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21:08 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'm having puta problems but I will get my games played Dw

I will message and get them arranged
Both players messages

never doubted you craig!
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21:09 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 3

Top Guns (8) v (22) Fighting Eagles

rocketweaz8 v _pro__frog_
__sniper__ (4) v (11) _huts24_
thegreatone7 v silenthill
_maverick_ v the__priest
chisisidovev v breksis
hotdave v willz147
jig_saw v 2awesome2win
winter64 (4) v (11) kingdadcool

The Unbeatables (38) v (22) Fighting Eagles

greyhound v _pro__frog_
poolbiird (9) v (6) _huts24_
turtle1560 (11) v (4) silenthill
theodore_hui v the__priest
im_crap_adam (8) v (7) vegas
msl v ronalddw
red4eva v triple_b
hippesville (10) v (5) kingdadcool
Deleted User
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21:26 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deadline Is Nov 12TH
Fighting Eagles (25) vs(23) Underdogs

_huts_ (5)v (3) hardy202
sensibleshow (2) v (6) virtuoso14

_pro_frog_ v cke1982
ronalddw (5) v (3) kronos

willz147(6) v (2) rossunited
breksis (3) v (5) chezz0021

kingdadcool (4) v (4) funky_king
8 frames of 8 Ball US
8 frames of 9 Ball US
8 frames of 8 Ball UK
4 frames of Straight
Deleted User
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23:10 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
_pro__frog_ (Vice Captain)
vegas (Dave)
the__priest (FCL only)
subway1203 (Drew)
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11:03 Sun 10 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
theodore_hui v the_priest

is now

mad_matt v the_priest
Posts: 7,974
12:30 Sun 10 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Unbeatables v Fighting Eagles
mad_matt 7 v 8 the_priest
2-3 8 ball
3-2 9 ball
2-3 uk

8-7 win to me

well played matt great games, all games should be played like this, your a credit to your team, its games like this that make me realise clans aint to bad.

i think i was well worth there win, hope matt agrees. getting used to my new lappy now
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12:33 Sun 10 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Unbeatables v Fighting Eagles
mad_matt 7 v 8 the_priest
2-3 8 ball
3-2 9 ball
2-3 uk

8-7 win to me

well played matt great games, all games should be played like this, your a credit to your team, its games like this that make me realise clans aint to bad.

i think i was well worth there win, hope matt agrees. getting used to my new lappy now

Yes you deserved the win overall mate, I was just glad to keep it close

I will keep practicing that break though
Posts: 292
18:58 Sun 10 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi guys, the new FBL website is up and running, and i would like for you to send your entire up to date team lists to me, along with your team sheets for the next fixture set.

Just a quick update, with onevisit currently inactive, myself, cgibson92 and _pro__frog_ will be keeping check of things until his return. One thing that is being suggested is a delay of one week for the next fixture set. This is to ensure that the site is ready and that everyone's clear on anything different that's going to happen. There's a full explanation on the discussion thread, thanks for your patience
Posts: 292
22:38 Sun 10 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 3 is on the discussion thread, if teams could send me team sheets for that it would be great
Posts: 7,297
00:19 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 3

Top Guns (11) v (34) Fighting Eagles

rocketweaz8 v _pro__frog_
__sniper__ (4) v (11) _huts24_
thegreatone7 (3) v (12) silenthill
_maverick_ v the__priest
chisisidovev v breksis
hotdave v willz147
jig_saw v 2awesome2win
winter64 (4) v (11) kingdadcool

The Unbeatables (45) v (30) Fighting Eagles

greyhound v _pro__frog_
poolbiird (9) v (6) _huts24_
turtle1560 (11) v (4) silenthill
mad_matt (7) v (8) the__priest
im_crap_adam (8) v (7) vegas
msl v ronalddw
red4eva v triple_b
hippesville (10) v (5) kingdadcool

Edited at 23:03 Sun 10/11/13 (GMT)
Posts: 785
00:25 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

thegreatone7 vs silent_hill

1-4 8us
1-4 9us
1-4 8uk

12-3 to me overall.

She was pretty unlucky during some frames, but other frames she played rather well. I think her form was abit off tonight. Nice run out from her in 8uk. Which i couldn't do anything about. And we both fluked one frame in 9us. So those turned out even. Apart from that good result from me. And a pleasure playing her, good luck for the rest of the season hun
Posts: 8,885
00:26 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
thank you ill look for my revege soon haha x
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00:27 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great Score Phil
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00:28 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
_pro__frog_ (Vice Captain)
vegas (Dave)
the__priest (FCL only)
king_joffery (Ollie)
Deleted User
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00:30 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Will ever 1 please welcome king_joffery to the team.
He came from Snooker Pool to lend a hand.
Posts: 7,974
00:30 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
wp phil

nice to see your form is coming back m8
Posts: 785
00:34 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome king_joffery. Hope i spelt that right! Thanks all
Posts: 7,297
01:06 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
well played phil !

can see us winning big against top guns
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02:22 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome king_joffery and well played Phil! Great 12-3 win mate!
Deleted User
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02:54 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I had the pleasure of watching are new guy play in the US8 marathon.and it came down to the wire with him and angry_bacon and was a great match up took 5-4 for Chriss to finally pull out the win.but Olle played like the pro he is.well played there Olle.and was so colse to a win.
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