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name the best top 5 ever at 8uk?

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Posts: 3,610
20:31 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
None because the tables are joke, and any old joker could beat anyone, until that table gets fixed noone is the 'best'

I agree with this, tappers are the hardest to beat tho, unless you have the patience and time to sit there for hours playing them at there own game.

i agree... cant stand tappers. rather go 4 it me
Posts: 2,094
21:25 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha yeah, onua needs to show you how It's done, would be an interesting game, be like watching Ebdon against Steve Davis!!
Posts: 6,262
21:27 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Tappers like that idiot above disgust me, they have no real skill and put me to zzzzzzzz..

I'd have to name _kirk_

1) _kirk_
2) _kirk_
3) _kirk_
4) _kirk_
5) _kirk_

Most of all this guy has his head firmly on his shoulders and anything you have done he has done better...

Kirky boy, you're simply the best pal
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21:33 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Why has no-one metioned me? So bizarre!
Posts: 3,610
21:54 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha yeah, onua needs to show you how It's done, would be an interesting game, be like watching Ebdon against Steve Davis!!

would be at an high level...... with us both 7balling eachother every game
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21:58 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha yeah, onua needs to show you how It's done, would be an interesting game, be like watching Ebdon against Steve Davis!!

would be at an high level...... with us both 7balling eachother every game

shame he deactivated last night then aint it
Posts: 22,512
21:59 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
He will come back as he has the most tournament wins. He has deactivated about 300 times in the past and always comes back
Posts: 2,094
22:02 Mon 6 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha yeah, onua needs to show you how It's done, would be an interesting game, be like watching Ebdon against Steve Davis!!

would be at an high level...... with us both 7balling eachother every game

shame he deactivated last night then aint it

That's old news now....he'll be back for sure!!

Lol tratter, have you got any better jokes
Posts: 231
19:23 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Dear Onua,

I challenge you for your crown.

Your new and improved 8uk KING
Posts: 1,363
22:51 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
tappa (think thats right cant remember)
all of the above hands down would wipe the floor with any of the "top players"

so many more i could go on and on
Posts: 880
07:27 Thu 9 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
bahhhhh woooops

Edited at 04:31 Thu 09/05/13 (BST)
Posts: 8,885
07:30 Thu 9 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
wrong thread hun
Posts: 7,974
13:53 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
in my oppinion
simply above everyones standard

all great players

tappers v potters

no contest in skill levels, tappers are the class, they set you up, then have the potting skills to match any potter

how anyone can say a potter outways class, is unreal, to take these players on you need to be good v good

stop harping about the way the game is played, learn how to play and beat them

then stake your claim
Posts: 2,094
14:44 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I wouldn't even class myself as good nevermind v good, but I'd still give most of them you mention a tough match, most people can tap and pot on the uk table, It's that easy.
Posts: 19,967
14:48 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
In my experience the opposite is much more true, to beat a tapper all you require is patience which most players lack because they don't want to play a long game they want to pot and play an exciting attacking game.

I find tappers don't match up to the potting ability of the proclaimed potters, which is why they tap. The best players in the game are the best potters. The eemad's, the destiny's, the dvz's. Most if not all the players that have gone above and beyond the level of the good and great players.

I've played plenty of tappers who've well and truly outdone me in snookering. But they've gone on to lose the frames because they don't have the potting ability to take the difficult shots on a clearance. The tapping players tend to need an easy finish to win, and have trouble digging it out themselves. Potters can win the game from any point, even from a safety which tappers can't.

The best way to beat a tapper is to clear up, else you're in for a long and tedious frame. Clear up and they look silly being 5, 6 or 7 balled because they refused to pot and went for a safety to get a carry/free shot which they often rely on to win.
Posts: 7,974
15:07 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
safety is an art form not fear

a player who brings, safety to a game dosnt fear his opponent, not at all

uk allows a tactical battle, not a few bangs to open up tables, its a true game of skill, mental strength and ability.

its a battle.

ask the top players their oppinions what game they love to play, these players are elite in this game type

of course they want a battle, to pit their wits against all players, learn and evlove thier game

potters pot ,,,,, nothing wrong with that
but hey amazing its many of them who twist

tappers win more games than they lose by far
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15:40 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
To be fair if you aren't confident on the clear why would you go for it knowing you are gonna lose? In that case you play tactical and hope your opponent doesn't clear.

I don't really like the word tappers, it is just basically having good tactical sense.
Deleted User
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15:46 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Best way to be is to be able to do both, keeps the opponent guessing

The best players are able to play equally well in both styles of play. My "tapper" game used to be my strong point, although I've always prefered a quick potting game. However my tapping is now distinctly average, but my potting's still alright.

This is showing in my win ratio as I've dropped from 75% down to 73.6%...doesn't seem like much but this does take a while for me.

Anyone can figure out where and how to hit the balls to get em in the pockets, but very few can think it out to make the frame unwinnable for the opposition.

The great players are the ones who can see a table of 15 balls left and know whether to clear or play safe and more crucially....stick with that decision.

I can still see what I should do most the time but I go for the clearance anyways
Posts: 2,094
16:24 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
To be fair if you aren't confident on the clear why would you go for it knowing you are gonna lose? In that case you play tactical and hope your opponent doesn't clear.

I don't really like the word tappers, it is just basically having good tactical sense.

Agreed mich, but there is a difference between not confident and not having the ability to do so, there is also a difference between good safety play and rolling up, that is what separates tratter and onua.
Posts: 19,967
16:35 Mon 13 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
To be fair if you aren't confident on the clear why would you go for it knowing you are gonna lose? In that case you play tactical and hope your opponent doesn't clear.

I don't really like the word tappers, it is just basically having good tactical sense.

Because you don't have to be confident on the clearance for it to work. If you thought you were going to lose whether you tried to clear or played safety, would you not take the chance and risk the clearance.

I would distiguish tappers and good tactical players, as fuunky has above.

Safety players back the lack of ability of there opponent to win games, potters back their own ability. I don't think safety play is wrong at all, but tapping up when a clearance is on is to either wind an opponent up or because the potting ability isn't good enough. In the latter, that doesn't make a good player.

Anyone can figure out where and how to hit the balls to get em in the pockets, but very few can think it out to make the frame unwinnable for the opposition.

I would say that is more of an all round or average player. A potter I would say is someone who can pot from the impossible positions, and make a table clearable where it is not. A lot of the time that is much harder positionally than most safety play

Edited at 13:38 Mon 13/05/13 (BST)
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name the best top 5 ever at 8uk?

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