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12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 0 vs 0 Elite Force
.Deadline is 25th August 2013
_marc_ v huts24 8US
_niall_ v dessie_22 8US
eaglestrike v 2pac_rulez 9US
destroyer_16 v paulshaw7 9US

breksis v shadwell17 8UK
willz147 v skiller108UK
its_me v w_hoolahan Straight
kingdadcool v ritcho Straight
Fighting Eagles v Elite Force Killer
Uprising 0 vs 0 Fighting Eagles

8US slimeball v _marc_
8US erigert v cityfan84
9US irish_ninja v eaglestrike
9US derik_dalton v kingdadcool
8UK faust v its_me
8UK cgibson92 v breksis
Straight pirate_steve v _niall_
Straight _nerdzz_ v _pool_beast_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
He will be back any day as he has been off and had let me and king know he was on vacation .So not to worry ASH.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Will ever 1 plz welcome ronalddw to the Eagles
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
He will be back any day as he has been off and had let me and king know he was on vacation .So not to worry ASH.

Okay thank you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fixtures just come out but my mate 'vegas' is offline 15 days, why pick an inactive player...not exactly genie?

Is this for real ?

Why pick a player who has been inactive the whole last set (albeit because of the super holiday)

Would it not be better to put a active player in first then wait on vegas to actually return to being active.
Posts: 6,417
12 years ago  [Link]  
cityfan offline for 12 days dont know why he was selected being that much time offline
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
_nerdzz_ (2)v(1) _pool_beast_

ggswp m8, he is good player lots of skills on him wd!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL League
Fighting Eagles vs Black Magic

_marc_ v berzerk
_niall_ v gb_stu
its_me v ooo_u_tap_2
destroyer_16 v solskjaer20
kingdadcool v mageka
vegas v krazyash_07
willz147 v thegreatone7
breksis v jack_86

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 5 frames of 8US,9US and 8UK
Posts: 3,610
12 years ago  [Link]  
8UK faust v its_me

i won 5-2

he was very unlucky on alot of the games ... ggs m8 and good luck for the rest
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well done there tratter and super close there Homeless LOL.
Posts: 3,610
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well done there tratter and super close there Homeless LOL.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 0 vs 0 Elite Force
.Deadline is 25th August 2013
_marc_ v huts24 8US
_niall_ v dessie_22 8US
eaglestrike v 2pac_rulez 9US
destroyer_16 v paulshaw7 9US

breksis v shadwell17 8UK
willz147 v skiller108UK
its_me v w_hoolahan Straight
kingdadcool v ritcho Straight
Fighting Eagles v Elite Force Killer
Uprising 2 vs 6 Fighting Eagles

8US slimeball v _marc_
8US erigert v cityfan84
9US irish_ninja v eaglestrike
9US derik_dalton v kingdadcool
8UK faust (2) v (6) its_me
8UK cgibson92 v breksis
Straight pirate_steve v _niall_
Straight _nerdzz_ v _pool_beast_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
cityfan offline for 12 days dont know why he was selected being that much time offline

I said exactly the same mate, mine's 16 days lol.
Posts: 7,324
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well done tratter great win!

Unlucky _pool_beast_

Just thought I'd help you out kingdadcool, cup game in on the site too...

Snooker Squad 0 v 0 Fighting Eagles
crazy_greg v _marc_
jose_enrique v _niall_
lethal_lures v its_me
whocares8x8 v breksis
thegame26 v kingdadcool
r1p0m4n v vegas
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
vegas v krazyash_07 FCL Match

8 Ball vegas 3 v krazycash_07 2

9 Ball vegas 4 v krazycash_07 1 - vegas run out and krazycash had NO run of the balls

8 Ball UK vegas 2 v krazycash_07 3

Final score Vegas 9 v krazycash_07 6

Great games as always a pleasure playing such a nice guy!!!

Best of luck in rest mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
FCL League
Fighting Eagles 9 vs 6 Black Magic

_marc_ v berzerk
_niall_ v gb_stu
its_me v ooo_u_tap_2
destroyer_16 v solskjaer20
kingdadcool v mageka
vegas (9) v (6) krazyash_07
willz147 v thegreatone7
breksis v jack_86

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 5 frames of 8US,9US and 8UK

FCL Cup Semifinal:
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK

Snooker Squad 13 vs 2 Fighting Eagles

crazy_greg vs _marc_
jose_enrique vs _niall_
lethal_lures vs its_me
whocares8x8 (13) vs (2) breksis
thegame26 vs kingdadcool
r1p0m4n vs vegas

Deadline: 25th August

Edited at 00:28 Tue 13/08/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Hi ronalddw, great to have you with our team!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well ASH you didnt have to wait long to get beat by Vegas LOL.As i posted he always lets me are KIng know when he is gonna be off any lengh a time. not like players from other clans.who we have to set and wait on.and as for cityfan84 he will be removed not that is any bussniess of your's.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
If you have something to say then be an adult and message it me offline, if not then keep your sarcastic comments to yourself...simply had enough of your crap! COMPRENDEY!

Edited at 21:49 Mon 12/08/13 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
12 years ago  [Link]  
There is no need for what Mike said nor you Ash. Admin may have to separate you two soon if this continues!

Although Mike is not vice in the FCL.
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