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~_Black Magic_~ Filling the thread with jibber jabber :D

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19:02 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

As there are NO matches next week at all, I were thinking about running an Internal Clan Knockout Competition. This would involve all game types including the arcade ones to give everyone a chance to compete.

Format: Arcades = best of 3

8 ball arcade (best of 3)
9 ball arcade (best of 3)
8us billiards x 1 frame
9us billiards x 1 frame
8uk x 1 frame
Straight x 1 frame

Reason the arcades are best of 3 is to eliminate anyone losing without taking a shot (ie. golden breaks, runouts etc)

I were thinking the 1st rounds would be on Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th, 2nd Round on Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th. 3rd round on Friday 12th & Saturday 13th, Final = Sunday 14th (should this not be a suitable time will be postponed till Monday 15th.

Just an idea? If you are interested in participating then please put your name on the bottom of this post and re-post. I would appreciate it if ALL members of this team would enter. Also what I would like to see is as it's an Internal Clan competition is if those who lose still support the player who beats them, meaning watch them in their next round etc. Just to build up and display team spirit and teamwork.

Thank You.

Name - Interested

1. krazyash_07
2. _pro__frog_
3. mooksterman
4. brooksy1986
5. rocketweaz8
6. davybaumers
Posts: 146
19:11 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

As there are NO matches next week at all, I were thinking about running an Internal Clan Knockout Competition. This would involve all game types including the arcade ones to give everyone a chance to compete.

Format: Arcades = best of 3

8 ball arcade (best of 3)
9 ball arcade (best of 3)
8us billiards x 1 frame
9us billiards x 1 frame
8uk x 1 frame
Straight x 1 frame

Reason the arcades are best of 3 is to eliminate anyone losing without taking a shot (ie. golden breaks, runouts etc)

I were thinking the 1st rounds would be on Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th, 2nd Round on Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th. 3rd round on Friday 12th & Saturday 13th, Final = Sunday 14th (should this not be a suitable time will be postponed till Monday 15th.

Just an idea? If you are interested in participating then please put your name on the bottom of this post and re-post. I would appreciate it if ALL members of this team would enter. Also what I would like to see is as it's an Internal Clan competition is if those who lose still support the player who beats them, meaning watch them in their next round etc. Just to build up and display team spirit and teamwork.

Thank You.

Name - Interested

1. krazyash_07
2. _pro__frog_
3. mooksterman
4. brooksy1986
5. rocketweaz8
6. davybaumers
7. emmajackson
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:18 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
UT vs BM fbl sub

Hightops out, mrmagic in

fixture is now

mrmagic vs emmajackson
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:18 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL League Fixture Set 2 vs The Untouchables

Sub: Straight
Was: hightops vs emmajackson
Is Now: mrmagic vs emmajackson
Posts: 146
19:42 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mrmagic (3) - emmajackson (0)

FBL League Fixture Set 2 vs The Untouchables

Sub: Straight
Was: hightops vs emmajackson
Is Now: mrmagic vs emmajackson
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:49 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
mrmagic (3) - emmajackson (0)

FBL League Fixture Set 2 vs The Untouchables

Sub: Straight
Was: hightops vs emmajackson
Is Now: mrmagic vs emmajackson

No probs, thanks for getting the match played, he is a very good player, especially when he's on a roll.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:53 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set Two

Black Magic (33) vs (26) Ball Breakers

powodzenia (5) v (3) pmix
jack_86 (5) v (3) welshgizy_19

fry06 (7) v (1) bud13
pixie_dust v blackcabman7

rocketweaz8 (5) v (3) sunshine86/_maverick_
brooksy1986 (2) v (6) chapster_7

mooksterman (2) v (5) dvae
emmajackson (2)v (5) jam89

Black Magic (7) v (0) Ball Breakers

Untouchables (43) vs (18) Black Magic

i_am_james (6) v (2) pixie_dust
clarebye (5) v (3) berzerk

mich (3)v (5) krazyash_07
lethal_playa v powodzenia

emmajane (3) v (5) mooksterman
cue_ball (7) v (1) darren9030

rapid_pot (5) v (2) davybaumers
mrmagic (7)v (0) emmajackson

Untouchables (7) v (0) Black Magic

FORMAT: 7 x 8US, 9US or 8UK, 3 x Straight, 1 x Killer
DEADLINE: 7th July 2013
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:23 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:28 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:03 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

As there are NO matches next week at all, I were thinking about running an Internal Clan Knockout Competition. This would involve all game types including the arcade ones to give everyone a chance to compete.

Format: Arcades = best of 3

8 ball arcade (best of 3)
9 ball arcade (best of 3)
8us billiards x 1 frame
9us billiards x 1 frame
8uk x 1 frame
Straight x 1 frame

Reason the arcades are best of 3 is to eliminate anyone losing without taking a shot (ie. golden breaks, runouts etc)

I were thinking the 1st rounds would be on Monday 8th & Tuesday 9th, 2nd Round on Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th. 3rd round on Friday 12th & Saturday 13th, Final = Sunday 14th (should this not be a suitable time will be postponed till Monday 15th.

Just an idea? If you are interested in participating then please put your name on the bottom of this post and re-post. I would appreciate it if ALL members of this team would enter. Also what I would like to see is as it's an Internal Clan competition is if those who lose still support the player who beats them, meaning watch them in their next round etc. Just to build up and display team spirit and teamwork.

Thank You.

Name - Interested

1. krazyash_07
2. _pro__frog_
3. mooksterman
4. brooksy1986
5. rocketweaz8
6. davybaumers
7. emmajackson
8. powodzenia
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:19 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:23 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.

Well him coming on for 5 seconds and logging doesn't help getting games played as we have players on now, willing to sub in yet he runs away without any reply to Emma's message!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:26 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.

Well him coming on for 5 seconds and logging doesn't help getting games played as we have players on now, willing to sub in yet he runs away without any reply to Emma's message!

I'm sure he will back online later today mate, sorry he didnt stay long enought to reply to emma, I will get him too as soon as he returns. His opponent did the same tbh so let's both hope they log on at the same time and just play the match.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:28 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.

Well him coming on for 5 seconds and logging doesn't help getting games played as we have players on now, willing to sub in yet he runs away without any reply to Emma's message!

I'm sure he will back online later today mate, sorry he didnt stay long enought to reply to emma, I will get him too as soon as he returns. His opponent did the same tbh so let's both hope they log on at the same time and just play the match.

Do you have anyone on now that can sub in so we can get this final game played?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:30 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.

Well him coming on for 5 seconds and logging doesn't help getting games played as we have players on now, willing to sub in yet he runs away without any reply to Emma's message!

I'm sure he will back online later today mate, sorry he didnt stay long enought to reply to emma, I will get him too as soon as he returns. His opponent did the same tbh so let's both hope they log on at the same time and just play the match.

Do you have anyone on now that can sub in so we can get this final game played?

Trust me I really wish I did, I don't have 1 single player from my team on line at this present time, should that change you will be the 1st to know.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:57 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.

Well him coming on for 5 seconds and logging doesn't help getting games played as we have players on now, willing to sub in yet he runs away without any reply to Emma's message!

No offence Ant, but if he's messaged your player then he has obviously bothered. Furthermore, we didn't make a big deal out of Emma refusing to play berzerk the day before her theory test, which a monkey could pass blindfolded.

Thanks for your concern over our player though.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:58 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Add me to the list for the Inter clan compo Ash

Just wondering if you've bothered to try to make any arrangements with lethal_playa yet?

My player has sent a message to your player, so yes he has bothered, I asked him the other day. I'm sure and hoping this will be played very soon.

Well him coming on for 5 seconds and logging doesn't help getting games played as we have players on now, willing to sub in yet he runs away without any reply to Emma's message!

No offence Ant, but if he's messaged your player then he has obviously bothered. Furthermore, we didn't make a big deal out of Emma refusing to play berzerk the day before her theory test, which a monkey could pass blindfolded.

Thanks for your concern over our player though.

Awhhh still bitter bout the "flukes" Spoonie? Get over it"
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:00 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Would love to know where the " at the end of the sentence came from.

Also, the fact that you can remember it, clearly shows its been playing on your mind more than mine. My point was clearly about you refusing to play the game with berzerk the night before the test, then complaining about our player not making an effort, when indeed he actually has.

Thank you for your swift, yet irrelevant, reply though.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:02 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
In fairness, replying to Emma's message and being bothered to message his clan opponent are two different situations.

And as for berzerk, he asked Emma to play at nearly 11pm the night before her theory test which she had to be at for 8:30am. I'm sure anyone would realise a good sleep would be needed on a Friday night after long hours at work all week. Bare in mind her theory was Sat morning.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:04 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
In fairness, replying to Emma's message and being bothered to message his clan opponent are two different situations.

And as for berzerk, he asked Emma to play at nearly 11pm the night before her theory test which she had to be at for 8:30am. I'm sure anyone would realise a good sleep would be needed on a Friday night after long hours at work all week. Bare in mind her theory was Sat morning.

Yet Emma still found the time to play killer that same evening at around the same time, even though you had other UT members online at the same time.
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~_Black Magic_~ Filling the thread with jibber jabber :D

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