FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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22:10 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)
skiller10 vs lethal_lures
upforit vs w_hoolahan
is now
davybaumers vs lethal_lures
shadwell17 vs w_hoolahan
upforit vs w_hoolahan
is now
davybaumers vs lethal_lures
shadwell17 vs w_hoolahan
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22:41 Thu 27 Mar 14 (GMT)
darren9030 vs king_joffery is now
flash_is_bac v darren
flash_is_bac v darren
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16:52 Fri 28 Mar 14 (GMT)
moved to SL
Edited at 14:56 Fri 28/03/14 (GMT)
skiller10 vs lethal_lures
upforit vs w_hoolahan
is now
davybaumers vs lethal_lures
shadwell17 vs w_hoolahan
upforit vs w_hoolahan
is now
davybaumers vs lethal_lures
shadwell17 vs w_hoolahan
Edited at 14:56 Fri 28/03/14 (GMT)
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19:59 Fri 28 Mar 14 (GMT)
cue_ball (0) v (0) chezz
cue_ball (0) v (0) pretty_liar
cue_ball (0) v (0) chezz
cue_ball (0) v (0) pretty_liar
23:41 Sat 29 Mar 14 (GMT)
FCL Fixture 7
Ballbreakers v Pocket Dynamos
james_h v majidhbutt
james_h v blueberry
Ballbreakers v Pocket Dynamos
james_h v majidhbutt
james_h v blueberry
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16:50 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)
FCL vs Fighting Eagles
Was: upforit vs cuester
Is Now: bigcjl2 vs cuester
FCL vs Fighting Eagles
Was: precision vs _pro__frog_ & bigcjl2 vs cuester
Is Now: precision vs cuester & bigcjl2 vs _pro__frog_
(precision will be on in 15-20 mins)
Edited at 15:12 Sun 30/03/14 (BST)
Was: upforit vs cuester
Is Now: bigcjl2 vs cuester
FCL vs Fighting Eagles
Was: precision vs _pro__frog_ & bigcjl2 vs cuester
Is Now: precision vs cuester & bigcjl2 vs _pro__frog_
(precision will be on in 15-20 mins)
Edited at 15:12 Sun 30/03/14 (BST)
22:21 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)
greyhound v walktall
hippesville v snoox
is now
greyhound v snoox
hippesville v walktall
hippesville v snoox
is now
greyhound v snoox
hippesville v walktall
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12:34 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)
2awesome2win v _maverick_
thegreatone7 v alex_lewis
is now
abbiew v _maverick_
2awesome2win v alex_lewis
2awesome2win v _maverick_
thegreatone7 v alex_lewis
is now
abbiew v _maverick_
2awesome2win v alex_lewis
01:22 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)
marksmith v crazzymadman
walktall v hippesville
is now
marksmith v hippesville
walktall v crazzymadman
Done after chatting with turtle
walktall v hippesville
is now
marksmith v hippesville
walktall v crazzymadman
Done after chatting with turtle
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02:05 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)
fcl subs to used after midnight uk time.
pool_black (0) v (0) fastboysam
nzym_visual vs fastboysam
powea012 vs askingfan
rascal vs askingfan
powea012 vs davey_1985
nzym_visaul vs davey_1985
pool_black (0) v (0) fastboysam
nzym_visual vs fastboysam
powea012 vs askingfan
rascal vs askingfan
powea012 vs davey_1985
nzym_visaul vs davey_1985
03:05 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)
fcl sub.
rascal vs askingfan
punkpoet vs rascal
rascal vs askingfan
punkpoet vs rascal
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16:32 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)
FCL vs Uprising
Was: precision vs sharky89 & poolh8r vs lethal_lures
Is Now: precision vs lethal_lures & poolh8r vs sharky89
(I've spoken with precision, fine with this swap and also poolh8r as it's more beneficial time wise for him, sharky89 plays in the evening)
Was: precision vs sharky89 & poolh8r vs lethal_lures
Is Now: precision vs lethal_lures & poolh8r vs sharky89
(I've spoken with precision, fine with this swap and also poolh8r as it's more beneficial time wise for him, sharky89 plays in the evening)
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18:33 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)
FCL vs Uprising
Were: skiller10 vs pirate_steve
Is now: thanatos vs pirate_steve
* skiller10 - offline 5 days.
Were: skiller10 vs pirate_steve
Is now: thanatos vs pirate_steve
* skiller10 - offline 5 days.
16:13 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)
crazzymadman vs walktall
is now
turtle1560 vs walktall
crazzymadman vs walktall
is now
turtle1560 vs walktall
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19:16 Wed 2 Apr 14 (BST)
fcl sub
cue_ball (0) v (0) pretty_liar
cue_ball v tension
cue_ball (0) v (0) pretty_liar
cue_ball v tension
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FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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