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Phoenix Storm - Unpr3dictabl3 & Unfaz3d

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23:42 Fri 16 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Pheonix Storm!

krazyash_07 Captain
powodzenia? v/c

team list TBC
Posts: 8,885
00:14 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
gl with this ash hun x
Deleted User
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00:22 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
gl with this ash hun x

Thank you Beth, just fancied a new challenge and adventure.
Posts: 8,885
00:24 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
gl with this ash hun x

Thank you Beth, just fancied a new challenge and adventure.

then fair play to ya
Deleted User
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01:23 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Team: Phoenix Storm - As it stands

1. krazyash_07 Captain
2. powodzenia? v/c
3. berzerk
4. __sniper__
5. solskjaer20
6. _sachibub
7. poolh8r
8. ub3rnator
9. TBC
10. TBC
11. TBC
12. TBC
13. TBC
14. TBC
15. TBC
16. TBC

Edited at 23:02 Fri 16/08/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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02:50 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be up to the captain who they want as vice surely? As long as you have the relevant experience on that account to qualify according to league rules then it shouldn't be anything to do with the league how ash runs his clan

i just had pear slices with semolina yum yum
oh and i agree
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:06 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be up to the captain who they want as vice surely? As long as you have the relevant experience on that account to qualify according to league rules then it shouldn't be anything to do with the league how ash runs his clan

i just had pear slices with semolina yum yum
oh and i agree

Yeah I do agree too, I think __snipers__ done and continuing to do a very good job at Ballbreakers along with chapster_7. I know there is history, so if the League Runners do not feel he has proven himself yet then I guess that's their prerogative. I were only utilizing him as a vice captain 1 of 2 and we would have worked very well together. Nevertheless I may be the Captain but I will listen to my team and we will work exactly as that 'A TEAM'.
Deleted User
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03:19 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
And lots of ADVICE LOL
Deleted User
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03:23 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
And lots of ADVICE LOL

Thank you mikee.
Deleted User
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03:26 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be fun not bad team coming together
Deleted User
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03:27 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be up to the captain who they want as vice surely? As long as you have the relevant experience on that account to qualify according to league rules then it shouldn't be anything to do with the league how ash runs his clan

i just had pear slices with semolina yum yum
oh and i agree

Yeah I do agree too, I think __snipers__ done and continuing to do a very good job at Ballbreakers along with chapster_7. I know there is history, so if the League Runners do not feel he has proven himself yet then I guess that's their prerogative. I were only utilizing him as a vice captain 1 of 2 and we would have worked very well together. Nevertheless I may be the Captain but I will listen to my team and we will work exactly as that 'A TEAM'.
That's right! We will think as one mind, and shall use psychosis to mentally paralyze our opponents! Beware as Phoenix Storm will unleash a full scale war on all who are against us!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:29 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be fun not bad team coming together
Yup! Going to be a class team!
Deleted User
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03:31 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah that's the idea to add another team to the League and to be as strong as possible. Should be fun.
Deleted User
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03:33 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you for the support everyone :P
Deleted User
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05:06 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm torn
Posts: 6,417
05:08 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Since jay has me on ignore still, i will post here..

I would go back to ballbreakers as if i leave and take 3 players with me, they may fold...not to mention jay would see this all as bad im guessing...although i would be with ball breakers for 1 whole season, and i would love ot join phoenix storm as you asked me to be vice ash, but i don't want to jeopardize me being trusted for vice captaining at least in fcl and fbl

i dont know why but i have the feeling u use sarcasm too much
I want to know which u think is sarcastic hehe

maybe u proved it a post after this?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:15 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Since jay has me on ignore still, i will post here..

I would go back to ballbreakers as if i leave and take 3 players with me, they may fold...not to mention jay would see this all as bad im guessing...although i would be with ball breakers for 1 whole season, and i would love ot join phoenix storm as you asked me to be vice ash, but i don't want to jeopardize me being trusted for vice captaining at least in fcl and fbl

i dont know why but i have the feeling u use sarcasm too much
I want to know which u think is sarcastic hehe

maybe u proved it a post after this?
Only going to get worst mate.. lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:34 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Since jay has me on ignore still, i will post here..

I would go back to ballbreakers as if i leave and take 3 players with me, they may fold...not to mention jay would see this all as bad im guessing...although i would be with ball breakers for 1 whole season, and i would love ot join phoenix storm as you asked me to be vice ash, but i don't want to jeopardize me being trusted for vice captaining at least in fcl and fbl

i dont know why but i have the feeling u use sarcasm too much
I want to know which u think is sarcastic hehe

maybe u proved it a post after this?
Only going to get worst mate.. lol

No it wont, we will do all our talking where it matters, on the baize.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:40 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Since jay has me on ignore still, i will post here..

I would go back to ballbreakers as if i leave and take 3 players with me, they may fold...not to mention jay would see this all as bad im guessing...although i would be with ball breakers for 1 whole season, and i would love ot join phoenix storm as you asked me to be vice ash, but i don't want to jeopardize me being trusted for vice captaining at least in fcl and fbl

i dont know why but i have the feeling u use sarcasm too much
I want to know which u think is sarcastic hehe

maybe u proved it a post after this?
Only going to get worst mate.. lol

No it wont, we will do all our talking where it matters, on the baize.
Yes mate, you will be a great captain! ;) You have the "loyalty" as do i mate, which is why i am going back to Ball Breakers, Start this team up pal, im sure you will get many players to join! Going to be the "NEXT BEST THING"
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:56 Sat 17 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Unfortunately __sniper__ will be staying with BB for the time being, he wants to prove his loyalty to Jay and Jema, which is pretty admirable.

I would like to keep _sachibub and poolh8r and urb3nator tbh as I feel they will be instrumental in helping get this team off the ground. Sniper has expressed he would like urb3nator to stay with him.

We will get a strong team, shame wont have sniper in it but I wish him all the best at Ballbreakers, who knows maybe mid season window.

Edited at 03:09 Sat 17/08/13 (BST)
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Phoenix Storm - Unpr3dictabl3 & Unfaz3d

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