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The Underdogs

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Posts: 11,489
03:45 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Last Fixture

Underdogs 26 v 64 Fighting Eagles

kinglair1990 4 v 11 skorpion123

todd2000 5 v 10 ronalddw

markselby7 v breksis

anoneeemouse 9 v 6 destroyer_16

kathleen_b v vegas

jimmyd20 5 v 10 _pool_beast_

the_viking 3 v 12 kingdadcool

cke1982 0 v 15 its_me

5 racks of 9us

please message ur opponents to when is best time to play ur match after game has finished post ur score on this thread and the fcl thread gl underdogs

Deadline: 8th September 2013
Posts: 11,489
14:21 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
outstanding games before deadline

fcl vs fighting eagles

markselby7 v breksis
kathleen_b v vegas

deadline 8th september
friendly vs phoenix storm

gbstu vs born_killer

__sniper__ vs kathleen_b

breakdown vs ronald_faja

deadline 11th september
friendly vs top guns

wosari_kingvs jimmyd20
emmajackson vs kathleen_b
jig_saw vs todd2000

come on underdogs 1 default all season no more defaults wanted lets get games played
Posts: 11,489
14:36 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Underdogs new season team list

1.cke1982 (C) staying
2. hardy202 staying
3. anoneeemouse (VC) staying
4. born_killer staying
5. jimmyd20 staying
6. kathleen_b staying
7.virtuoso14 staying
8. _golden_cue_
9. ronald_faja
10. the_viking staying
11. todd2000 staying
12. powea012 staying
13. derodedel
14. markselby7
15. woodwizard staying
16. kinglair1990 staying

who is staying so if ur staying paste ur name on here next to ur name like i have if ur going paste that ur leaving

deadline to add ur name 9/9/13 after that time u will be a free agent

please welcome powea012 to the underdogs

underdogs staying 12/16 at mo
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:50 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Underdogs new season team list

1.cke1982 (C) staying
2. hardy202 staying
3. anoneeemouse (VC) staying
4. born_killer staying
5. jimmyd20 staying
6. kathleen_b staying
7.virtuoso14 staying
8. _golden_cue_
9. ronald_faja
10. the_viking staying
11. todd2000 staying
12. powea012 staying
13. derodedel
14. markselby7
15. woodwizard staying
16. kinglair1990 staying

who is staying so if ur staying paste ur name on here next to ur name like i have if ur going paste that ur leaving

deadline to add ur name 9/9/13 after that time u will be a free agent

please welcome powea012 to the underdogs

underdogs staying 12/16 at mo

Thank you underdogs for the wonderful welcome and i am staying powea012
Posts: 4,775
15:12 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Posts: 4,775
15:13 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Posts: 4,775
15:23 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
Posts: 4,775
15:25 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Message me if anyone wants different colours or names changed etc.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:00 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Thank you
Posts: 11,489
19:22 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Underdogs new season team list

1.cke1982 (C) staying
2. hardy202 staying
3. anoneeemouse (VC) staying
4. born_killer staying
5. jimmyd20 staying
6. kathleen_b staying
7.virtuoso14 staying
8. _golden_cue_
9. ronald_faja
10. the_viking staying
11. todd2000 staying
12. powea012 staying
13. derodedel
14. markselby7
15. woodwizard staying
16. kinglair1990 staying

who is staying so if ur staying paste ur name on here next to ur name like i have if ur going paste that ur leaving

deadline to add ur name 9/9/13 after that time u will be a free agent

please welcome powea012 to the underdogs

underdogs staying 12/16 at mo

Thank you underdogs for the wonderful welcome and i am staying powea012

ihope so lol uve only just joined
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:24 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Underdogs new season team list

1.cke1982 (C) staying
2. hardy202 staying
3. anoneeemouse (VC) staying
4. born_killer staying
5. jimmyd20 staying
6. kathleen_b staying
7.virtuoso14 staying
8. _golden_cue_
9. ronald_faja
10. the_viking staying
11. todd2000 staying
12. powea012 staying
13. derodedel
14. markselby7
15. woodwizard staying
16. kinglair1990 staying

who is staying so if ur staying paste ur name on here next to ur name like i have if ur going paste that ur leaving

deadline to add ur name 9/9/13 after that time u will be a free agent

please welcome powea012 to the underdogs

underdogs staying 12/16 at mo

Thank you underdogs for the wonderful welcome and i am staying powea012

ihope so lol uve only just joined

lol yh i went through all that trouble i ain't just gonna leave lol
Posts: 11,489
19:28 Mon 2 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  

cheers ang new pics look great
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:13 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks poolbiird for taking the time to create our (underdogs) clan picture. They are really cute.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:25 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
friendly vs phoenix storm
__sniper__ vs kathleen_b

8 ball. 4 - 1 sniper
9 ball. 2 - 3 kat
8 .uk. 2 - 3 kat

__sniper__ 8 v 7 kathleen_b
wooo hoo
Posts: 11,489
16:32 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
friendly vs phoenix storm
__sniper__ vs kathleen_b

8 ball. 4 - 1 sniper
9 ball. 2 - 3 kat
8 .uk. 2 - 3 kat

__sniper__ 8 v 7 kathleen_b
wooo hoo

nice result ul to not get win keep it up
Posts: 11,489
16:33 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm 62 vs 28 The Underdogs

krazyash_07 10 vs 5 hardy202
gbstu vs born_killer (swap)
__sniper__ 8 vs 7 kathleen_b (s)
ub3rnator 7 vs 8 _golden_cue_
breakdown vs ronald_faja
techno 14 vs 1 derodedel (swap)
sharpey_boii 12 vs 3 woodwizard
poolh8r 11 vs 4 cke1982

(FCL Format: 5x8us, 5x9us, 5x8uk)

Deadline 11/09/2013
Posts: 11,489
16:35 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
outstanding games before deadline

fcl vs fighting eagles

markselby7 v breksis
kathleen_b v vegas

deadline 8th september
friendly vs phoenix storm

gbstu vs born_killer

breakdown vs ronald_faja

deadline 11th september
friendly vs top guns

wosari_kingvs jimmyd20
emmajackson vs kathleen_b
jig_saw vs todd2000

come on underdogs 1 default all season no more defaults wanted lets get games played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:36 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
My picture is still saying that it is too big please can someone sort it for me if they could
Posts: 11,489
20:13 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
My picture is still saying that it is too big please can someone sort it for me if they could

message poolbird and tell her amelia

will all other underdogs please put ur new pics on
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:47 Tue 3 Sept 13 (BST)  [Link]  
just to letuse guys know im staying another season
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The Underdogs

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