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14:10 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I may need a sub vs tappy as I'm super busy next few days. I'm checking if he can play now, hopefully he can

I'm not sure mate, it's only 4 frames isnt it? He were on earlier, but had to leave get ready for work mate.

just to clarify I meant sub me out

Sub required then please its only 4 frames to play.
Posts: 2,463
16:25 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Underdogs,
Could someone give gb_stu a nudge for me? Offline for 3 days, and didn't reply to my message when he was last on.
Posts: 11,489
18:27 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree you won 6-2 - he left the room - so it's 29-28 to you.

samba2 or linc717 will be on tomorrow, to play vs you funky_king.

*sambas been very busy with work, but he's back.

he potted the 9 and left the room but he won that frame and i dont want to claima frame i lost well take the draw great result
Posts: 11,489
18:28 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cke why is ur score 5-3 against profrog? I check ur results and all I see was two loses and he left the game on the last frame if anything it should of be 6-2 to you don't you think? by the way that is awesome result mate, am gonna have to take my hat off for ya my friend, very well done...

took my chances but pro frog was very unlucky left me a few 9s on pocket
Posts: 11,489
18:29 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Underdogs,
Could someone give gb_stu a nudge for me? Offline for 3 days, and didn't reply to my message when he was last on.

Posts: 9,926
18:38 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
virtuoso14 - 2 days
gb_stu - 3 days
_golden_cue_ - 3 days

Can you give your players a nudge or do you have any available subs.

I have told my players to look out for anyone and to swap fixtures if needed to get games played.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:41 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyone on who can play those 4 frames of UK cke1982 ? or can you play them? Deadline tomorrow I think
Deleted User
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19:13 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree cke, can you sub yourself in you only have 1 side entered in the SL, thanks.
Posts: 11,489
19:21 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
virtuoso14 - 2 days
gb_stu - 3 days
_golden_cue_ - 3 days

Can you give your players a nudge or do you have any available subs.

I have told my players to look out for anyone and to swap fixtures if needed to get games played.


used my last subs
Posts: 11,489
19:26 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Lightning vs Underdogs

Was: ooo_u_tap_2 v rossunited
Now ooo_u_tap_2 v cke1982
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:31 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Phoenix Lightning vs Underdogs

Was: ooo_u_tap_2 v rossunited
Now ooo_u_tap_2 v cke1982

Thanks cke can you play now?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:28 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Stu,congrad's on a tie with Eagles.You have put together a good Team here and i have no ill feelings what so ever,even tho Craig sems to think im a complete idiot but who listens to him lol.Thx Mikee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:47 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^^ totally agree with craig here lol, nahhh dont listen to the grampa, you the best captain in funky land :)
Posts: 11,062
21:34 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi guys!
Have you used all your subs in our FCL fixture?

rossunited 7 vs 8 dgeneratio
hardy202 0 vs 15 _rockstar_
virtuoso14 vs chosen_one
thewanderer 5 vs 10 i_am_cursed
gb_stu 4 vs 11 mich
funky_king 6 vs 9 mrmagic
_golden_cue_ vs snowden
kronos vs one_for_all

edit: ah, just checked your available subs: only cke1982 is active...
Posts: 11,489
22:57 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3

the underdogs v snooker squad
was kronos v thegame26
Now: cke1982 thegame26
Posts: 11,062
23:56 Tue 12 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have a look one post up- I posted the current fixtures for you...
one_for_all is in that game.
Posts: 11,489
00:39 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have a look one post up- I posted the current fixtures for you...
one_for_all is in that game.

i thought he had ill update it thanks
Posts: 11,489
00:41 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 3

The Professionals 39 v 6 The Underdogs

cphaynes v rossunited
horse10000 14 v 1 hardy202
(s)_redherring_ v virtuoso14
(s)dvz v thewanderer
beenjammin v gb_stu
techno 12 v 3 funky_king
_nerdzzz_ v _golden_cue_
ritcho 13 v 2 cke1982
The Underdogs 16 v 53 Snooker Squad

rossunited 7 v 8 dgeneratio
hardy202 0v 15 _rockstar_
virtuoso14 v chosen_one
thewanderer 5 v 10 i_am_cursed
gb_stu 4 v 11 mich
funky_king 6 v 9 mrmagic
_golden_cue_ v snowden
(s)cke1982 v one_for_all (s)

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so i can update scores and the fcl league thread

5 frames of 8 ball 9ball 8ball uk

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 17th November 2013.
Posts: 11,489
00:50 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Games to complete before deadline

fbl vs mousey misfits

cke1982 v the_viking


Ballbreakers B v The Underdogs

dvae v gb_stu
Killer TBA v TBA
Phoenix Lightning v The Underdogs

(s)ooo_u_tap_2 7 v 1 cke1982 (s) 4 racks to play

Deadline 13th November
fcl vs the professionals
cphaynes v rossunited
(s)_redherring_ v virtuoso14
(s)dvz v thewanderer
beenjammin v gb_stu
_nerdzzz_ v _golden_cue_

fcl v snooker squad

virtuoso14 v chosen_one
_golden_cue_ v snowden
(s)cke1982 v one_for_all (s)

Deadline 17th November

come on underdogs lets get these games played asap no defaults wanted
Posts: 11,062
01:27 Wed 13 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
virtuoso14 vs chosen_one
is now
virtuoso14 vs whocares8x8

cke1982 vs one_for_all
is now
cke1982 vs r1p0m4n_v2

Edited at 23:36 Tue 12/11/13 (GMT)
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