FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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02:53 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)
Make up your mind stop messing with other ppl !
LOL - what's the matter still plenty time till deadline.
Yes there is not the point ,when you wait all night to sub since leaving message on our forum this morning , . then i message our player after you make sub tonight , then you suddenly change it again .. So yes plenty time as you say , but your a total jack..
Sorry chris ..
Edited at 00:09 Sat 30/11/13 (GMT)
Edited at 00:09 Sat 30/11/13 (GMT)
Make up your mind stop messing with other ppl !
LOL - what's the matter still plenty time till deadline.
Yes there is not the point ,when you wait all night to sub since leaving message on our forum this morning , . then i message our player after you make sub tonight , then you suddenly change it again .. So yes plenty time as you say , but your a total jack..
Sorry chris ..
02:55 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)
Make up your mind stop messing with other ppl !
LOL - what's the matter still plenty time till deadline.
Yes there is not the point ,when you wait all night to sub since leaving message on our forum this morning , . then i message our player after you make sub tonight , then you suddenly change it again .. So yes plenty time as you say , but your a total jack..
Sorry chris ..
So you're saying walktall can't read? It's in clear black and white on both teams forum why does he need you to message him. Hand deliver it if you like I don't care, subs been reversed...nothing else to say. Jack ... nope my name's Ashley, maybe schooling required for someone closer to home.
Maybe a boot up your Jack butt is needed !!!
Edited at 00:09 Sat 30/11/13 (GMT)
Edited at 00:09 Sat 30/11/13 (GMT)
Make up your mind stop messing with other ppl !
LOL - what's the matter still plenty time till deadline.
Yes there is not the point ,when you wait all night to sub since leaving message on our forum this morning , . then i message our player after you make sub tonight , then you suddenly change it again .. So yes plenty time as you say , but your a total jack..
Sorry chris ..
So you're saying walktall can't read? It's in clear black and white on both teams forum why does he need you to message him. Hand deliver it if you like I don't care, subs been reversed...nothing else to say. Jack ... nope my name's Ashley, maybe schooling required for someone closer to home.
Maybe a boot up your Jack butt is needed !!!
Deleted User
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02:58 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)
LOL ^^^ my what? is that English? From England tho so must be.
Deleted User
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16:29 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)
FCL Fixture Set 4 vs Pros:
Was: poolh8r vs tinie
Is Now: friendyboy vs tinie
Was: poolh8r vs tinie
Is Now: friendyboy vs tinie
22:28 Sat 30 Nov 13 (GMT)
swap : FCL
funky_king v _pro__frog_
_golden_cue_ v triple_b
is now :
_golden_cue_ v _pro__frog_
funky_king v triple_b
funky_king v _pro__frog_
_golden_cue_ v triple_b
is now :
_golden_cue_ v _pro__frog_
funky_king v triple_b
Deleted User
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10:52 Sun 1 Dec 13 (GMT)
theodore_hui v _armsrace_
is now
turtle1560 v _armsrace_
theodore_hui v _armsrace_
is now
turtle1560 v _armsrace_
17:48 Sun 1 Dec 13 (GMT)
liam_scfc vs triple_b
_redherring_ v triple_b
liam_scfc vs triple_b
_redherring_ v triple_b
19:00 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)
thegreatone7 v irish_ninja
is now
thegreatone7 v slimeball
thegreatone7 v irish_ninja
is now
thegreatone7 v slimeball
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
20:13 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)
FCL Fixtures Set 4 vs Pocket Dynamos
Was: friendyboy vs lfc12
Is Now: ooo_u_tap_2 vs lfc12
Was: friendyboy vs lfc12
Is Now: ooo_u_tap_2 vs lfc12
21:42 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)
dbno v cgibson92
hippesville v fuunky
are now
dbno vs fuunky
hippesville vs cgibson92
hippesville v fuunky
are now
dbno vs fuunky
hippesville vs cgibson92
22:19 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)
funky_king v _maverick_
chris v lemmy
is now
funky_king v lemmy
chris v _maverick_
think chris and mav will be able to play easily. Then will leave the last game. lemmy can try and get him in the weekend or i can.
Edited at 22:20 Mon 02/12/13 (GMT)
chris v lemmy
is now
funky_king v lemmy
chris v _maverick_
think chris and mav will be able to play easily. Then will leave the last game. lemmy can try and get him in the weekend or i can.
Edited at 22:20 Mon 02/12/13 (GMT)
16:45 Tue 3 Dec 13 (GMT)
sub drewdt3 vs cockle4
is now
intermediate vs drewdt3
is now
intermediate vs drewdt3
16:55 Tue 3 Dec 13 (GMT)
intermediate vs drewdt3 sub
is now
raymond123 vs drewdt3
intermediate deactivated
forget that sub forgot raymond123 change his name
Edited at 15:01 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
is now
raymond123 vs drewdt3
intermediate deactivated
forget that sub forgot raymond123 change his name
Edited at 15:01 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
17:31 Tue 3 Dec 13 (GMT)
FCL Sub - Ballbreakers vs Mousey Misfits
sub drewdt3 vs cockle4
is now
Doverlad32 vs drewdt3
sub drewdt3 vs cockle4
is now
Doverlad32 vs drewdt3
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
18:49 Tue 3 Dec 13 (GMT)
fcl sub
jack_86 vs pirate_steve
is now
rocketweaz8 vs pirate_steve
jack_86 vs pirate_steve
is now
rocketweaz8 vs pirate_steve
18:49 Tue 3 Dec 13 (GMT)
FCL Swap/Sub
run_outt v derik_dalton
jack_86 v pirate_steve
is now
rocketweaz8 v derik_dalton
run_outt v pirate_steve
run_outt v derik_dalton
jack_86 v pirate_steve
is now
rocketweaz8 v derik_dalton
run_outt v pirate_steve
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
20:13 Tue 3 Dec 13 (GMT)
Change of Plan
Edited at 19:00 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
Edited at 19:00 Tue 03/12/13 (GMT)
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FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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