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Uprising VII

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Posts: 38,097
21:10 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alright guys, i know your guy is active but Pete (lethal_lures) only has his laptop for tonight. Would you be willing to sub to get it done?

I understand if you don't want to
Posts: 6,417
21:13 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
even if we wanted to we cant as him and derik played the 8us games. anyway we werent going to sub joe out of that game
Posts: 38,097
21:15 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ah okay, im behind due to my net
Posts: 1,594
21:25 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ha no not this 1, Joe is mine
Posts: 19,967
22:12 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not managed to get home because of the trains, so no laptop access which means a default :( sorry guys
Deleted User
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22:44 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
shadwell17 v _rockstar_

8us 2 - 3
9us 2 - 3
8uk 3 - 2

total shadwell17 (7) - (8) _rockstar_

Very tight games and it went down to the wire. He played a great shot in the last 8uk to knock my balls off the pocket and pot his.
Well played m8.
Posts: 9,926
23:19 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
If derek turns up tonight, nerdzz has permission to sub in to get it played or any sub you can put forward to get it done as well.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:27 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes any sub message me!!!!!!!
Posts: 9,926
00:48 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
No sub as derek has not showed at all in last 24 hours
Posts: 6,417
00:52 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
no one can sub in that game apart from faust and ninja. Faust isnt available to play today and ninja doesnt have internet access. Probably if a sub was made earlier this game would have been played as joe tried his best to arrange with 60+ but got no reply. We can only hope joe logs in.
Posts: 9,926
00:54 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
no one can sub in that game apart from faust and ninja. Faust isnt available to play today and ninja doesnt have internet access. Probably if a sub was made earlier this game would have been played as joe tried his best to arrange with 60+ but got no reply. We can only hope joe logs in.

Always strange how an active player disappears when subs are mentioned.

We have already offered subs to get games played even with active players
Posts: 6,417
01:02 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah but you offered those subs in the last two days m8, when we already mentioned on pros thread that joe might not be able to play at weekends. but aprart from these two days hes been active in the fixture. :)
Posts: 9,926
01:08 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah but you offered those subs in the last two days m8, when we already mentioned on pros thread that joe might not be able to play at weekends. but aprart from these two days hes been active in the fixture. :)

If joe can't play weekends that is 6 days out of 16 for the fixture lost

The fact is that we are on deadline day and it could have got completed but it doesn't look like it will. I am sure uprising would prefer to play it as I am sure beating professionals on default would mean nothing
Posts: 6,417
01:18 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i am the first who dont like defaults, but in this case i can do nothing. I mentioned all our players who can sub in (forgot slimeball and bacon on the above post), so what else can i do.
Also even if i subbed joe out that would be unfair on him as he tried his best to arrange with 60+. He even messaged me and faust days ago saying he was having problems with 60 cause he was getting no reply. So if u wanted this game played so much, why wasnt a sub made earlier?
Posts: 38,097
01:24 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
This reminds me of Black Ballers and a certain individual. It was the case where people knew he didn't play weekends. The opposition was equally as active but timezones prevented it. As the game wasn't played he refuses to sub and let it go to defaults.

I think people should be aware and sub earlier if possible. In this case their isn't much that Uprising can do.
Posts: 6,417
01:28 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i know about that m8 but this isnt the case. Not much joe can do when he arranges a time to play and his opponent doesnt show cause he was playing gta lol. Atm it may look like we are playing for default but thats not true cause we offered our help on pros thread
Posts: 2,094
10:38 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah but you offered those subs in the last two days m8, when we already mentioned on pros thread that joe might not be able to play at weekends. but aprart from these two days hes been active in the fixture. :)

If joe can't play weekends that is 6 days out of 16 for the fixture lost

The fact is that we are on deadline day and it could have got completed but it doesn't look like it will. I am sure uprising would prefer to play it as I am sure beating professionals on default would mean nothing

If it could of got completed then it would of been. It's impossible to make a sub if you don't have any, 8 out of 14 days is more than enough to get games played. It's very rare I can play weekends either but it's never a problem unless I get drawn against someone like sixty_plus who fails to turn up to an arranged time, he's the only person who should take the blame for this game not getting played!!
Posts: 19,967
11:55 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
This reminds me of Black Ballers and a certain individual. It was the case where people knew he didn't play weekends. The opposition was equally as active but timezones prevented it. As the game wasn't played he refuses to sub and let it go to defaults.

I think people should be aware and sub earlier if possible. In this case their isn't much that Uprising can do.

Well that's not quite the whole story is it :p that's one side but you should let sleeping dogs lie

Finally on the way home on a further delayed train so should be ok to play anything in needed for
Posts: 3,846
12:36 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
regarding this fiasco with subs yesterdat and my name mentioned, I haven't read it all properly , just flicked through!, but whichever clown made the funny how hes not on comment, to be honest you couldn't be more wrong, I enjoy the big games and playijg the top players, I think ive sent no less than ten messsgaes regarding this game, I were let down twice by tyler last week, I was also messed around by another opponent in fcl, if you ask players such as pete lethal _lures im sure he would confirm, that I would do anything possible o work with people in regards to organising a game, I apolagise that I couldn't get on yesterday, I thinkn ive been active for 12 of the 14 days.
Anyone thing thinking it were on purpose coul;dnt be more wrong, id rather play and lose vs the best players than let it go to default, even though I were messed around, I assure anyone that this wasn't anykind of payback
Posts: 3,846
12:37 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alright guys, i know your guy is active but Pete (lethal_lures) only has his laptop for tonight. Would you be willing to sub to get it done?

I understand if you don't want to

me and pete have sorted this pal, not sure why ud ask tbh?
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Uprising VII

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