FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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23:15 Wed 29 Apr 15 (BST)
FCL vs Pros
Was: joeyy vs davybaumers & dazpolz vs nike
Now: dazpolz vs davybaumers & joeyy vs nike
Was: joeyy vs davybaumers & dazpolz vs nike
Now: dazpolz vs davybaumers & joeyy vs nike
14:19 Thu 30 Apr 15 (BST)
FCL subs
vs Unbeatables
was kris-mikebboy
is drewdt3-mikeybboy
vs T.A.L.K.
was kris-jig_saw
is drewdt3-jigsaw
vs Unbeatables
was kris-mikebboy
is drewdt3-mikeybboy
vs T.A.L.K.
was kris-jig_saw
is drewdt3-jigsaw
15:16 Fri 1 May 15 (BST)
FPD vs C & G
Dozer vs mirrr is now r08 vs mirrr
FPD vs The Professionals
joe_willis vs _wales_lad_ is now r08 vs _wales_lad_
FPD vs C & G
Dozer vs mirrr is now r08 vs mirrr
FPD vs The Professionals
joe_willis vs _wales_lad_ is now r08 vs _wales_lad_
21:32 Fri 1 May 15 (BST)
FCL vs Pros
Was: dazpolz vs davybaumers
Now: _pro__frog_ vs davybaumers
* offline 15 days - (still 1st week of fixture but our players simply 'inactive')
Was: dazpolz vs davybaumers
Now: _pro__frog_ vs davybaumers
* offline 15 days - (still 1st week of fixture but our players simply 'inactive')
02:41 Sat 2 May 15 (BST)
swap :
madmiketyson vs kingdadcool
bulletzzzz vs amac3
is now :
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson vs amac3
madmiketyson vs kingdadcool
bulletzzzz vs amac3
is now :
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson vs amac3
20:02 Sat 2 May 15 (BST)
Jamesmcgarry still having a few probs
Imran vs jamesmcgarry
Imran vs dvz
Imran vs jamesmcgarry
Imran vs dvz
21:28 Sat 2 May 15 (BST)
fcl vs BS
was ld1987 vs madmiketyson
is mad_matt vs madmiketyson
was ld1987 vs madmiketyson
is mad_matt vs madmiketyson
13:13 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)
FCL: BS v Uprising
sub and swap:
tozzie v sharky89
is now
walktall v sharky89
+ bulletzzzz v clifton188 & walktall v sharky89,
is now
bulletzzzz v sharky89
walktalll v clifton188
sub and swap:
tozzie v sharky89
is now
walktall v sharky89
+ bulletzzzz v clifton188 & walktall v sharky89,
is now
bulletzzzz v sharky89
walktalll v clifton188
15:44 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)
tozzie v anoneeemouse
is now
madmiketyson v anoneeemouse
lateo1993 v blackcabman7
is now
achpfsk v blackcabman7
tozzie v anoneeemouse
is now
madmiketyson v anoneeemouse
lateo1993 v blackcabman7
is now
achpfsk v blackcabman7
16:53 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)
Fcl vs talk
ggwpty v chapster_7
Is now
ggwpty v fastboysam
Fcl vs fk
chapster_7 v _pacman
is now
blueberry v _pacman
ggwpty v chapster_7
Is now
ggwpty v fastboysam
Fcl vs fk
chapster_7 v _pacman
is now
blueberry v _pacman
18:44 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)
mackoni13 vs liam_scfc
is now
blackcabman7 vs liam_scfc
mackoni13 vs liam_scfc
is now
blackcabman7 vs liam_scfc
00:52 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)
FCL vs ubs
the_killer v horse10000
is now
triple_b v horse10000
the_killer v horse10000
is now
triple_b v horse10000
18:11 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)
FCL Swap
centralsteel v sharky89
todd2000 v corsair
is now
centralsteel v corsair
todd2000 v sharky89
centralsteel v sharky89
todd2000 v corsair
is now
centralsteel v corsair
todd2000 v sharky89
03:01 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)
psychosis v r1p0m4n_2
is now
2andygorams v r1p0m4n_v2
psychosis v r1p0m4n_2
is now
2andygorams v r1p0m4n_v2
17:28 Tue 5 May 15 (BST)
FCL vs Pros
Was: _fresh_ vs beenjammin & lfc12 vs miss_harriet
Now: lfc12 vs beenjammin & _fresh_ vs miss_harriet
Was: _fresh_ vs beenjammin & lfc12 vs miss_harriet
Now: lfc12 vs beenjammin & _fresh_ vs miss_harriet
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FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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