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01:24 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 2

The Professionals () vs () The Unbeatables

sixty_plus vs poolbiird
liam_scfc vs dbno
_redherring_ vs im_crap_adam
horse10000 vs greyhound
davey_1985 vs hippesville
ritcho vs msl
_nerdzz_ vs serious_game
scott7a vs turtle1560

The Professionals (6) vs (9) Uprising

beenjammin vs cgibson92
mattywellie vs sharky89
cphaynes vs derik_dalton
sixty_plus vs pirate_steve
dvz vs 2andygorams
onevisit (6) vs (9) w_hoolahan
techno vs fuunky
tinie vs irish_ninja

Deadline 3/11/13
Deleted User
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02:29 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  

_redherring_ 2 vs 6 mooney

I played awful and failed to clear with carry twice, sorry guys, this 1 down to my bad play not luck, but hey, what a player, 1st time ive played him!
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02:38 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Someone explain to me what all the drama is about, and then tell me what games i still have outstanding please?
Posts: 1,038
02:40 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FSL Killer
Pros 8-3 Top Guns

1st dvz
2nd ritcho
3rd blueberry
4th staffie_man

Great teamwork from me and Dave gave us the victory, both played well against a decent Top Guns side. Cheers Dave!

gg wp and ul, gl for the rest of the season guys
Posts: 3,072
02:41 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
killer v topguns

staffie man

wp lads vwp rit
Posts: 1,038
02:42 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
killer v topguns

staffie man

wp lads vwp rit

Cheers mate worked well together you played awesome
Posts: 3,072
02:43 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ty m8 vwp too :)
Deleted User
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12:42 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
tratter offline 5 days..
Deleted User
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13:19 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
how about a seprate killer league run along side fbl or fcl

killer league idea is a 3v3 u play 2 games per fixture 2 fixtures every 2 weeks games either same time or spread it out scoring would be :

1) 6pt
2) 5pt
3) 4pt
4) 3pt
5) 2pt
6) 1pt

added up over both games for team score and individual points score for players so end of season there a clan winner and individual winner there's lot more details but that's rough brief details
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14:17 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've sorted it out with pirate_steve I'll message other opponent now.
Posts: 2,463
16:05 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Question - Why don't we just pull out of FBL and focus on the other leagues?

I wouldn't mind, with the format changing AFTER games have been played (scrapped results), it's lost credibility. Whoever wins it will have to deal with a lot of "what if's".
But I'll do whatever the captain decides.
Posts: 2,463
16:14 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
who's interested in playing spl killer?
As long as you havent played anywhere in group 1's fixture, message me your times, I'll try and get it scheduled.
Deleted User
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16:41 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
As Liam can't post yet, we've finished our game.

Finished 6-2 to Liam. Score doesn't really reflect the games and probably should have been closer but he still had to pot his balls. Enjoyed the games mate and a nice lad to play. All the best with the rest of the season
Deleted User
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18:13 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Question - Why don't we just pull out of FBL and focus on the other leagues?

I wouldn't mind, with the format changing AFTER games have been played (scrapped results), it's lost credibility. Whoever wins it will have to deal with a lot of "what if's".
But I'll do whatever the captain decides.

Exactly. We have enough on our plate as it is. We don't want some averagers saying "We would've won IF......".
Posts: 2,463
18:25 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't mind the amount of games, but yeah, bothered by the loss of credibility.
Deleted User
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18:40 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Agreed. FBL has lost a bit of it's glam too. :/
Deleted User
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19:53 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship Round 2

davey_1985 vs r08
onevisit vs ub3rnator
dvz vs _nerdzz_
horse10000 vs friendyboy
beenjammin vs realphoenix
cphaynes vs abbiew

Participation is purely voluntary. Should your opponent not wish to play you may claim the victory. Any unplayed games at the time of the deadline will result in DQ's of both players unless a default decision has been requested either on main thread or by message.

Reminder of the rules if required...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 27th October 2013.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:58 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

Fixture Set 2 Group 1

The Professionals B (45) vs (19) Top Guns

dvz (9) vs (4) chisisidovev
scott7a (9) vs (3) blueberry
tinie (2) vs (2) winter64 TBC
_redherring_ (6) vs (6) __sniper__
techno (11) vs (1) jig_saw

Killer Pro's (8) vs (3) Top Guns

1st dvz
2nd ritcho
3rd blueberry
4th staffie_man

The Professionals B (33) vs (30) The Unbeatables A

dvz (7) vs (6) serious_game
scott7a (6) vs (7) turtle1560
tinie vs mooksterman
_redherring_ (7) vs (7) hippesville
techno (5) vs (7) im_crap_adam

Killer Pro's (8) vs (3) UB

1st tinie
2nd scott7a
3rd turtle1560
4th greyhound


Individual games are 12 racks (4 each of US8, UK8 and 9 Ball). One point for each rack won plus a further one point for every 'Event' achieved. An 'Event' is a Run Out or a Golden Break.

Killer games are 2 vs 2. Scoring breakdown is
1st 5pts
2nd 3pts
3rd 2 pts
4th 1pt

The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 27th October 2013.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:01 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1

The Professionals (9) vs (10) Uprising

beenjammin (5) vs (3) cgibson92
cphaynes (2) vs (1) fuunky TBC
mattywellie vs derik_dalton
sixty_plus vs sharky89
_redherring_ (2) vs (6) w_hoolahan
_nerdzz_ vs pirate_steve
dvz vs franer_

The Professionals (11) vs (13) Snooker Squad

cphaynes vs jose_enrique
beenjammin vs mrmagic
scott7a vs lethal_lures
dvz (4) vs (4) i_am_cursed
tinie (5) vs (3) mich
_redherring_ (2) vs (6) mooney
sixty_plus vs whocares8x8

8 frames of 8 Ball US
8 frames of 9 Ball US
8 frames of 8 Ball UK
4 frames of Straight
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:06 Tue 22 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1

The Professionals (24) vs (16) Top Guns

ritcho (2) vs (6) __sniper__
horse10000 vs blueberry
onevisit (7) vs (1) winter64
techno (3) vs (5) chisisidovev
davey_1985 (6) vs (2) rocketweaz8
liam_scfc (6) vs (2) _maverick_
_nerdzz_ vs emmajackson

The Professionals (14) vs (6) Fighting Eagles

ritcho vs vegas
horse10000 vs ghoulish
techno (7) vs (1) eaglestrike
onevisit (5) vs (3) ronalddw
liam_scfc vs _pro__frog_
davey_1985 vs its_me
tinie (2) vs (2) kingdadcool

8 frames of 8 Ball US
8 frames of 9 Ball US
8 frames of 8 Ball UK
4 frames of Straight
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