FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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02:05 Thu 19 Dec 13 (GMT)
fcl swap
the underdogs v phoenix storm
jooodles v thanatos
cke1982 v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
jooodles v i_am_me
the underdogs v phoenix storm
jooodles v thanatos
cke1982 v i_am_me
cke1982 v thanatos
jooodles v i_am_me
16:30 Thu 19 Dec 13 (GMT)
sub theodore_hui vs blackcabman7
is now
theodore_hui vs x_connor
is now
theodore_hui vs x_connor
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
21:19 Thu 19 Dec 13 (GMT)
poolh8r vs _pro__frog_
is now
cue_ball vs _pro__frog_
poolh8r vs _pro__frog_
is now
cue_ball vs _pro__frog_
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:20 Fri 20 Dec 13 (GMT)
FCL vs Underdogs
* poolh8r has permission to sub in vs jooodles.
* poolh8r has permission to sub in vs jooodles.
15:53 Fri 20 Dec 13 (GMT)
fcl sub
the underdogs v uprising
chris v pirate_steve
rossunited v pirate_steve
the underdogs v uprising
chris v pirate_steve
rossunited v pirate_steve
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
11:53 Sat 21 Dec 13 (GMT)
was theodore_hui v x_connor
is now
turtle1560 v x_connor
was theodore_hui v x_connor
is now
turtle1560 v x_connor
15:54 Sat 21 Dec 13 (GMT)
sub in hippesville instead of me, so match is now:
hippesville v x_connor
was theodore_hui v x_connor
is now
turtle1560 v x_connor
was theodore_hui v x_connor
is now
turtle1560 v x_connor
sub in hippesville instead of me, so match is now:
hippesville v x_connor
02:34 Sun 22 Dec 13 (GMT)
hippesville vs x_connor
serious_game vs jimmyd20
is now
hippesville vs jimmyd20
serious_game vs x_connor
hippesville vs x_connor
serious_game vs jimmyd20
is now
hippesville vs jimmyd20
serious_game vs x_connor
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:51 Mon 23 Dec 13 (GMT)
End of Season 21
End of Season 21
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(IP Logged)
17:45 Sun 2 Feb 14 (GMT)
Ballbreakers (49) v (55) Mousey Misfits
kingpooluk20 (0) v (0) the_priest
is now red_ace27 vs the priest
kingpooluk20 (0) v (0) the_priest
is now red_ace27 vs the priest
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
00:37 Thu 6 Feb 14 (GMT)
matthew95 v todd2000 is now: red_ace vs todd2000
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
12:19 Thu 6 Feb 14 (GMT)
^ again thats a friendly it does not go here.
15:48 Mon 10 Feb 14 (GMT)
fcl sub
underdogs v uprising
skeptical v r1p0m4n_v4
tombstone_74 v r1pom4n_v4
underdogs v uprising
skeptical v r1p0m4n_v4
tombstone_74 v r1pom4n_v4
15:52 Mon 10 Feb 14 (GMT)
fcl sub
fighting eagles v the underdogs
_pro_frog_ v skeptical
_pro__frog_ v left_touch
fighting eagles v the underdogs
_pro_frog_ v skeptical
_pro__frog_ v left_touch
17:03 Mon 10 Feb 14 (GMT)
sub kingpooluk20 (0) v (0) serious_game
kingpooluk20 been of line 14 days
is now
dvae vs serious_game
kingpooluk20 been of line 14 days
is now
dvae vs serious_game
22:23 Mon 10 Feb 14 (GMT)
fcl sub
underdogs v uprising
staffie_girl v 2andygorams
left_touch v 2andygorams
underdogs v uprising
staffie_girl v 2andygorams
left_touch v 2andygorams
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FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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