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Uprising VII

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03:18 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Scott can do that to anyone on the site mate as can you, everyone been around long enough to have had their own games like this where nothing goes right.
Over the course of a season you will be a top performer and that's all that matters bud
Posts: 2,717
03:20 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Scott can do that to anyone on the site mate as can you, everyone been around long enough to have had their own games like this where nothing goes right.
Over the course of a season you will be a top performer and that's all that matters bud

ahh sense and sensitivity lol

TY mate, but we all lose I know but I shud at least show up lol..

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 16:12 Thu 10/10/13 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
04:12 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't worry mate, we know what you're capable of and we'll be holding you to your words under penalty of sobriety!
Deleted User
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04:22 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
cgibson92 10-5 _pro__frog_

8US: 3-2
9US: 3-2
8UK: 4-1

was close throughout till uk where frog seemed to go to sleep and stopped concentrating. ggs mate and gl for the season.
Posts: 10,109
13:11 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Fighting Eagles (42) v (63) Uprising

its_me (8) v (7) moore6c
ghoulish (9) v (6) angry_bacon
silenthill (4) v (11) irish_ninja
breksis (5) v (10) derik_dalton
ronalddw (4) v (11) shadwell17
_pro__frog_ (5) v (10) cgibson92
sensibleshow v 2andygorams
the__priest (7) v (8) fuunky

Phoenix Storm (19) v (26) Uprising

darren9030 v cgibson92
thanatos v franer_
ooo_u_tap_2 v pirate_steve
poolh8r v fuunky
_sachibub (10) v (5) zantetsukenz
cue_ball (5) v (10) w_hoolahan
friendyboy v derik_dalton
tactics__ (4) v (11) sharky89

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013. Please message opponents and get this season underway.Have fun yall.
Posts: 10,109
13:14 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Set 1

Uprising Ultras (61) v (13) Mousey Misfits


Uprising Ultras (36) v (38) The Professionals B


w_hoolahan (7) v (6) beenjammin
fuunky (5) v (7) dvz
franer_ (3) v (9) scott7a
zantetsukenz (10) v (4) _nerdzz_
shadwell17 (4) v (8) sixty_plus
Killer: franer_/shadwell17 (7) v (4) dvz/beenjammin

Individual games
4 racks of each 8US/9US/8UK. Each frame scores a point and also u get bonus points from Run Outs or Golden Breaks.
Killer game of 2 v 2. Points for each final position as follows - 1st 5pts, 2nd 3pts, 3rd 2pts and 4th 1pt.

Deadline: 13/10/2013
Posts: 10,109
13:45 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Set 1

Ballbreakers B (14) v (47) Uprising

brooksy1986 (1) v (12) irish_ninja
snoox (6) v (7) 2andygorams
pmix (3) v (9) faust
kurt_corris v cgibson92
jimmyd20 (1) v (11) sharky89
blackcabman7/jimmyd20 (3) v (8) 2andygorams/faust

Phoenix Lightning (26) v (35) Uprising

ooo_u_tap_2 (3) v (9) pirate_steve
breakdown (2) v (12) cgibson92
tactics__ (7) v (5) derik_dalton
friendyboy (9) v (3) sharky89
darren9030 v 2andygorams

ooo_u_tap_2 & tactics__ (5) v (6) irish_ninja & cgibson92

Individual games
4 racks of each 8US/9US/8UK. Each frame scores a point and also u get bonus points from Run Outs or Golden Breaks.
Killer game of 2 v 2. Points for each final position as follows - 1st 5pts, 2nd 3pts, 3rd 2pts and 4th 1pt.

Deadline: 13/10/2013
Posts: 2,094
16:03 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done lads, unlucky fran, chin up m8 you're a class player so I'm sure you'll make up for it in you're next game, we all have bad games. I have a lot more bad than good lol, I need practice but pointless keep logging in when most of the time It's virtually impossible to get a game against anyone half decent!!

I messaged my opponent a few days ago but he hasn't been online since, will keep you updated. I see he's from the US so if he works during the day then I'll need a swap!!
Posts: 2,717
17:19 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for support guys.

Top lads yall are.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:08 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Useless Fran!!! Just kidding pal you know I <3 you we all have our bad days and you will more than make up for it in the future Pro's are arguably the best clan on the site and they just scrapped the win this time. Title this season lads
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:41 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol I made the_priest rage quit by going 2-0 up in 8uk mara final. It's a race to 5 man! Unbelievable sportsmanship. Just thought I'd share that.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:43 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ooops need a double __ for him, the__priest
Posts: 7,974
00:44 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol I made the_priest rage quit by going 2-0 up in 8uk mara final. It's a race to 5 man! Unbelievable sportsmanship. Just thought I'd share that.

doooh !
i lost connection, i was lagging bad
you won a torno wd

i looked you got 3 wins not 2 hence lag please check
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:46 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't they have disconnection protection which means you would've shown as not responding for a bit?
Posts: 7,974
00:53 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
you won, enjoy it,,,
surely it isnt your first ? is it ?
it was a torno chucklzzzzz
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not the same though is it? I would have much preferred you to stick around so I could have won 5-0....
Posts: 10,109
01:09 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol I made the_priest rage quit by going 2-0 up in 8uk mara final. It's a race to 5 man! Unbelievable sportsmanship. Just thought I'd share that.

Nice work Dale!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:00 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
pirate_steve 13 - 2 ooo_u_tap_2

8US 5 - 0
9BALL 4 - 1
8UK 4 - 1

1 frame I threw away and probably 3/4 frames he threw away from careless mistakes. On the balance of things it probably should have been a 10 - 5 or an 11 - 4, but then again I don't remember missing much when I did get in.

Also got my first golden break ever! God it's taken a while

Get your money ready Stu!
Posts: 2,094
15:18 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Top stuff pirate well played m8, you not missing much sounds normal to me lol!!
Posts: 10,109
15:32 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Fighting Eagles (42) v (63) Uprising

its_me (8) v (7) moore6c
ghoulish (9) v (6) angry_bacon
silenthill (4) v (11) irish_ninja
breksis (5) v (10) derik_dalton
ronalddw (4) v (11) shadwell17
_pro__frog_ (5) v (10) cgibson92
sensibleshow v 2andygorams
the__priest (7) v (8) fuunky

Phoenix Storm (21) v (39) Uprising

darren9030 v cgibson92
thanatos v franer_
ooo_u_tap_2 (2) v (13) pirate_steve
poolh8r v fuunky
_sachibub (10) v (5) zantetsukenz
cue_ball (5) v (10) w_hoolahan
friendyboy v derik_dalton
tactics__ (4) v (11) sharky89

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 20th October 2013. Please message opponents and get this season underway.Have fun yall.
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Uprising VII

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