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Deleted User
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16:19 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke to bluenose, the 6-0 stands unless both captains agree, which I don't, he can't post at the min due to his virgin not being good enough at their jobs. I did have to alter what he said slightly due to his choice of words, but that is the up and down of it.

So fixture is Lethal_playa 6-0 krazyash_07 tbc when they sort a time.

Whaaat?! Me?!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:19 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm happy to face anyone id they show me respect, if lethal_playa has been subbed in then I'll play him.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:20 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've said all this, the match should be void and reset from 0-0, they are claiming Jay has okayed it. What more can I do. If he hadn't been removed from their team I were seriously thinking about not finishing it, after the personal attack I received from said player on fb.

I don't need this cr ap.

I see no proof that Jay has cleared it, and even if he did, i would argue against it, this makes a complete mockery of the league (as someone said earlier) if you can just kick/remove a player mid-game and put someone else in place of him. Thats like kicking someone who is losing 0 - 5 and putting a better player in place who comes out and wins 9 - 6. How is that fair?

The game should go to default, and as UT player is no longer in clan, the default should go our way.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:20 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You goona inform me about the police coming to your house lastnight
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:21 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ill try and catch you later krazy ash_07 if i can get out of some work
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:22 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
You goona inform me about the police coming to your house lastnight

With all due respect, mind you own business.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:22 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Was a joke buddy, Calm down
Posts: 2,094
16:28 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've said all this, the match should be void and reset from 0-0, they are claiming Jay has okayed it. What more can I do. If he hadn't been removed from their team I were seriously thinking about not finishing it, after the personal attack I received from said player on fb.

I don't need this cr ap.

I see no proof that Jay has cleared it, and even if he did, i would argue against it, this makes a complete mockery of the league (as someone said earlier) if you can just kick/remove a player mid-game and put someone else in place of him. Thats like kicking someone who is losing 0 - 5 and putting a better player in place who comes out and wins 9 - 6. How is that fair?

The game should go to default, and as UT player is no longer in clan, the default should go our way.

You make a fair point there, but had ash not left the game it would of been finished last night, he also refused to finish it when he came back so in this situation it would be more unfair if the result was void.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:30 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've said all this, the match should be void and reset from 0-0, they are claiming Jay has okayed it. What more can I do. If he hadn't been removed from their team I were seriously thinking about not finishing it, after the personal attack I received from said player on fb.

I don't need this cr ap.

I see no proof that Jay has cleared it, and even if he did, i would argue against it, this makes a complete mockery of the league (as someone said earlier) if you can just kick/remove a player mid-game and put someone else in place of him. Thats like kicking someone who is losing 0 - 5 and putting a better player in place who comes out and wins 9 - 6. How is that fair?

The game should go to default, and as UT player is no longer in clan, the default should go our way.

You make a fair point there, but had ash not left the game it would of been finished last night, he also refused to finish it when he came back so it would be more unfair if the result was void.

Well let the result go to default then... im sure the result will probably end up 6 - 9 to ash or maybe even 7-7 as there is fault on both sides..

They shouldn't be able to sub in a player into a partially completed game when they player has been removed/kicked or whatever. If they disagree with replaying completely, the game should go to default, end of argument.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:33 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This thread is ace lol.

Can I just say from a neutral perspective....Ash please man up I can't help but read your posts in a 4 year olds voice. are ya? gay

James.....just LOL
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:33 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
And as for leaving through the match, its not uncommon, it has happened against us several times, and the games have always been completed.

It isn't against the rules to leave a game partially played and come back and complete it later. So that "fairness" is completely irrelevant.
Posts: 10,109
16:36 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
And as for leaving through the match, its not uncommon, it has happened against us several times, and the games have always been completed.

It isn't against the rules to leave a game partially played and come back and complete it later. So that "fairness" is completely irrelevant.

The rule is in place to guarantee incomplete games can be finished. UT's are the ones being penalized - as they have lost a player. It was good of mich to take that step, and he should be thanked for it. The 6 games was lost legitimately by ash, and from a neutral perspective - I can see no reason why they shouldn't stand.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:37 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
And as for leaving through the match, its not uncommon, it has happened against us several times, and the games have always been completed.

It isn't against the rules to leave a game partially played and come back and complete it later. So that "fairness" is completely irrelevant.

The rule is in place to guarantee incomplete games can be finished. UT's are the ones being penalized - as they have lost a player. It was good of mich to take that step, and he should be thanked for it. The 6 games was lost legitimately by ash, and from a neutral perspective - I can see no reason why they shouldn't stand.

I agree with you, i see no reason why they shouldnt stand either...
But there can be no sub mid-game, therefore the remaining 9 frames should go to default.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:38 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've said all this, the match should be void and reset from 0-0, they are claiming Jay has okayed it. What more can I do. If he hadn't been removed from their team I were seriously thinking about not finishing it, after the personal attack I received from said player on fb.

I don't need this cr ap.

I see no proof that Jay has cleared it, and even if he did, i would argue against it, this makes a complete mockery of the league (as someone said earlier) if you can just kick/remove a player mid-game and put someone else in place of him. Thats like kicking someone who is losing 0 - 5 and putting a better player in place who comes out and wins 9 - 6. How is that fair?

The game should go to default, and as UT player is no longer in clan, the default should go our way.

You make a fair point there, but had ash not left the game it would of been finished last night, he also refused to finish it when he came back so in this situation it would be more unfair if the result was void.

With all due respect you haven't the foggiest what went on so kindly mind your own business. Just another outsider thinking they know all, I have respect for you and most the time I agree with you but this time, is different.
Posts: 10,109
16:39 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The only way a sub can be made is if one of the teams removes their player from their team. It happened to us in pre-season - and I think the rule is fair tbh.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:39 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This thread is ace lol.

Can I just say from a neutral perspective....Ash please man up I can't help but read your posts in a 4 year olds voice. are ya? gay

James.....just LOL

Same applies to you, mind your own business, you have no idea what went on, so focus on your own issues and team.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:40 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lets be honest James was walking a thin line with the runners after his outbursts on here and Facebook and has deactivated anyway the rule is there for someone no longer in the clan to be subbed out mid game so someone can play.

James is no longer in the clan and now ash has to play lethal, all this arguing is gonna get people no where just get the game done an let it go.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:41 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The only way a sub can be made is if one of the teams removes their player from their team. It happened to us in pre-season - and I think the rule is fair tbh.

HOW is that rule fair??

So you're telling me if im running a clan, last fixture of season, my player needs 8 frames to win the thing. I can kick my player if he is losing 0 - 5 and sub in a better player who goes on to win 8 - 7..

HOW the hell is that fair? Explain to me?
Posts: 10,109
16:45 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The only way a sub can be made is if one of the teams removes their player from their team. It happened to us in pre-season - and I think the rule is fair tbh.

HOW is that rule fair??

So you're telling me if im running a clan, last fixture of season, my player needs 8 frames to win the thing. I can kick my player if he is losing 0 - 5 and sub in a better player who goes on to win 8 - 7..

HOW the hell is that fair? Explain to me?

In that context I see your point, but in this situation it was Ash that was losing. I agree if a player goes down heavily and does a runner - they should be the ones punished come a default.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:47 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
The only way a sub can be made is if one of the teams removes their player from their team. It happened to us in pre-season - and I think the rule is fair tbh.

HOW is that rule fair??

So you're telling me if im running a clan, last fixture of season, my player needs 8 frames to win the thing. I can kick my player if he is losing 0 - 5 and sub in a better player who goes on to win 8 - 7..

HOW the hell is that fair? Explain to me?

In that context I see your point, but in this situation it was Ash that was losing. I agree if a player goes down heavily and does a runner - they should be the ones punished come a default.

He has given a reason, and the UT player has done a "runner" too, so therefore shouldnt the UT player be punished aswell? Oh no wait, they have a rule that says if you deactivate they can make a sub.. Nice.

This rule is completely unfair. The game should go to default like all the other games where they are partially completed and the players cant complete it.
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