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Posts: 11,489
02:08 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL ~ fixture set 3

Underdogs 15 vs 37 Black Magic

umanga 5 v 3 davybaumers
kathleen_b v thegreatone7
ronald_faja 3 v 5 krazyash_07(s)
born_killer v jack_86 (s)
markselby7 3 v 5 rocketweaz8
the_viking 2 v 6 _maverick_
todd2000 2 v 4 _pro__frog_/pixie_dust
anoneeemouse 0 v 7 beserk (s)
Underdogs 0 v 7 Black Magic
Deleted User
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02:12 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Have you played ballbreakers in Team Killer matey? Not showing on your results page.
Deleted User
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03:01 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Have you played ballbreakers in Team Killer matey? Not showing on your results page.
No they haven't, im seeing if they have 3 on...althouigh they have no captain on anymore..

Edited at 00:05 Wed 24/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:50 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL ~ fixture set 3

Underdogs 15 vs 38 Black Magic

umanga 5 v 3 davybaumers
kathleen_b v thegreatone7
ronald_faja 3 v 5 krazyash_07(s)
born_killer v jack_86
markselby7 3 v 5 rocketweaz8
the_viking 2 v 6 _maverick_
todd2000 2 v 5 _pro__frog_/pixie_dust
anoneeemouse 0 v 7 beserk (s)
Underdogs 0 v 7 Black Magic
Underdogs 23 vs 14 Ball Breakers

kathleen_b v pmix
kopiteking01 v blackcabman7(s)
todd2000 5 v 2 jig_saw
derodedel v sioned1
umanga 8 v 0 bud13
the_viking 1 v 7 doverlad32
anoneeemouse 7 v 0 chapster_7
born_killer 2 v 5 __sniper__
underdogs v ball breakers

Edited at 12:23 Wed 24/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:52 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
games left to be played before deadline: 28th July 2013


(s)roxbury_100 v ronald_faja

kathleen_b v thegreatone7
born_killer v jack_86
kathleen_b v pmix
kopiteking01 v blackcabman7
derodedel v sioned1
underdogs v ball breakers

Edited at 11:04 Wed 24/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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13:57 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Morning ud , hope everyone is well

Those who have games remaining please try and get them played before the weekend , so we dont have to rush about .

If anyone still hasnt heard from their opponent , or is having probs arranging time, please let us know asap , so we can get it sorted out.

We will try and get the killer played tonight v ballbreakers

Have a great day all
Posts: 22,512
15:24 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Morning ud , hope everyone is well

Those who have games remaining please try and get them played before the weekend , so we dont have to rush about .

If anyone still hasnt heard from their opponent , or is having probs arranging time, please let us know asap , so we can get it sorted out.

We will try and get the killer played tonight v ballbreakers

Have a great day all

8PM - 9PM seems a good time to play Ball Breakers Sarah. We played them at 9PM last night and had no issues but they had seven or more on from 8PM
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15:43 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
* I'm hoping thegreatone7 will be online within the next 48 hours, IF not then we will look into making a sub.
Posts: 4,557
20:59 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Have u got a sub for ronald_faja , he's been offline 3 days and my player roxbury will be on later .

Edited at 18:05 Wed 24/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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21:26 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Have u got a sub for ronald_faja , he's been offline 3 days and my player roxbury will be on later .

Edited at 18:05 Wed 24/07/13 (BST)
if you get roxbury to pm me or cke when hes online , we will sort out a sub
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:30 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Morning ud , hope everyone is well

Those who have games remaining please try and get them played before the weekend , so we dont have to rush about .

If anyone still hasnt heard from their opponent , or is having probs arranging time, please let us know asap , so we can get it sorted out.

We will try and get the killer played tonight v ballbreakers

Have a great day all

8PM - 9PM seems a good time to play Ball Breakers Sarah. We played them at 9PM last night and had no issues but they had seven or more on from 8PM
Thanks Jay
Deleted User
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21:53 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
born_killer vs jack_86
fbl 9us

6 - 1 to me

what can i say, i was on my game, chuffed with the result. Very unlucky in the last frame, i potted the white with just the 9 ball left, and that dreaded jaw came into power. Very unlucky Jack, good games though buddy!!
Deleted User
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21:59 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
born_killer vs jack_86
fbl 9us

6 - 1 to me

what can i say, i was on my game, chuffed with the result. Very unlucky in the last frame, i potted the white with just the 9 ball left, and that dreaded jaw came into power. Very unlucky Jack, good games though buddy!!
Great result BK very well done
Deleted User
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23:23 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer 1 v 5 bb

1 sniper
2 anoneeemouse
3 jig_saw
4 born_killer
5 dvae
6 jimmyd20

well done bb

FCL cup
mouse 3 v 12 thegame

vwp richie , enjoyable games
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:27 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL ~ fixture set 3

Underdogs 22 vs 37 Black Magic

umanga 5 v 3 davybaumers
kathleen_b v thegreatone7
ronald_faja 3 v 5 krazyash_07(s)
born_killer 7 v 1jack_86
markselby7 3 v 5 rocketweaz8
the_viking 2 v 6 _maverick_
todd2000 2 v 5 _pro__frog_/pixie_dust
anoneeemouse 0 v 7 beserk (s)
Underdogs 0 v 7 Black Magic
Underdogs 24 vs 20 Ball Breakers

kathleen_b v pmix
kopiteking01 v blackcabman7(s)
todd2000 5 v 2 jig_saw
derodedel v sioned1
umanga 8 v 0 bud13
the_viking 1 v 7 doverlad32
anoneeemouse 7 v 0 chapster_7
born_killer 2 v 5 __sniper__
underdogs 1 v 6 ball breakers
Posts: 3,359
23:31 Wed 24 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Killer 1 v 5 bb

1 sniper
2 anoneeemouse
3 jig_saw
4 born_killer
5 dvae
6 jimmyd20

well done bb

FCL cup
mouse 3 v 12 thegame

vwp richie , enjoyable games

ggs sarah
Deleted User
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01:18 Thu 25 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
games left to be played before deadline: 28th July 2013


(s)roxbury_100 v ronald_faja

kathleen_b v thegreatone7
kathleen_b v pmix
kopiteking01 v blackcabman7
derodedel v sioned1
Deleted User
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05:47 Thu 25 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, just to let you know that if you need any subs for games then just let me know and I will happily step in
Posts: 11,489
13:48 Thu 25 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, just to let you know that if you need any subs for games then just let me know and I will happily step in

will do mate cheers for the offer
Posts: 22,512
17:45 Thu 25 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Can Captains/Vice Captains please send their league team list to bluenose1872. You can find your league games on this link please, remember this is fixture set four -

Can Captains/Vice Captains please send their cup team list of SIX players to bluenose1872. You can find your cup game on this link, please remember this is the quarter final -

All league and cup lists MUST be sent in by 27/7/13.

Thank you.
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