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Uprising VI - This Is Our Season

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03:05 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I have now done a cup schedule for the upcoming set, although the deadline has passed for team lists for the league games, I am willing to accept changes to any cup lists as I was delayed in getting this sorted. I am at work all day tomorrow so you have until I get home at 8PM to submit any changes.

Schedule can be found...

And thanks from my lurrrrvely assistant, emmajane, for picking the random numbers for the cup draw

Cheers dears!
Jema xx
Posts: 6,417
03:06 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Outstanding Games

FCL Fixture 3

Pocket Dynamos (42) - (78) Uprising


Uprising (71) - (49) Fighting Eagles


FBL Fixture 3

Fighting Eagles (27) - (42) Uprising


Snooker Squad (39) - (23) Uprising

lethal_lures v pirate_steve

FBL Cup Round 1

Unbeatables (18) - (15) Uprising

hippesville v the_9_ball
Posts: 13,570
03:10 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well done joe n gerty

as for the_9_ball he hasn't shown up. said he'd be about all night. even went on to snooker, he was browsing, and got no reply from 2 messages sent. sean tried too with no success. admittedly I had major problems trying to get on to game page, had to re-install java and then google chrome to get here :s

anyway, I'll be on 2mara prob in afternoon around 2 and then later after 10pm, ready to play as ever
Posts: 3,846
03:14 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well done joe n gerty

as for the_9_ball he hasn't shown up. said he'd be about all night. even went on to snooker, he was browsing, and got no reply from 2 messages sent. sean tried too with no success. admittedly I had major problems trying to get on to game page, had to re-install java and then google chrome to get here :s

anyway, I'll be on 2mara prob in afternoon around 2 and then later after 10pm, ready to play as ever

might er been phone browsin pal , hes a nice lad, not one to let people down normally pal
Posts: 13,570
03:17 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well done joe n gerty

as for the_9_ball he hasn't shown up. said he'd be about all night. even went on to snooker, he was browsing, and got no reply from 2 messages sent. sean tried too with no success. admittedly I had major problems trying to get on to game page, had to re-install java and then google chrome to get here :s

anyway, I'll be on 2mara prob in afternoon around 2 and then later after 10pm, ready to play as ever

might er been phone browsin pal , hes a nice lad, not one to let people down normally pal

I hear ya m8, hopefully get it sorted 2mara
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:33 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well done joe n gerty

as for the_9_ball he hasn't shown up. said he'd be about all night. even went on to snooker, he was browsing, and got no reply from 2 messages sent. sean tried too with no success. admittedly I had major problems trying to get on to game page, had to re-install java and then google chrome to get here :s

anyway, I'll be on 2mara prob in afternoon around 2 and then later after 10pm, ready to play as ever

might er been phone browsin pal , hes a nice lad, not one to let people down normally pal

I hear ya m8, hopefully get it sorted 2mara

I was afk sorry mate, im a constant browser yeah, Just got a bit bored of funky for a while and went and watched a film, come back an missed yas
Posts: 22,512
05:28 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League Table Update

First of all would like to thank all teams for again completing a set with no defaults at all, this is the second time out of three sets this season. Nice work!

League table has now been fully updated to the end of fixture set three, as usual please note that some teams have played less games but all teams will have played the same amount at the end of the season. You can find the league table here -

Thank you!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:53 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
T9B (2) - (2) Hippesville

Im sorry guys, there was alot of pressure on me for this game and i just couldnt quite hold us up on this occasion.

Frame 1:- I broke, He then cleared 6 balls and the fouled, i had to play some good snookers to work my balls efficiently, but i had two stuck together by the top cushion.... and naturally.. kept missing them, on my last free ball i full powered up and down the table and managed to get a clip, which left me with a double that didnt go and a blue spot which i couldnt reach. None the less i had to try and think of something but my brain went into full freeze mode. I lined up the double to such precision as when the ball passed the other, it was almost as if they touched, but to my dismay, it wasnt enough and the green spot clipped the jaw and bounced out. Hippes went on to clear.

Frame 2:- Not much to say here, he broke, he potted, then missed and left me nought on. i tried to snooker but the cue found its way into the pocket. He went on to clear from that.

Frame 3:- i Broke, he cleared 6 balls to be cruely left snookered on the Last, i cleared up and took the frame here

Frame 4:- He broke, i managed to clear 6 balls but got left snookered, there was a mothers meeting in the middle of the table where shots were exchanged for a while without any potting, then he broke out, but missed on the black, i took this frame.

So sadly our cup was ended by literally 1mm and some class play from hippes.
Posts: 22,512
06:07 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Release & Cup

Due to set three being completed before the deadline i have decided to release these games early.

League games can be found on this link -

Cup games can be found on this link -

New Rule Takes Affect

As stated a few days ago a new rule has been implemented for substitutions/swaps and is now effective imediately, the link to the official posting of this rule is here -

It is urged that captains and vice captains take note of this rule!

Deadline for these games is 11/8/13 Midnight!

Thank you
Posts: 3,846
12:19 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
ul 9 ball pal
Posts: 3,846
12:22 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
just had a look through fixtures, and our cup tie vs the pros looks an absoloute cracker,they have put a cracking team in,we'll have to be on top form
Posts: 1,696
13:25 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 4

Black Magic (0) v (0) Uprising
krazyash_07 v angry_bacon
davybaumers v zantetsukenz
_maverick_ v erigert
darren9030 v slimeball
berzerk v the_9_ball
gb_stu v derik_dalton
rocketweaz8 v cgibson92
thegreatone7 v pirate_steve

Uprising (0) v (0) Underdogs
irish_ninja v umanga
spin_doctor v markselby7
sharky89 v born_killer
the_9_ball v kathleen_b
angry_bacon v _golden_cue_
2andygorams v the_viking
_nerdzz_ v kopiteking01
zantetsukenz v jimmyd20

FCL Cup - Quarter-Final

Same format as league games.

Uprising (0) v (0) Professionals
cgibson92 v mattywellie
pirate_steve v beenjammin
2andygorams v dvz
sharky89 v _redherring_
derik_dalton v cphaynes
_nerdzz_ v fuunky

Deadline 11/08/13 for all games

Edited at 11:07 Sun 28/07/13 (BST)
Posts: 1,696
13:33 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
T9B (2) - (2) Hippesville

Unlucky mate, that's a good result against Gaz in normal circumstances never mind a deciding cup game. Don't worry about it, he's tough to beat even when he's not playing 9ball
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:34 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
just had a look through fixtures, and our cup tie vs the pros looks an absoloute cracker,they have put a cracking team in,we'll have to be on top form

Yeah it's going to be a corker :-)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:04 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz v jimmyd01 should be jimmyd20
Posts: 1,696
14:08 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz v jimmyd01 should be jimmyd20

Oh.. No blame attached to me there
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:20 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can you untag me please mate??
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:40 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
That pros game look like fun!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:35 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
As agreed with faust and erigert:

FCL League Fixture Set 4 vs Uprising

Was: _maverick_ vs erigert
Is Now: powodzenia vs erigert
Posts: 11,062
20:05 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Our only active sub for lethal_lures is one_for_all
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Uprising VI - This Is Our Season

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