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Posts: 11,489
01:04 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
gb_stu vs mich

us8 0-5
us9 2-3
uk8 2-3


nice 4 points against top player
Posts: 11,489
01:08 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
should be playing my fcl games on saturday

k cheers for letting me know and gl
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03:08 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Samba2 vs king

been offline almost 4 days now, after the message that we send each other never seen him online at same time as me, sub is needed here tho, unless they know when he is coming back. ..
Deleted User
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03:14 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Samba2 vs king

been offline almost 4 days now, after the message that we send each other never seen him online at same time as me, sub is needed here tho, unless they know when he is coming back. ..

Unfortunately you completely miss each other, he's based in Australia. He is aware of the match and I speak with him every time i see him on line or he messages me. I will have a look at the team and see who and if i have anyone available.

IF a sub is to be made it will be tomorrow.
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03:22 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ain't worry too much about sub as you haven't played against us yet pretty sure u can subbed in if needed, that was just an update to cke , I'll be mad if I got subbed out of this match :)
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03:25 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah i haven't with good reason, I'd be ineligible. You see I've already played a match for Phoenix Ashes vs Pros, the match you are involved with is in fact Phoenix Lightning vs The Underdogs.

Posts: 11,489
03:30 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ain't worry too much about sub as you haven't played against us yet pretty sure u can subbed in if needed, that was just an update to cke , I'll be mad if I got subbed out of this match :)

u wont be subbed out as uve made the effort
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03:32 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol no I didn't, dont know which other teams you are playing, I just check the fixture on our thread, don't have the time to be checking our neighbors thread :),but fair enough
Deleted User
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03:45 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ain't worry too much about sub as you haven't played against us yet pretty sure u can subbed in if needed, that was just an update to cke , I'll be mad if I got subbed out of this match :)

u wont be subbed out as uve made the effort

As has my player unfortunately he's not been online for 3 days, that were the last time he messaged your player, I have a copy of it, sent early morning UK time as like I've said he live in Australia.
Deleted User
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03:52 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who else can subbed in for him? So if he doesn't gets back by tomorrow I'll keep eye on them
Deleted User
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03:59 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who else can subbed in for him? So if he doesn't gets back by tomorrow I'll keep eye on them

No one but samba2 for now, I'm not checking this late so IF I make a sub will be sometime tomorrow, failing that I have every confidence samba2 will play this in time for deadline.
Posts: 11,489
13:46 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Underdogs 23 v 20 The Mousey Misfits

hardy202 0 v 8 ab_rfc
virtuoso14 5 v 3 the_incal
_golden_cue_ v todd2000
kronos 6 v 2 _jesus_
rossunited 4 v 4 the__priest
chezz0021 6 v 2 woodwizard
funky_king 4 v 2 anoneeemouse TBC
Fighting Eagles 25 vs 23 Underdogs
(s)_huts24_ 5 v 3 hardy202
sensibleshow 2 v 6 virtuoso14
(s)pro_frog_v cke1982(s)
ronalddw 5 v 3 kronos
willz147 6v 2 rossunited
breksis 3v 5 chezz0021
(s)kingdadcool 4 v 4 funky_king

Deadline 12th November

There are now 8 frames of each type apart from straight where is it now 4. There are now 8 frames of each type apart from straight where is it now 4.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so i can update scores and the fbl league thread

Posts: 11,489
13:47 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Ballbreakers B 21 v 27 The Underdogs

(s)powea012 4 v 8 rossunited (s)
fire_queen 1 v 11 funky_king
brooksy1986 6 v 6 hardy202(s)
intermediate 10 v 2 thewanderer
dvae v gb_stu

Killer TBA v TBA
Phoenix Lightning 31 v 5 The Underdogs

friendyboy 11 v 1 the_wanderer
(s)ooo_u_tap_2 7 v 1 rossunited (s) 4 racks to play
(s)samba2 v funky_king
cue_ball 11 v 1 chezz0021
ghoulish 9 v 3 gb_stu

Killer cue_ball ooo_u_tap_2 8 v 3 funky_king cke1982

There will be 5 individual games consisting of 12 racks (4 each of US8, US9 and UK8) and one game of 2 vs 2 Killer.

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so i can update scores and the fcl league thread only if u win

The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Wednesday 13th November 2013.

In posting results I would be grateful for details of any GBs or Run Outs plus the Killer order (1st to 4th) to assist with keeping the Individual Award updated.
Posts: 11,489
13:47 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 3

The Professionals v The Underdogs

cphaynes v rossunited
horse10000 v hardy202
sixty_plus v virtuoso14
(s)dvz v thewanderer
beenjammin v gb_stu
techno v funky_king
_nerdzzz_ v _golden_cue_
ritcho v cke1982
The Underdogs 16 v 29 Snooker Squad

rossunited 7 v 8 dgeneratio
hardy202 v _rockstar_
virtuoso14 v chosen_one
thewanderer 5 v 10 i_am_cursed
gb_stu 4 v 11 mich
funky_king v mrmagic
_golden_cue_ v snowden
(s)chezz v thegame26

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so i can update scores and the fcl league thread

5 frames of 8 ball 9ball 8ball uk

Deadline is Midnight (UK) on 17th November 2013.
Posts: 11,489
13:48 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Games to complete before deadline

fbl vs mousey misfits

_golden_cue_ v todd2000
funky_king 4 v 2 1 rack to play anoneeemouse TBC

fbl vs fighting eagles

(s)_pro_frog_v cke1982(s)
come on underdogs lets get these games played asap no defaults wanted

Deadline 12th November



Ballbreakers B v The Underdogs

dvae v gb_stu
Killer TBA v TBA
Phoenix Lightning v The Underdogs

(s)ooo_u_tap_2 7 v 1 rossunited (s) 4 racks to play
(s)samba2 v funky_king

The deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Wednesday 13th November 2013.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:53 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who else can subbed in for him? So if he doesn't gets back by tomorrow I'll keep eye on them

No one but samba2 for now, I'm not checking this late so IF I make a sub will be sometime tomorrow, failing that I have every confidence samba2 will play this in time for deadline.
sub yet or is it to early for you to check? :)
Deleted User
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17:06 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship

Round 4

The Round 4 draw has been made and can be found here...

Deadline for these games is Midnight UK Sunday 17th November 2013.
Deleted User
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17:42 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
techno (12) v (3)funky_king

poor playing by me, was just not in to this match at all, he plays decent ggs.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:52 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cke Phoenix Lightning they dont have subs at all, their captain gonna stick with his player till the end, ill trying to be online as much as i can to see if i can get this match done all i ask is NOT TO SUB ME OUT.... thank you
Posts: 1,524
19:39 Sat 9 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

underdogs vs snooker squad

hardy202 vs _rockstar_

8ballus 0-5

9ball 0-5

8balluk 0-5

overall 15-0 to _rockstar_
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