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players being muted

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Posts: 3,846
02:55 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I heard today a player had been muted, is this a new thing or has it always happened
Posts: 6,262
03:07 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans
Posts: 3,846
03:10 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans

no what I heard was he wasn't allowed to even speak to anyone on here in anyway, pms , posts ,or even chat log
Posts: 13,570
03:11 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans

no what I heard was he wasn't allowed to even speak to anyone on here in anyway, pms , posts ,or even chat log

sounds like a handy 9 ball player
Posts: 3,846
03:12 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans

no what I heard was he wasn't allowed to even speak to anyone on here in anyway, pms , posts ,or even chat log

sounds like a handy 9 ball player

is it true then hipps
Posts: 6,262
03:16 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds new to me, or just crap talking

The mind boggles
Posts: 3,846
03:18 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds new to me

The mind boggles

my thoughts exactly,bring back the birch
Posts: 13,570
03:19 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans

no what I heard was he wasn't allowed to even speak to anyone on here in anyway, pms , posts ,or even chat log

sounds like a handy 9 ball player

is it true then hipps

dunno lol but i played him in tourny yesterday and harry 'hotlips' hoolahan said that my opponent was unable to speak!!!...thot he was takin the mic but he didnt speak in a micro earlier b4 that and I thot I'd maybe offended him in some way :s
Posts: 3,846
03:21 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans

no what I heard was he wasn't allowed to even speak to anyone on here in anyway, pms , posts ,or even chat log

sounds like a handy 9 ball player

is it true then hipps

dunno lol but i played him in tourny yesterday and harry 'hotlips' hoolahan said that my opponent was unable to speak!!!...thot he was takin the mic but he didnt speak in a micro earlier b4 that and I thot I'd maybe offended him in some way :s

lmao hot lips, it were potter that told the person who told me aswell, ooooh he loves his gossip that lad, noris cole of funkypool
Posts: 13,570
04:51 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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08:04 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I also heard from somebody that he had been muted...not from harry though O_o odd. I am sure a moderator will explain soon
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:38 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Do you mean banned from posting, or did he have an accident and lose voice ?

I've heard of mute swans

no what I heard was he wasn't allowed to even speak to anyone on here in anyway, pms , posts ,or even chat log

sounds like a handy 9 ball player

is it true then hipps

dunno lol but i played him in tourny yesterday and harry 'hotlips' hoolahan said that my opponent was unable to speak!!!...thot he was takin the mic but he didnt speak in a micro earlier b4 that and I thot I'd maybe offended him in some way :s

Hot lips? You been watching m*a*s*h
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:04 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn't follow our forum rules. Replies may also be deleted.

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Posts: 19,819
23:35 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can a mod clear this up about this muted thing? I haven't heard anything but would be nice to know. A few I'd like to mute.
Posts: 3,846
23:40 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can a mod clear this up about this muted thing? I haven't heard anything but would be nice to know. A few I'd like to mute.

I don't think uve got power to mute em, punky, unless u know summet I dont
Posts: 19,819
00:10 Mon 29 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can a mod clear this up about this muted thing? I haven't heard anything but would be nice to know. A few I'd like to mute.

I don't think uve got power to mute em, punky, unless u know summet I dont

Plenty I know ;) lol
But being is basically cant post or speak to anyone on the server.
Posts: 3,846
01:25 Mon 29 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I know what it is u toolbox, im asking has it been done, or can it be done,its the first ive heard of it
Posts: 19,819
03:44 Mon 29 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I know what it is u toolbox, im asking has it been done, or can it be done,its the first ive heard of it

it has been done you toolbox lol
Posts: 485
01:52 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can somebody mute derik?
Posts: 3,846
02:02 Thu 8 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can somebody mute derik?

Never happen, u need to stop smoking whatever it is ur smoking
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players being muted

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