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02:51 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
I've received so much abuse on the site that there must be something wrong with me. People go off the handle at me for taking my time when they come into my game that has a longer time limit, as though they are somehow not responsible for seeing the shot time, they attack me as lucky or use personal insults when I play because at times I can play rather well and they think it somehow demeans their own level, they are unrepentant when I try to find out why they're being abusive, and yet nobody has mentioned any problem they have to me, in fact, one player positively mocked me for having a problem with them as though reporting people does nothing. Now I've had someone leave a game I was in because I was taking time in a very difficult position, make accusations against me of gamesmanship, and generally make me feel like crap. I've come on to the site and tried to be nice and quiet and play but it must be me. So you can delete my account and I'm sorry I tried to join in this caustic society.
03:14 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
Seems like you've already made up your mind about the community on here, if so deactivate you account and it will be deleted in 12 months. If you change you mind you can reactivate within 7 days.
However I think you should give the real funky community a chance. This certainly doesn't happen in any of my games and I have been here for a while.
Your choice
However I think you should give the real funky community a chance. This certainly doesn't happen in any of my games and I have been here for a while.
Your choice
03:19 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
You seem to be invalidating me or trying to minimize my feeling over how I've been treated. I think it's sad you would say that as though my experience isn't valid - I've been trying to get along on the site for a number of weeks now. It's also unfair to label my experience like that since you don't have the full backstory.
03:26 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
think the point, to me anyway, was if you don't like it.....deactivate.
otherwise persevere, either by tryin summit different in your dialogue, or just not speaking. I know of 1 player in particular on here that just doesn't speak at all. I find it both frustrating and amusing, and wonder what the hell he thinks whenever I ramble on sometimes. guess it amuses me lol but hey.....each to their own!
..........and I end in 'the accused's' fair point
Your choice
think the point, to me anyway, was if you don't like it.....deactivate.
otherwise persevere, either by tryin summit different in your dialogue, or just not speaking. I know of 1 player in particular on here that just doesn't speak at all. I find it both frustrating and amusing, and wonder what the hell he thinks whenever I ramble on sometimes. guess it amuses me lol but hey.....each to their own!
..........and I end in 'the accused's' fair point
Your choice
03:32 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
No, I'm simply being open minded and unbiased about the situation and giving my opinion of the community on here. I've only ever known a very small minority that have given abuse in game. Regardless of a backstory, everyone deserves to be treated with respect, i understand that. However there are people in todays society who come from different ethnic, social and economic backgrounds and so some people are bound to be different, whether it be good or bad. Just remember that you can always ignore the member(s) who are giving abuse and the option is always there to send a report to admin
03:39 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
would like to add some positivity (no I don't like the spice girls!!) and say, when ya find a good'un, you've an add to friends option
04:26 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
Why is your opinion relevant to facts? Your knowledge of those giving abuse is not an absolutive in consideration to my experience - you are simply minimizing everything I say and furthermore you are trying to back this up by suggesting I simply ignore it (as if it has no appreciable effect in the first place because it can go poof?) as opposed to giving me any shred of support against it. I'm sorry I tried to be open and honest with you all, this site seems positively open to its abusive part if people refuse to deal with it unwaveringly. I must be evil.
No, I'm simply being open minded and unbiased about the situation and giving my opinion of the community on here. I've only ever known a very small minority that have given abuse in game. Regardless of a backstory, everyone deserves to be treated with respect, i understand that. However there are people in todays society who come from different ethnic, social and economic backgrounds and so some people are bound to be different, whether it be good or bad. Just remember that you can always ignore the member(s) who are giving abuse and the option is always there to send a report to admin
Why is your opinion relevant to facts? Your knowledge of those giving abuse is not an absolutive in consideration to my experience - you are simply minimizing everything I say and furthermore you are trying to back this up by suggesting I simply ignore it (as if it has no appreciable effect in the first place because it can go poof?) as opposed to giving me any shred of support against it. I'm sorry I tried to be open and honest with you all, this site seems positively open to its abusive part if people refuse to deal with it unwaveringly. I must be evil.
04:35 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
Stupid and pointless thread.
Pro Frog was merely trying to be helpful and now you act like these so called people have acted to you. Your not the first and wont be the last and if you let stupid immature people with nothing more than a few insults in a game get to you then maybe you should deactivate. Its not the sites problem it is just some people that are the problem. Happens everywhere you go - there is always an idiot. 1 out of 10 will be one, this site has hundreds possibly a thousand or more active players, so the 1/10 ratio is very high on the idiot scale
Pro Frog was merely trying to be helpful and now you act like these so called people have acted to you. Your not the first and wont be the last and if you let stupid immature people with nothing more than a few insults in a game get to you then maybe you should deactivate. Its not the sites problem it is just some people that are the problem. Happens everywhere you go - there is always an idiot. 1 out of 10 will be one, this site has hundreds possibly a thousand or more active players, so the 1/10 ratio is very high on the idiot scale
10:58 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
Just to add that there are plenty of tools avaliable should you have problems with any user.
If someone is abusive then just click the ignore button and they are instantly silenced, then the send report button and they will be dealt with.
To say nothing is done is, frankly, rubbish. Several users are warned or banned on a daily basis. I am pretty sure there are more than a few regulars who can back this up
Of course I am biased but you will be hard pushed to find a more friendly "place" online once you get to know it. I have made some very genuine friends over the years and I know I am not the only one. I believe there are even one or two "funky toddlers" around by now!
Kinda hard to beat that
If someone is abusive then just click the ignore button and they are instantly silenced, then the send report button and they will be dealt with.
To say nothing is done is, frankly, rubbish. Several users are warned or banned on a daily basis. I am pretty sure there are more than a few regulars who can back this up
Of course I am biased but you will be hard pushed to find a more friendly "place" online once you get to know it. I have made some very genuine friends over the years and I know I am not the only one. I believe there are even one or two "funky toddlers" around by now!
Kinda hard to beat that
12:21 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
I can back that up but then again i just think admin are out to get me . I have seen a few people banned who have "abused" me before and i reported it but then again you can't tell if it is for the thing you reported them for. Very true about the toddlers thing to
You get to know who to stay away from on here though.
You get to know who to stay away from on here though.
15:13 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
No offence stinky, your either a troll or overly sensitive, all pro frog did was offer some friendly advice with the information you had given him and then you had a go at him saying he didn't know the whole story.
What I will say about FP is this, stick around, for every 1 nugget you find on here you will find at least 5 sound people, that's a decent ratio I'd say.
What I will say about FP is this, stick around, for every 1 nugget you find on here you will find at least 5 sound people, that's a decent ratio I'd say.
15:45 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
You're right it must be you, you're reaction to people trying to help says it all tho. If the abuse is getting to you that much just stop logging in, It's that simple, having a go at people who are trying to help won't get you anywhere.
You sound exactly like cree....
You sound exactly like cree....
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23:01 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
I kinda agree with Stinky in a way, being in work a lot when I play I use 90 second time limits, as a lot of you know. The amount of abuse I get because it's 90 seconds although they are agreeing to the game type, time limit etc.
I've had people wish cancer on me my son my mother and anyone I love just for having 90 seconds, now as a 8 or 9 year member on here I know better than to listen to what people say but can fully understand how he feels.
Maybe he has been a bit over sensitive but he ha a valid point.
I've had people wish cancer on me my son my mother and anyone I love just for having 90 seconds, now as a 8 or 9 year member on here I know better than to listen to what people say but can fully understand how he feels.
Maybe he has been a bit over sensitive but he ha a valid point.
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23:17 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
Like mich, I've had some out of order things said to me regularly. I've had violent threats made to me, had death wished upon me and been slandered. Completely unprovoked and out of the blue. I went to admin because it was getting out of hand and I was starting to get concerned - really freaked out. I've been jumped in real life so I wasn't exactly sitting comfy when threats were being made to me here!
Admin proved to me they have a person's well being in mind and are fair. I still appreciate them for the reassuring pm they sent me. So I think it's unfair to say nothing is ever done - there are some solid people running this site.
It's not all pleasant here unfortunately - it's not anywhere. But the Internet, like life, is full of a certain type. Facebook, Twitter or pool you will get a bit of stick. That's just the way it is. Don't let it force you off pool... just stick to your guns and keep your chin up. Plenty of nice people here I've found in my years here.
Stinky, add me as a friend (never thought that would be a sentence I'd type) and you can play a few games of pool with me.
Admin proved to me they have a person's well being in mind and are fair. I still appreciate them for the reassuring pm they sent me. So I think it's unfair to say nothing is ever done - there are some solid people running this site.
It's not all pleasant here unfortunately - it's not anywhere. But the Internet, like life, is full of a certain type. Facebook, Twitter or pool you will get a bit of stick. That's just the way it is. Don't let it force you off pool... just stick to your guns and keep your chin up. Plenty of nice people here I've found in my years here.
Stinky, add me as a friend (never thought that would be a sentence I'd type) and you can play a few games of pool with me.
23:33 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
Hey tbh there are in my mind alot of ignorant so and so on here who are simply a bunch of idiots, but there are nice people too.
Tbh best thing id to play the game ignore the idiots and hopefully makes some online friends to have a laugh with, and hopefully as spinner said make some genuine friends as I have.
Tbh best thing id to play the game ignore the idiots and hopefully makes some online friends to have a laugh with, and hopefully as spinner said make some genuine friends as I have.
23:59 Wed 19 Jun 13 (BST)
What category do I come under Zac, remember forum rules
Stinky I'd like a few games some time pal
Stinky I'd like a few games some time pal
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00:11 Thu 20 Jun 13 (BST)
In fairness, i've come across a fair few people (mainly on snooker bare in mind) that create a room with 90 sec shot time limit, but then take exactly 90 seconds to take their shot, in order to get you to leave the room. People like this, should be shot. I play on a higher shot limit 'cos im usually playing online poker and may need longer than 20 seconds, it's just about what the reasoning behind it is. If you dont have time for a game then dont play haha, but it's plenty easy enough to take a shot in 20 seconds
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00:11 Thu 20 Jun 13 (BST)
All I got from that was me me me me me - I am being victimised.
Kermit (_pro__frog_) is one of the nicest people you could meet on here as are several of the other people that have posted on this thread. The majority of us, who are mainly clanners, are here for a laugh and we generally all get on although like most places, there are a few exceptions.
Having a go at the people, who are the nice ones, that try to help is not really going to help your case.
Whilst we have ALL experiences what you have at some point or another we just choose to either report or ignore it and continue communicating with the people we know to be friendly, like myself, the people in my clan are wonderful people and we all rally together to converse or play pool as a group.
You seem to be invalidating me or trying to minimize my feeling over how I've been treated. I think it's sad you would say that as though my experience isn't valid - I've been trying to get along on the site for a number of weeks now. It's also unfair to label my experience like that since you don't have the full backstory.
All I got from that was me me me me me - I am being victimised.
Kermit (_pro__frog_) is one of the nicest people you could meet on here as are several of the other people that have posted on this thread. The majority of us, who are mainly clanners, are here for a laugh and we generally all get on although like most places, there are a few exceptions.
Having a go at the people, who are the nice ones, that try to help is not really going to help your case.
Whilst we have ALL experiences what you have at some point or another we just choose to either report or ignore it and continue communicating with the people we know to be friendly, like myself, the people in my clan are wonderful people and we all rally together to converse or play pool as a group.
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