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Snooker Squad X - Double Cup Winners

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Posts: 529
02:38 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
crazy_greg 4 vs 2andygorams 3

I started badly and lost a frame from a bit of bad luck but he played pretty well so fair result ggs
Posts: 11,062
02:48 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League

Snooker Squad 12 vs 3 Dynamos

lethal_lures vs lfc12
davey_1985 vs ang3l
whocares8x8 12 vs 3 punkpoet
thegame26 vs cuester
r1p0m4n vs jame2010s
one_for_all vs 123jason
dgeneratio vs dazzler33
jose_enrique vs bigcjl2

FCL Cup:

Snooker Squad 47 vs 13 Underdogs

crazy_greg 12 vs 3 born_killer
davey_1985 8 vs 7 umanga
jose_enrique vs kathleen_b
one_for_all 13 vs 2 the_viking
r1p0m4n 14 vs 1 todd2000
thegame26 vs anoneeemouse

Deadline: 28th July
Posts: 11,062
02:49 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
deitch vs anoneeemouse
is now
thegame26 vs anoneeemouse
Posts: 11,062
02:50 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Play 7 frames of your game type; 3 of straight

Snooker Squad 7 vs 9 Elite Force

crazy_greg vs huts24
jose_enrique vs dessie_22
lethal_lures 4 vs 3 silent_hill
thegame26 vs 2pac_rulez
davey_1985 2 vs 5 shadwell17
one_for_all vs supernova
whocares8x8 vs w_hoolahan
r1p0m4n vs ritcho
Killer: 0 vs 0

Snooker Squad 8 vs 8 Uprising

crazy_greg 4 vs 3 2andygorams
jose_enrique vs pirate_steve
davey_1985 3 vs 4 derik_dalton
thegame26 vs angry_bacon
r1p0m4n vs zantetsukenz
dgeneratio vs sharky89
whocares8x8 vs _nerdzz_
lethal_lures vs irish_ninja
Killer: 0 vs 0

Deadline: 28th July
Posts: 11,062
02:50 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Two nice results greg, especially the FBL one! He's been getting some good scores.
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15:15 Fri 19 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
davey 12 vs 3 ang3l

8us 5-0 me (runout me)
9us 4-1 me
8uk 3-2 me

I didnt miss much in US games and started 8US with a runout first game went 9-0 up and lost the last 9US game after doing an insane shot off the cush to pot black but white went in middle.
8uk she played well and cleared the table twice..

ggs wp..
Posts: 11,062
03:21 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice one davey!
Lots of nicer-looking results recently- now let's do it against the clans ahead of us on the table!
Posts: 22,512
06:07 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL New Rule - Urgent

Please follow the link provided to see this rule. All captains and any other management of clans are urged to read.

Thank you, any questions please message me.

Posts: 6,417
15:27 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
jose_enrique v pirate_steve
lethal_lures v irish_ninja

are now

jose_enrique v irish_ninja
lethal_lures v pirate_steve
Posts: 38,097
18:08 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
deitch v ang3l
deitch offline 8 days

Sent message 4 days ago to deitch.
Hi is there any chance on getting a sub for deitch ?.. Thanks

It's only the first week lol, there won't be any subs made yet!

Maybe but we at least want the cap or vice cap to bother to reply.
Same goes to offline messages.
Your cj problem sorted?
Also in the same situation against another clan I just made a sub...

Maybe read the reply to huts? Same applies to you, not going to post the same post twice.

Also my net was down so i can't reply.

Edit: posted as i was reading so posted before i saw the sub, see its sorted
Posts: 38,097
18:21 Sat 20 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
messaged my opponents, i know its late but you know how my net is
Posts: 4,557
01:30 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
can we arrange or killer match soon , always have 3 players online at 9pm . any good nights u prefer ? i was thinking tomorrow night .
Posts: 4,557
12:23 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
one_for_all v supernova

is now :

one_for_all v dntbmad__
Posts: 11,062
13:38 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Guys, we're halfway through the fixture and have only played 10 out of 30 games. Most of our opponents are active too. Get them done!
Posts: 10,109
14:26 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Guys, we're halfway through the fixture and have only played 10 out of 30 games. Most of our opponents are active too. Get them done!

Name a time for our killer mate, and I'll make sure we have 3 on to play it! :) I guess slimeball will have to miss out - he should move to England and show some bloody commitment!
Posts: 11,062
14:28 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
We can't really name a time, because I don't know people's regular times. Usually, nighttime around 9 or 10 is best for us. I'm always here starting around 10, but others may be there earlier.
Posts: 10,109
14:39 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
We can't really name a time, because I don't know people's regular times. Usually, nighttime around 9 or 10 is best for us. I'm always here starting around 10, but others may be there earlier.

OK mate, we'll say provisionally 10 pm tonight then, and hope!
Posts: 4,557
15:33 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I would like our killer match v SS to be at 9pm , if u can have 3 players online at that time we can get it played .
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15:36 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I would like our killer match v SS to be at 9pm , if u can have 3 players online at that time we can get it played .

Wow wow wow mate. Slow down. We have that slot booked. Back of the line please.
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15:41 Sun 21 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm borrowing my gfs laptop. So I'll get my done soon
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Snooker Squad X - Double Cup Winners

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