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01:23 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Underdogs (31) vs (29) Ball Breakers

kathleen_b (2) v (6) pmix
kopiteking01 v blackcabman7
todd2000 (5) v (2) jig_saw
derodedel (5) v (3) staffie_man
umanga (8) v (0) bud13
the_viking (1) v (7) doverlad32
anoneeemouse (7) v (0) chapster_7
born_killer (2) v (5) __sniper__

Underdogs (1) v (6) Ball Breakers

Ball Breakers (15) vs (54) Untouchables
welshgizy_19 (1) v (7) bluenose1872
__sniper__(2) v(6) clarebye
blackcabman7 (1) v (7) madmiketyson
staffie_man (2) v (6) chrisislove
bud13 (2) v (6) brooksy1986
pmix (5) v (3) emmajane
dvae (0) v (7) i_am_blessed
kurt_corris (2) v (5) mich

Ballbreakers (0) v (7) Untouchables

7 games of either 8us or 9us or 8uk or 3 games of straight / 1 game of killer

Deadline 28th July 2013
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:30 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

untouchbles (95) v (25) Ball Breakers


bluenose1872 (13) v (2) staffie_man
chisisidovev (15) v (0) jig_saw
mich (14) v (1) blackcabman7
emmajane (8) v (7) doverlad32
clarebye (10) v (5) dvae
mrmagic (15) v (0) bud13
i_am_blessed (11) v (4) kurt_corris
greenie1983 (9) v (6) chapstar7

Ball Breakers (33) v (87) Unbeatables


blackcabman7 (6) v (9) poolbiird
doverlad32 (1) v (14) hippesville
chapster7 (2) v (13) im_bad
staffie_man (5) v (10) msl
kurt_corris (7) v (8) serious_game
welshgizy19 (6) v (9) mad_matt
bud13 (0) v (15) turtle1560
dvae (6) v (9) dbno

compleated we out

5 frames of 8us, 9us and 8uk

deadline 28 july
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:32 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ballbreakers team sheet

1.blackcabman7 (cap)
2 staffie_man co cap?
3.__sniper__ Vice cap FBL only
4._sachibub (newly added)
5. doverlad32
6. sioned1
7. jig_saw
8. chapster_7
9. snoox
10 kurt_corris
11.poolh8r (newly added)
12. dvae
13. welshgizy19
14. pmix
15. bud13
16. x_connor 6 days offline

Please welcome to the team _sachibub another legend to the game! Thank you for joining bubba! We got much stronger adding you and poolh8r to the club!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:05 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I have now done a cup schedule for the upcoming set, although the deadline has passed for team lists for the league games, I am willing to accept changes to any cup lists as I was delayed in getting this sorted. I am at work all day tomorrow so you have until I get home at 8PM to submit any changes.

Schedule can be found...

And thanks from my lurrrrvely assistant, emmajane, for picking the random numbers for the cup draw

Cheers dears!
Jema xx
Posts: 22,512
05:29 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League Table Update

First of all would like to thank all teams for again completing a set with no defaults at all, this is the second time out of three sets this season. Nice work!

League table has now been fully updated to the end of fixture set three, as usual please note that some teams have played less games but all teams will have played the same amount at the end of the season. You can find the league table here -

Thank you!
Posts: 22,512
06:08 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Release & Cup

Due to set three being completed before the deadline i have decided to release these games early.

League games can be found on this link -

Cup games can be found on this link -

New Rule Takes Affect

As stated a few days ago a new rule has been implemented for substitutions/swaps and is now effective imediately, the link to the official posting of this rule is here -

It is urged that captains and vice captains take note of this rule!

Deadline for these games is 11/8/13 Midnight!

Thank you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:43 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 4
Quarter Finals

Ball Breakers 0 v 0 Elite Force

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

blackcabman7 v walktall
staffie_man v roxbury_100
doverlad32 v shadwell17
sioned1 v w_hoolahan
jig_saw v sharpey_boii
chapster_7 v aces_back
snoox v 2pac_rulez
kurt_corris __h1dd3n__

Professionals 0 v 0 Ball Breakers

mr_magic v poolh8r
jimmy_efc v dvae
fuunky v welshgizy19
onevisit v pmix
beenjammin v bud13
cphaynes v x_connor
dvz v doverlad32
techno v chapster_7

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

Deadline: 11th August 2013

Edited at 04:50 Sun 28/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:49 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaging all our players now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:50 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Underdogs (31) vs (29) Ball Breakers

kathleen_b (2) v (6) pmix
cke1982 v blackcabman7
todd2000 (5) v (2) jig_saw
derodedel (5) v (3) staffie_man
umanga (8) v (0) bud13
the_viking (1) v (7) doverlad32
anoneeemouse (7) v (0) chapster_7
born_killer (2) v (5) __sniper__

Underdogs (1) v (6) Ball Breakers

Ball Breakers (15) vs (54) Untouchables
welshgizy_19 (1) v (7) bluenose1872
__sniper__(2) v(6) clarebye
blackcabman7 (1) v (7) madmiketyson
staffie_man (2) v (6) chrisislove
bud13 (2) v (6) brooksy1986
pmix (5) v (3) emmajane
dvae (0) v (7) i_am_blessed
kurt_corris (2) v (5) mich

Ballbreakers (0) v (7) Untouchables

7 games of either 8us or 9us or 8uk or 3 games of straight / 1 game of killer

Deadline 28th July 2013
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:52 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
21:49 Sat 27/07/13
Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 84 TournaPoints!

Semis i beat cphaynes 2-1 pretty good win here..

i beat skyfly 3-0 pretty amazing win if i might add

I played very well
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi all, Got subbed in for the final 8US game against Underdogs.

Loads of subs it seems but it was me v CKE1982

I played well and won two or three frames with only two visits. Though I did get a bit lucky I think.

Gutted not to get the whitewash as CKE won the last game but ended 6-1 to me which is a strong result
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:15 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Underdogs (32) vs (36) Ball Breakers

kathleen_b (2) v (6) pmix
cke1982 (1) v (7) blackcabman7
todd2000 (5) v (2) jig_saw
derodedel (5) v (3) staffie_man
umanga (8) v (0) bud13
the_viking (1) v (7) doverlad32
anoneeemouse (7) v (0) chapster_7
born_killer (2) v (5) __sniper__

Underdogs (1) v (6) Ball Breakers

Ball Breakers (15) vs (54) Untouchables
welshgizy_19 (1) v (7) bluenose1872
__sniper__(2) v(6) clarebye
blackcabman7 (1) v (7) madmiketyson
staffie_man (2) v (6) chrisislove
bud13 (2) v (6) brooksy1986
pmix (5) v (3) emmajane
dvae (0) v (7) i_am_blessed
kurt_corris (2) v (5) mich

Ballbreakers (0) v (7) Untouchables

7 games of either 8us or 9us or 8uk or 3 games of straight / 1 game of killer

Deadline 28th July 2013
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:15 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi all, Got subbed in for the final 8US game against Underdogs.

Loads of subs it seems but it was me v CKE1982

I played well and won two or three frames with only two visits. Though I did get a bit lucky I think.

Gutted not to get the whitewash as CKE won the last game but ended 6-1 to me which is a strong result
Great win kurt! That win there won that fixture for us vs underdogs! Well done mate!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:18 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
All games from fixtures 3 of FBL and FCL are now completed, well done too all for their help!!

Let's break some balls in fixture set 4!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:19 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Set 4
Quarter Finals

Ball Breakers 0 v 0 Elite Force

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

blackcabman7 v walktall
staffie_man v roxbury_100
doverlad32 v shadwell17
sioned1 v w_hoolahan
jig_saw v sharpey_boii
chapster_7 v aces_back
snoox v 2pac_rulez
kurt_corris __h1dd3n__

Professionals 0 v 0 Ball Breakers

mr_magic v poolh8r
jimmy_efc v dvae
fuunky v welshgizy19
onevisit v pmix
beenjammin v bud13
cphaynes v x_connor
dvz v doverlad32
techno v chapster_7

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk

Deadline: 11th August 2013
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:20 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged dvae and tagged him on our thread but received no reply and he has been on. Please look into it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:22 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ballbreakers team sheet

1.blackcabman7 (cap)
2 staffie_man co cap?
3.__sniper__ Vice cap FBL only
4._sachibub (newly added)
5. doverlad32
6. sioned1 2 days off
7. jig_saw 3 days off
8. chapster_7
9. snoox
10 kurt_corris
11.poolh8r (newly added)
12. dvae
13. welshgizy19
14. pmix
15. bud13
16. x_connor 7 days offline

Please welcome to the team _sachibub another legend to the game! Thank you for joining bubba! We got much stronger adding you and poolh8r to the club

Edited at 17:29 Sun 28/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:27 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged dvae and tagged him on our thread but received no reply and he has been on. Please look into it
Still got like n half days til deadline?

He probably is away from computer, (saying that without seeing if he is in game or not)

Also, he can browse for a couple hours i realised yesterday, i kept messaging him to sub in, as he was browsing hours..he said he left his pc on or something and wasnt home.

He 3 hours offline lol, when u tag him?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:41 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged dvae and tagged him on our thread but received no reply and he has been on. Please look into it
Still got like n half days til deadline?

He probably is away from computer, (saying that without seeing if he is in game or not)

Also, he can browse for a couple hours i realised yesterday, i kept messaging him to sub in, as he was browsing hours..he said he left his pc on or something and wasnt home.

He 3 hours offline lol, when u tag him?

Deadline is 2 weeks away so if I alert the problem early on it will get rectified early on (in theory). I tagged and messaged him whilst he was playing his games earlier this afternoon but no response. I'd prefer a mature reply next time
Posts: 4,557
21:04 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
2pac_rulez v snoox
Is now :
Paulshaw7 v snoox

Both captains agreed .
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