nothing and against matty or steve but think the fcl should be run by someone/people with no ties into any clans. Taking nothing away from Jay though of course.

How are we all anyway?!

maverick ive already messaged the new league runners and silenthill is available to play now in both FCL and Super League
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10:24 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome free_one and silenthill! I'm hoping with the new league runners, we'll be able to appeal/persuade them to give silent another chance. He seems pretty sincere about it all now.

Jack, can't you forget your differences and move on from them mate? Be good to still have you in the clan.

Agreed Kenny, nothing and against matty or steve but think the fcl should be run by someone/people with no ties into any clans. Taking nothing away from Jay though of course.

How are we all anyway?!

maverick ive already messaged the new league runners and silenthill is available to play now in both FCL and Super League

Nice one, thanks mate and well done
Deleted User
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11:54 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Just so you know there is no expiry date on silenthills ban, he is banned from FBL whilst I remain in charge and shall push for his ban in the FCL to continue as well.

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 21:14 Thu 26/09/13 (BST)
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12:35 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
welcome free_one and phil to the team

all im gonna say on this issue is, what is done is done

please refrain from abusing this page the is a clan and league page not ww3

phil maybe only allowed to play super league so all i ask is u just get on with ur games (which im sure is all u want to do)

and lets get back to being top guns
Deleted User
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12:48 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Whilst I was not a player for the clan, I did enjoy posting here but I shan't now with him about, so good luck Top Guns, wish you all the best for the upcoming seasons
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12:54 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

im gonna step down i really dont need stresses on here i have enough in my own life to worry about . i come on here to have fun and try get ppl playing in a team that love this site. but all the messages and pms im getting about phil aint worth it

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12:58 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

im gonna step down i really dont need stresses on here i have enough in my own life to worry about . i come on here to have fun and try get ppl playing in a team that love this site. but all the messages and pms im getting about phil aint worth it


if johhny leaving i out i only here for johhny he my main man on ere and i respect him so i back him all the way.
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12:58 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Johnny, that is a little excessive don't you think?

Either man up and tell the team to deal with it or remove the player. It's that simple
Deleted User
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13:02 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
staffie_man before you leave, I am gonna run things while he has a bit of time off, he may realise in a couple of days that everything isn't as bad as it seemed. Please could you stick around as the VC?
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13:05 Thu 26 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
staffie_man before you leave, I am gonna run things while he has a bit of time off, he may realise in a couple of days that everything isn't as bad as it seemed. Please could you stick around as the VC?

ok i will stick with the team and help out for johnny and chappy lets hope our brother in arms comes back very soon love ya rocketweaz8 here for ya.
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