Newbies In Tournaments!
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16:13 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
The cap should be brought back, you need to play a certain amount of games before you can join in on a tournament! It is getting rather ridiculous now in my opinion. Rewarding them for deactivating an account and coming straight back on another just to gain lots of rank.
There has been an increase in this in the past few weeks that i have noticed.
I am not making this thread because i lost to one either, but in less than 18 hours i have met two players in straight final who clearly are fake and or reset stats. The cap was there for a good reason before and i think it actually might give this site some hope if at least that was done.
I lost fair and square to the guy today though, no complaints about the game or losing just don't see why that cap was ever lifted.
There has been an increase in this in the past few weeks that i have noticed.
I am not making this thread because i lost to one either, but in less than 18 hours i have met two players in straight final who clearly are fake and or reset stats. The cap was there for a good reason before and i think it actually might give this site some hope if at least that was done.
I lost fair and square to the guy today though, no complaints about the game or losing just don't see why that cap was ever lifted.
16:26 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
Perhaps because of the falling numbers of tournament entrants...?
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16:29 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
I agree Jay, a cap should be bought back, however the only way this will and can be monitored is to issue each player an activation code and match up with their IP Address I guess?
16:50 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
Totally agree.
Downside to this; even less people in tournaments.
Upside; more games being played out of clans/tournaments, with people trying to get out of the newbie stage so they can enter tournaments.
But the amount of fake accounts / people making new accounts every other day is ridiculous, don't see why people don't stick with the same one.
Downside to this; even less people in tournaments.
Upside; more games being played out of clans/tournaments, with people trying to get out of the newbie stage so they can enter tournaments.
But the amount of fake accounts / people making new accounts every other day is ridiculous, don't see why people don't stick with the same one.
19:00 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
I don't get why admin can't find them, some are as clear as day to be honest. Then again i suppose they actually need hard proof. I bet if some one like myself or anyone else on regular would be found straight away.
Falling number of tournament entrants has nothing to do with the cap being removed though, the cap was there for years when the site was peaking, there was 50+ people in the tournaments back then. I think most people are not entering due to the high numbers of "Fake Newbies" and everything.
Falling number of tournament entrants has nothing to do with the cap being removed though, the cap was there for years when the site was peaking, there was 50+ people in the tournaments back then. I think most people are not entering due to the high numbers of "Fake Newbies" and everything.
19:13 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
In total agreement guys. tis frustrating, but just one of those things that the old cap woulda helped the 'regular and single account' players on here.
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19:14 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
There was never a cap when the site 'was peaking' so to speak. All players were free to enter all tournaments - as they should be.
Losing to a new account doesn't make any difference at all. Had you played them on their other account (if there was one) the result would probably be the same yet you would lose more points due to the rank adjustment.
There is certainly no reward for deactivating an account and gaining big points on the new one. The player will still be a long way from what they were on before. And actually the more points a player gains to get back to their proper level quicker then the better for all as long as its not at the expense of members who don't reset or deactivate (which it isn't).
Losing to a new account doesn't make any difference at all. Had you played them on their other account (if there was one) the result would probably be the same yet you would lose more points due to the rank adjustment.
There is certainly no reward for deactivating an account and gaining big points on the new one. The player will still be a long way from what they were on before. And actually the more points a player gains to get back to their proper level quicker then the better for all as long as its not at the expense of members who don't reset or deactivate (which it isn't).
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19:19 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
I want ALL tourneys to be non ranked, bring back the "retro" Funky, where there were actual ranked games you could join and play. That's the only way the old rank system will be restored
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19:21 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
As opposed to a ranking system based on open competition results against non selected opponents?
That's the only way the old rank system will be restored
As opposed to a ranking system based on open competition results against non selected opponents?
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19:28 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
Proof is in the pudding though Chris. Couple of years ago we had players ranked over 900, and some players ranked 850 weren't even in the top 10. Why play a tourney where knocking out 5 or 6 opponents gains you around 15 points, then you lose 2-0 to a 690 rank and drop 16 points. Where's the logic in that?
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19:36 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
totally agree with this, its ridiculous I have lost 20 points in 3 games of us8 - yes 1 reason because I am crap but also to win a tournament and be in negative equity if you like is also an absolute joke. You dont see Tiger Woods winning a major golf tournament but having less ranking points than when he started
Proof is in the pudding though Chris. Couple of years ago we had players ranked over 900, and some players ranked 850 weren't even in the top 10. Why play a tourney where knocking out 5 or 6 opponents gains you around 15 points, then you lose 2-0 to a 690 rank and drop 16 points. Where's the logic in that?
totally agree with this, its ridiculous I have lost 20 points in 3 games of us8 - yes 1 reason because I am crap but also to win a tournament and be in negative equity if you like is also an absolute joke. You dont see Tiger Woods winning a major golf tournament but having less ranking points than when he started
19:40 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
Chris there was a cap, meaning that if you were a newbie you could not enter a tournament until you lost the newbie status in that type... call yourself a moderator
19:41 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
i wonder if anyone reads all these........
i mean good ideas but seen lots of them not being implemented here
i mean good ideas but seen lots of them not being implemented here
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19:42 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
It's equivalent to prize money. Like winning the PDC and ended up 20 grand down lol. 9 Ball Speed is the pain in the hole, because ANYONE can win it. At least with Marathon, skill does eventually out the flukers....Yes flukers, with an L lol. I used to be hooked on this site but it's just boring now. Bring the old stuff back, see how it fairs. End of the day, its not Nick's site, it's OUR site, if we don't play it, Nick won't have it. Listen to what the people want IMO
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21:47 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
You said when the site 'was peaking' and elsewhere people talk of the days when you would get 60+ players consistently in many tournaments. That time was well before the ranked tournaments and there were definitely no caps then at all!! The only cap was when ranked tournaments were introduced and this was rightly lifted as it is irrelevant to the overall ranking table.
Because the point is that everybody is playing to the same rules and conditions now which they weren't before - that is also why the overall scores are lower as it reflects the increased difficulty.
In a ranking table you have to look at the position over a period of time not after every rack - particularly where you may have lost. The tables now are a far better reflection than they ever were before.
That said of course, you can have whatever scoring system you want. If everyone, and Nick, wanted a return to the old system of high score tables then I am sure it would happen. But it would no longer be a ranking table of ability - just a ranking table of high scores which are two different things.
Chris there was a cap, meaning that if you were a newbie you could not enter a tournament until you lost the newbie status in that type... call yourself a moderator
You said when the site 'was peaking' and elsewhere people talk of the days when you would get 60+ players consistently in many tournaments. That time was well before the ranked tournaments and there were definitely no caps then at all!! The only cap was when ranked tournaments were introduced and this was rightly lifted as it is irrelevant to the overall ranking table.
Proof is in the pudding though Chris. Couple of years ago we had players ranked over 900, and some players ranked 850 weren't even in the top 10. Why play a tourney where knocking out 5 or 6 opponents gains you around 15 points, then you lose 2-0 to a 690 rank and drop 16 points. Where's the logic in that?
Because the point is that everybody is playing to the same rules and conditions now which they weren't before - that is also why the overall scores are lower as it reflects the increased difficulty.
In a ranking table you have to look at the position over a period of time not after every rack - particularly where you may have lost. The tables now are a far better reflection than they ever were before.
That said of course, you can have whatever scoring system you want. If everyone, and Nick, wanted a return to the old system of high score tables then I am sure it would happen. But it would no longer be a ranking table of ability - just a ranking table of high scores which are two different things.
21:50 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
There was a cap, when i first played on the site which was late '08 i believe (which was around the same time as you) i could not enter tournaments as i had not lost my newbie tag in most of them, three days later i won my first tournament which was a straight tournament as that was the only game i had lost newbie status on.
21:59 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
I don't remember this far back, but according to this it looks like the cap only came along when Tournapoints were introduced into tournaments.
But I still think it should be re-introduced, because then only people who are not interested in tournaments will keep resetting and making new accounts. It will also stop people winning day/week/month events only to deactivate/reset a week or two later (if that), where the event could of been awarded to someone legitimately wanting it, and wanting to keep it on their profile, had the winner not 'wasted' it.
I don't remember this far back, but according to this it looks like the cap only came along when Tournapoints were introduced into tournaments.
But I still think it should be re-introduced, because then only people who are not interested in tournaments will keep resetting and making new accounts. It will also stop people winning day/week/month events only to deactivate/reset a week or two later (if that), where the event could of been awarded to someone legitimately wanting it, and wanting to keep it on their profile, had the winner not 'wasted' it.
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22:05 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
That's how I remember it too. Just a cap on ranked tourneys, I'm sure back in the day when I first joined in 09 that as a newb you could join whatever tourney you liked. But when the points were first introduced you HAD to have your newbie tag off
I don't remember this far back, but according to this it looks like the cap only came along when Tournapoints were introduced into tournaments.
But I still think it should be re-introduced, because then only people who are not interested in tournaments will keep resetting and making new accounts. It will also stop people winning day/week/month events only to deactivate/reset a week or two later (if that), where the event could of been awarded to someone legitimately wanting it, and wanting to keep it on their profile, had the winner not 'wasted' it.
I don't remember this far back, but according to this it looks like the cap only came along when Tournapoints were introduced into tournaments.
But I still think it should be re-introduced, because then only people who are not interested in tournaments will keep resetting and making new accounts. It will also stop people winning day/week/month events only to deactivate/reset a week or two later (if that), where the event could of been awarded to someone legitimately wanting it, and wanting to keep it on their profile, had the winner not 'wasted' it.
That's how I remember it too. Just a cap on ranked tourneys, I'm sure back in the day when I first joined in 09 that as a newb you could join whatever tourney you liked. But when the points were first introduced you HAD to have your newbie tag off
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22:06 Sun 4 Aug 13 (BST)
I am pretty sure there was no cap when tournaments were unranked. There would have been no logical reason for it as you would want all members to be able to experience everything. Certainly when I first joined in November 2006 I entered tournaments straight away.
Having looked back the cap only seems to appear when the Tournapoints came in in late 2010,
Edit - as the others said before me!!
Edited at 19:13 Sun 04/08/13 (BST)
Having looked back the cap only seems to appear when the Tournapoints came in in late 2010,
Edit - as the others said before me!!
Good memory - must be why they call me a Moderator!! Either that or because I'm always right!!!
Edited at 19:13 Sun 04/08/13 (BST)
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01:28 Mon 5 Aug 13 (BST)
Your enter a tournament. This means you play against a pool of players that enter. Each round is randomly picked between all players. Tournaments are usually participated in by a range of skill sets. The player that wins the tournament should be considered champion.
Hope that helps.
Hope that helps.
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