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Uprising VII

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Posts: 1,696
17:17 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
erigert (7) - (8) thanatos

i feel i should have won this game, but i made some stupid mistakes, missing a simple 8 in one of the 9us games and after potting a very difficult black on 8uk the cue decided to go in aswell. anyway he was a very good player and played well. ggs m8 wp

You should have a better grip next time
Posts: 6,417
17:38 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lol i read it 4 times before i posted but it seems i never get my english right
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17:41 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lol i read it 4 times before i posted but it seems i never get my english right

I've heard 'throwing toys out the pram' a few times recently but never 'throwing cue down the pocket too', quite like that one tbh.
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19:51 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl sub
sensibleshow out
kingdadcool in
now 2andygorams vs kingdadcool
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22:18 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
shadwell17 V's thanatos

8us 1 - 3
9us 2 - 2
8uk 3 - 1 (he had a run out)

total 6 - 7 (with runout point)

I played very poor in the first half of the match and couldn't pot a ball. I managed to get some form in 9us and carried it into 8uk. He had a nice runout in 8uk so not much I could have done in that frame. Not at all happy with how I played.
Good luck in the rest of the season.
Posts: 6,417
22:23 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
nice comeback after 8us Shad. Nothing u could do about that runout so overall its a good result against a good player as ive played him earlier today :)
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22:38 Sat 19 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers m8. He is a good player but he didnt have to do much in 8us as i was so bad. The runout came in the last frame :(
Posts: 1,696
00:35 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixtures Set One

Uprising (27) vs (10) Pocket Dynamos

slimeball v jasonb
erigert v lfc12
moore6c v askingfan
irish_ninja v fry06
shadwell17 (2) v (6) bigcjl2
sharky89 (5) v (0) cue_control_ TBC
franer_ (8) v (0) marksmith

derik_dalton & faust (5) v (3) marksmith & jasonb
pirate_steve & irish_ninja (7) v (1) punkpoet & welshgizy19

Uprising (9) v (7) The Professionals

cgibson92 (3) v (5) beenjammin
fuunky v cphaynes
derik_dalton v mattywellie
sharky89 v sixty_plus
w_hoolahan v _redherring_
pirate_steve v _nerdzz_
franer_ v dvz
derik_dalton & pirate_steve (6) vs (2) beenjammin & dvz
2 vs 2

Phoenix Storm (6) vs (10) Uprising

darren9030 v angry_bacon
ooo_u_tap_2 v cgibson92
thanatos v derik_dalton
krazyash_07 v 2andygorams
samba2 v w_hoolahan
linc717 (4) v (4) zantetsukenz
cue_ball v pirate_steve

poolh8r & thanatos (2) v (6) franer_ & derik_dalton
2 v 2

Deadline: 5th November 2013
Posts: 1,696
00:36 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't know if killer is still involved ^^ :S
Posts: 6,417
00:38 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
^ we dont know either as we got no reply

erigert (8) - (5) krazyash

apart from the runout i had on the first frame i can say that this was a very bad match. probably the worst i ever played in clans.
Posts: 1,696
00:38 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Set 2

Uprising Ultras (30) v (29) The Unbeatables A

zantetsukenz v msl
w_hoolahan (7) v (5) im_crap_adam
shadwell17 (8) v (4) dbno
fuunky (7) v (5) mooksterman
franer_ (5) v (7) greyhound

shadwell17 & franer_ (3) v (8) serious_game & greyhound

Phoenix Ashes (18) v (19) Uprising Ultras

thanatos (7) v (6) shadwell17
krazyash_07 (5) v (8) erigert
poolh8r v angry_bacon
_sachibub v moore6c
unknownelite v zantetsukenz

_sachibub & krazyash_07 (6) v (5) w_hoolahan & franer_

Deadline: 27/10/13
Posts: 1,696
00:42 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Set 2

The Underdogs (31) v (41) Uprising

chezz0021 (6) v (7) slimeball
virtuoso14 (7) v (5) faust
rossunited (3) v (9) cgibson92
gelder (3) v (9) 2andygorams
gb_stu (5) v (7) irish_ninja

virtuoso14 & rossunited (7) v (4) cgibson92 & sharky89

The Professionals A (20) v (18) Uprising

beenjammin (6) v (6) pirate_steve
cphaynes (7) v (6) cgibson92
sixty_plus v derik_dalton
mattywellie v sharky89
onevisit (7) v (6) 2andygorams

Killer TBA v TBA

Deadline: 27/10/13

Edited at 21:46 Sat 19/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
00:46 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
fcl is over for us bacon, last game finished 8-7 to king
Posts: 1,696
00:47 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Good job I missed the other super league stuff out then isn't it . Think there's stuff missing off that too though
Posts: 1,696
00:50 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
For the record...

FCL Fixture 1

Fighting Eagles (50) v (70) Uprising

its_me (8) v (7) moore6c
ghoulish (9) v (6) angry_bacon
silenthill (4) v (11) irish_ninja
breksis (5) v (10) derik_dalton
ronalddw (4) v (11) shadwell17
_pro__frog_ (5) v (10) cgibson92
kingdadcool (8) v (7) 2andygorams
the__priest (7) v (8) fuunky

Phoenix Storm (46) v (74) Uprising

darren9030 (5) v (10) franer_
thanatos (8) v (7) erigert
ooo_u_tap_2 (2) v (13) pirate_steve
poolh8r (7) v (8) fuunky
_sachibub (10) v (5) zantetsukenz
cue_ball (5) v (10) w_hoolahan
friendyboy (5) v (10) derik_dalton
tactics__ (4) v (11) sharky89
Posts: 2,094
13:25 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems like I've missed a lot after been off a couple of days lol...

I just thought it was a load of bull about Jay cheating the leagues till I just read the messages from mich, what I can't understand it seems like this has been going on a while and people have kept it quiet until now for some reason. It should of been brought up straight away as soon as someone knew what he was doing, pointless playing in clans if people are trying fix the leagues, all I can say is shame on them!!
Posts: 7,297
13:39 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems like I've missed a lot after been off a couple of days lol...

I just thought it was a load of bull about Jay cheating the leagues till I just read the messages from mich, what I can't understand it seems like this has been going on a while and people have kept it quiet until now for some reason. It should of been brought up straight away as soon as someone knew what he was doing, pointless playing in clans if people are trying fix the leagues, all I can say is shame on them!!

yeah not good at all . most players knew something was fishy at times
Posts: 2,717
17:53 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
this is how i feel
Posts: 4,971
19:19 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL: Uprising v Professionals

8 ball uk: w_hoolahan 6 - 2 _redherring_

throughout the whole match, it was a case of him having about 3 attempts at run outs or clearances were he either fouled at start when pilling into a lot of balls to split up, or he got to last 2 balls and had it v tough to get on for last and was about a mm out on whether he could get it or not, overall he was quite unlucky in that way, But for me throughout.. it was no misses and some clearances which I somehow managed / shots which I avoided foul or even clearances which involved balls coming into play which worked v well. ggs v ul, wp at times too though with thinking of clearance routines.
Posts: 6,417
19:20 Sun 20 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Very nice score Harry that puts us ahead in the fixture
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Uprising VII

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