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Vipers (our time to shine) Take 2

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Posts: 19,967
00:44 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can u get 3 or more on for killer today? We should have people around.

edit: 3 are on now (11:35am)

Edited at 11:35 Sun 05/05/13 (BST)

Edited at 11:35 Sun 05/05/13 (BST)

What an absolute absolute joke of clan.

What's the point in messaging me at 8 am saturday when I told you I won't be logging in after Friday afternoon until Monday to say you have 3 players online then. I told you to post it on the thread, did you even boer to quote any people we had online? No. Clearly you're just trying to score points in a default. Well done for having 3 players online and letting us know for the first time since fixtures were out, even if it was aimed at someone who was offline and you knew wouldn't log in.

Especially after you complained I only tried to organise things when I had players online and not before (you go and do it, lovely hypocrisy)

Try sticking to the time you say not a random time when we have no one online

Try getting the game played not scoring default points. What. A. Joke.
Posts: 4,971
00:46 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can u get 3 or more on for killer today? We should have people around.

edit: 3 are on now (11:35am)

Edited at 11:35 Sun 05/05/13 (BST)

Edited at 11:35 Sun 05/05/13 (BST)

What an absolute absolute joke of clan.

What's the point in messaging me at 8 am saturday when I told you I won't be logging in after Friday afternoon until Monday to say you have 3 players online then. I told you to post it on the thread, did you even boer to quote any people we had online? No. Clearly you're just trying to score points in a default. Well done for having 3 players online and letting us know for the first time since fixtures were out, even if it was aimed at someone who was offline and you knew wouldn't log in.

Try getting the game played not scoring default points. What. A. Joke.

I was asking the team, not nessecarily you, also showing you that we do get 3 on! Anyhow.. its been played, check our and fbl results thread. its just not been posted here, it was played yesterday late afternoon.
Posts: 19,967
00:48 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You still sent me a message, you're still a joke of a clan. At least it's the general consensus and not just my opinion
Posts: 4,971
00:50 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
well its all done, were progressing on. It was for all to answer, and that day , yesterday.. we had 3 - 5 online the majority of the day, and it got done late afternoon.
Posts: 19,819
00:51 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You still sent me a message, you're still a joke of a clan. At least it's the general consensus and not just my opinion

Haha -looks for a LIKE button-
Posts: 19,967
00:52 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You don't have 5 players active so I doubt that, goodbye Harry
Posts: 22,512
07:28 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season Nineteen Final Standings

FCL League

1. Professionals (Champions)
2. Snnoker Squad
3. Uprising

To see the rest of the overall League Table please use this link -

FCL Clan Cup

Professionals (Champions)
Uprising (Runner Up)

Golden Cue

1.beenjammin (80.00%)
2.r1p0m4n (74.17%)
3.bluenose1872 (73.33%)
4.onevisit (73.33%)
5.dvz (69.63%)

Please note that third and fourth are joint third.

To see the rest of the Golden Cue table please use this link -

I would like to congratulate Professionals on an outstanding season, winning the two major events in the FCL League. Also congratulations to beenjammin on winning this seasons Golden Cue with a great percentage.

I would also like to thank every clan and every clan player for taking part this season and i hope to see you all next season to for another competive season.

Thank you everyone.

Jay (Head League Runner)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:08 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I am very sorry for the delay in getting this sorted, just been a bit busy.

Defaults have now been completed and the table up to Set 5 has been updated.

Below are some links to pages on the site which you might find you want to have a peek at

FBL Table

FBL Defaults

FBL Golden Cue (Qualified)

Jema - FBL League Runner
Posts: 19,967
16:02 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I think I've played all my games for you guys now, so I shall take my leave. Been a pleasure playing for you guys. Hope I was useful to you, got a respectable % in FBL and FCL. Put in my performances of the season for you in the killer cup and FCL cup. All the best to wherever everyone else goes, great bunch of players here.

And well done to Daniel for helping out Fry and pestering a few to join up.
Posts: 19,262
19:40 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers for your help Zak bud, much appreciated
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:42 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I think I've played all my games for you guys now, so I shall take my leave. Been a pleasure playing for you guys. Hope I was useful to you, got a respectable % in FBL and FCL. Put in my performances of the season for you in the killer cup and FCL cup. All the best to wherever everyone else goes, great bunch of players here.

And well done to Daniel for helping out Fry and pestering a few to join up.

I dont have to pester you tho do i mate, where ever i go you go an vice versa
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:47 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers (1) vs (1) Elite Force
therev vs walktall (no subs)

( 0 ) - ( 0 ) Messages
( 0 ) - ( 1 ) Attempt
( 1 ) - ( 0 ) Activity
( 1 ) - ( 1 )

So guys do we know how i got NOTHING for attempt when i was posting on there thread all weekend and was getting no reply from huts and harry?

Also 1 point for activity when im online everyday of the fixture surely that is 2 points?
Posts: 22,512
20:50 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You would need to ask Jema - But if it is not in default information then it won't be used.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:51 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I sent her a lot of information Jay thats why im stumped on the points

Btw ya got a sub and hes online on snooker now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:22 Tue 7 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  

The default for therev vs walktall has been amended. Please refer to the website for the alteration.

Jema - FBL League Runner
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:59 Thu 9 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
fbl sub

was onua vs gravytrain

now _redherring_ vs gravytrain
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:33 Fri 10 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
gravy train logged in 3 times since I messaged him twice, and not replied...... can some1 give him a nudge or make a sub please??
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:59 Fri 10 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  

GT 2 - 4 RH

ggs mate wp
Posts: 8,885
20:22 Fri 10 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 6

The Professionals (27) vs (9) Vipers

beenjammin vs the_saint
king8ball1 6 vs 0 lfc12
dvz 4 vs 2 zantetsukenz
fuunky 4 vs 2 blackcabman7
al_capone_ 3 vs 3 thegreatone7
_redherring_ 4 vs 2 gravytrain
scott7a 6 vs 0 therev
i_am_blessed vs emmajackson

Deadline is: 12th May 2013
Posts: 146
19:15 Sat 11 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
emmajackson 0 (0) - mattywellie sub for i_am_blessed 3 (6)

FBL Fixture Set 6

The Professionals (27) vs (9) Vipers

beenjammin vs the_saint
king8ball1 6 vs 0 lfc12
dvz 4 vs 2 zantetsukenz
fuunky 4 vs 2 blackcabman7
al_capone_ 3 vs 3 thegreatone7
_redherring_ 4 vs 2 gravytrain
scott7a 6 vs 0 therev
i_am_blessed vs emmajackson

Deadline is: 12th May 2013
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Vipers (our time to shine) Take 2

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