FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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23:24 Sun 6 Oct 13 (BST)
d0ubler v no1hustl3r
jig_saw v no1hustl3r
due to d0ubler banned
Edited at 21:51 Sun 06/10/13 (BST)
jig_saw v no1hustl3r
due to d0ubler banned
Edited at 21:51 Sun 06/10/13 (BST)
02:45 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)
Phoenix Storm v Uprising
_sachibub v 2andygorams
is now
_sachibub v zantetsukenz
_sachibub v 2andygorams
is now
_sachibub v zantetsukenz
03:56 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)
The Professionals (0) v (0) Ballbreakers
sub scott7a (0) v (0) brooksy1986
is now
subscott7a intermediate
underdogs vs ballbreakers
sub chezz0021 vs moonbeam06
is now
sub chezz0021 vs dvae
sub scott7a (0) v (0) brooksy1986
is now
subscott7a intermediate
underdogs vs ballbreakers
sub chezz0021 vs moonbeam06
is now
sub chezz0021 vs dvae
04:35 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)
underdogs vs ballbreakers
sub chezz0021 vs moonbeam06
is now
sub chezz0021 vs dvae
sub hardy202 (0) v (0) fire_queen
is now
hardy202 vs truescotsman
sry about this but had to giver every body a game
sub chezz0021 vs moonbeam06
is now
sub chezz0021 vs dvae
sub hardy202 (0) v (0) fire_queen
is now
hardy202 vs truescotsman
sry about this but had to giver every body a game
15:30 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)
eagles v uprising
kingdadcool v angry_bacon
is now
ghoulish v angry_bacon
eagles v snooker squad
Fighting Eagles v Snooker Squad
kingdadcool v mich
is now
_huts24_ v mich
eaglestrike v whocares8x8
is now
ghoulish v whocares8x8
kingdadcool v angry_bacon
is now
ghoulish v angry_bacon
eagles v snooker squad
Fighting Eagles v Snooker Squad
kingdadcool v mich
is now
_huts24_ v mich
eaglestrike v whocares8x8
is now
ghoulish v whocares8x8
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15:48 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)
fcl swap
bradonforest v serious_game
pool_black v weirdo1
pool_black v serious_game
bradonforest v weirdo1
due to ciaran not being able to play after 9pm
bradonforest v serious_game
pool_black v weirdo1
pool_black v serious_game
bradonforest v weirdo1
due to ciaran not being able to play after 9pm
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21:05 Mon 7 Oct 13 (BST)
FCL Fixture Set 1 vs Unbeatables
Was: sharpey_boii vs bluenose1872
Is Now: thanatos vs bluenose1872
Was: sharpey_boii vs bluenose1872
Is Now: thanatos vs bluenose1872
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14:48 Tue 8 Oct 13 (BST)
FCL - Fixture Set 1 - vs Unbeatables
Was: fear_me vs dntbmad__
Is Now: raymond123 vs dntbmad__
(player deactivated, as has their opponent)
Was: fear_me vs dntbmad__
Is Now: raymond123 vs dntbmad__
(player deactivated, as has their opponent)
18:45 Wed 9 Oct 13 (BST)
ballbreakers vs underdogs
rossunited (0) v (0) raptorman as hes no longer in clan
is now
rossunited vs jimmyd20
rossunited (0) v (0) raptorman as hes no longer in clan
is now
rossunited vs jimmyd20
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00:28 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)
walktall v the_incal
cue_control_ v gollom
is now
cue_control_ v the_incal
walktall v gollom
cue_control_ v gollom
is now
cue_control_ v the_incal
walktall v gollom
04:02 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)
sub horse10000 vs pmix
is now
horse10000 (0) v (0) truescotsman
is now
horse10000 (0) v (0) truescotsman
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18:19 Thu 10 Oct 13 (BST)
fcl swap topguns vs unbeatables
was _maverick_ vs mad_matt
snoball vs red4eva
is now
_maverick_ vs red4eva
snoball vs mad_matt
was _maverick_ vs mad_matt
snoball vs red4eva
is now
_maverick_ vs red4eva
snoball vs mad_matt
01:21 Fri 11 Oct 13 (BST)
FCL Swap:
_rockstar_ and jose_enrique get swapped, so now:
jose_enrique vs ang3l
_rockstar_ vs askingfan
_rockstar_ and jose_enrique get swapped, so now:
jose_enrique vs ang3l
_rockstar_ vs askingfan
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FCL - Substitutions/Swaps
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